Can You Name All The Blue Hues, Shades, Tints, Tones And Other Variations?
There are hundreds of blue shades and we have many examples of a certain color name assigned to different HEX codes. On the other hand several blue colors are known under more than one name. We’ll try to present as many blue tints and hues as possible in slightly different arrangement as you might expect. Each color carries its own story and this article is touching dozens of them.
Blue For Trust And Authority
Blue is used to express and emphasize authority for many centuries. It is no coincidence police uniforms are so often blue or mainly of blue color. Its effect on human psychology is in most cases calming and ancient culture associated it heaven and gods. The reason is obvious: while blue is not so widespread in nature as some other colors, it dominates sky and water, two major elements in nature, both closely associated with divinity.
When King of England (George III) needed color with strong impact to immediately express royalty, several clothiers across the country tried to develop the right color and shade. Ultimately Scutts Bridge Mill won the contest. Queen Charlotte wore the robe in this color, what gave the color an alternative name Queen Blue.
#2B60DE Royal Blue
#002366 Royal Blue (Traditional)
#4169E1 Royal Blue (Web or SVG)
#0038A8 Royal Azure
#7851A9 Royal Purple
With addition of white or black we can instantly create dozens of shades and tints for the same color and with different processes of production and addition of some red or yellow inevitably followed. Especially addition of red led to dramatic changes, what can be seen at royal purple above. It’s actually pretty interesting to find out how many ways are to make color blue, which is szpposed to be a so-called basic or primary color.
Around 1950 another, lighter shade of blue became known as royal and with an introduction of computer graphics (plus numerous limitations, which were gradually changed) and so called web safe colors, we got almost more than we can handle. Simply naming colors with numbers seemed a practical idea, yet it doesn’t guarantee the standardization.
Here are a few more examples of Royal Blue:
#4876FF Royal Blue 1
#436EEE Royal Blue 2
#3A5FCD Royal Blue 3
#27408B Royal Blue 4
#3333FF Royal Blue (Safe Hex3) aka Neon Blue
We are not finished with supreme authority yet. As we already mentioned, blue is named after the queen. Palate, president, celestial and imperium all belong to that category.

#4997D0 Celestial Blue
#002395 Imperial Blue
#273BE2 Palatinate Blue
#302B54 Presidential Blue
#436B95 Queen Blue
Let’s get back to Earth and repressive apparatus where blue instantly creates the feeling of respect and authority.
#39B7CD NYPD Blue
#0BB5FF Police Strobe
#5D8AA8 Air Force Blue
#000080 Navy Blue
#5F9EA0 Cadet Blue
Navy blue, classical color of authority, can be used in very playful ways too, as we can see in the photo above. Its relative cadet blue is softer and even more appropriate for young people or less ceremonial occasions.
There are actually five more Cadet Blue colors, their names being differentiated with numbers only:
#5F9F9F Cadet Blue 1
#98F5FF Cadet Blue 2
#8EE5EE Cadet Blue 3
#7AC5CD Cadet Blue 4
#53868B Cadet Blue 5
And we can present at least five examples officially belonging to the family of navy blue colors as well!
#1974D2 Bright Navy Blue (Crayola)
#091F92 Indigo Dye
#32127A Persian Indigo
#4E5180 Purple Navy
#1D2951 Space Cadet
There are very pragmatic reasons for so many different tints of blue (or other colors). British navy blue, originally called marine blue, was slowly accepted as official color for majority of navies all over the world. But using it in harsh environment with salted water and bright sun, it always faded a bit, so several navies started to use black (believe it or not, it is available in numerous shades, too) which is significantly more resistant to weather conditions.
The final result: everything you might imagine and more!
List of Universities and Schools with Blue Uniforms
For similar reasons Schools and Universities love to include different variations of blue in their coats of arms, uniforms and here we have a selection of ten blue colors named after the prestigious schools, where they are used:
#0070FF Brandeis Blue
#A3C1AD Cambridge Blue
#7BAFD4 Carolina Blue (University of North Carolina)
#9BDDFF Columbia Blue aka Jordy Blue
#001A57 Duke Blue aka Prussian Blue (we’ll find another color with the same name later under different code)
Most of listed colleges changed colors of uniforms during centuries, so don’t be angry if you find some discrepancies among listed blues. We tried to verify each one of them at official web sites, but some of them are not updated, others offer contradictory data, and some info is simply not available.
Duke Blue offers only one of interesting stories, where they started with Yale Blue (their headmaster came from there, but after several changes decided to take #001A57 (Prussian Blue). To make things even more interesting Prussian Blue is also connected with different code (will be added later with its own story).
Columbia Blue, on the other hand, is also known under #9CDDFF and #C4D8E2 codes!
#96C8A2 Eton Blue
#002147 Oxford Blue aka Deep Cyan
#417DC1 Tufts Blue
#00356B Yale Blue
For instance, there are two HEX codes associated with it in the web: #0F4D92, also #0E4C92 for Yale Blue color. When we check the official site of Yale University, the answer is simple: #00356B, yet they allow to use blue in two pretty different shades too: #286DC0 in #63AAFF. Oxford Blue is also associated with #2F394D and #374853, and blue of University of California, Los Angeles, is connected with three more codes: #3A9AEC, #536895 in #3284BF.
To be honest – at least two of the presented colors look more green than blue to me, but, hey – who wants to get into disagreement with guys from Cambridge or Eton?
For different reasons several shades of blue color are associated with specific places or even countries.
#0072BB French Blue
#318CE7 Bleu de France
#1034A6 Egyptian Blue
#1C39BB Persian Blue
#0067A5 Medium Persian Blue
Not only countries, smaller entities like islands, harbours or even beaches gave name to specific colors of blue:
#062A78 Catalina Blue
#006DB0 Honolulu Blue
#0095B6 Bondi Blue
#517693 Malta Blue
#42C0FB Caribbean Blue
We’ll get back to water, but before that we still need to check at least one special paint with pretty romantic name – Evening in Paris (yes, there is a fragrance with the same name on the market and it’s also a name for one of popular themed parties). As you can see different paint makers offer different interpretations of this lovely color:
#254280 Evening in Paris (Berger)
#28497A Evening in Paris (Coronado)
#314D8C Evening in Paris (Kelly-Moore)
#315889 Evening in Paris (Cloverdale)
#938FA0 Evening in Paris (Behr)
Sky Blue Colors – Shades
Sky can have countless shades of blue, so we can rightfully expect several shades of sky blue. Only few of them are presented in next series:
#87CEEB Sky Blue
#87CEFF Sky Blue 1
#7EC0EE Sky Blue 2
#6CA6CD Sky Blue 3
#4A708B Sky Blue 4
Apart from these five tones of sky blue, we have five more with almost the same names, differing only by numbers or conventions.
#0099CC Sky Blue 5
#3299CC Sky Blue 6
#80DAEB Sky Blue (Crayola)
#77B5FE Sky Blue (Pourpre.com) aka French Sky Blue
#C0D9D9 Sky Light Blue
But that’s not the end! Sky blue is obviously too generic term, so more detailed names came in the list of blue colors. Light sky blue is one of them and it seems it comes in at least five shades with the same name as well:
#87CEFA Light Sky Blue
#B0E2FF Light Sky Blue 1
#A4D3EE Light Sky Blue 2
#8DB6CD Light Sky Blue 3
#607B8B Light Sky Blue 4
All right, enough of light sky colors. We all know the weather is very changeable, and we can’t expect it will be always sunny. Are you ready for some deeper and more dramatic tones of blue?
#00BFFF Deep Sky Blue aka Capri Blue aka Turquoise Blue
#00B2EE Deep Sky Blue 2
#009ACD Deep Sky Blue 3
#00688B Deep Sky Blue 4
#1B3F8B Alaska Sky
And how about few more sky blues with corresponding HTML codes?
#00AAE4 Sky blue (G&S) aka Spanish Sky Blue
#8CBED6 Sky blue (Pantone) aka Dark Sky Blue
#67C8FF Neon Blue
#4D4DFF Light Neon Blue
#38B0DE Summer Sky Blue
Color of clear sky has its own name – azure and this is how azure color got the name. We can actually offer a full set of azure colors:
#007FFF Azure Blue
#E0EEEE Medium Azure Blue aka Azure2
#C1CDCD Dark Azure Blue aka Azure3
#838B8B Deepest Azure Blue aka Azure4
#F0FFFF Azure Blue (SVG / WEB)
Did you know word azur comes from the very same root as Spanish azul, which is just short from ‘lapis azuli’? Lapis azuli is of course precious stone and we’ll come to that too! Let’s stay at shades of sky for now. When, for instance, the sun goes down, color of the sky changes and that inspired next set of variations:
#003366 Dark Midnight Blue
#000033 Hex Midnight Blue
#2F2F4F Midnight Blue
#191970 Midnight Blue (SVG)
#00009C New Midnight Blue aka Duke Blue
Well, sky was for most of the civilizations home of gods and other supreme deities. Several civilizations placed heaven or similar transcendent places. One of words, used for heaven or heavenly is celeste, so we have a pack of celestial blue tones on the list:
#B2FFFF Celeste
#E6FFFF Celeste Polvere (Dusty)
#CCFFFF Celeste Pallido (Pale)
#CCE6E6 Celeste Velato (Veiled /Overcast)
#80CCCC Celeste Opaco (Opaque)
Did you notice, we have already made a sub-list of fourty variations of sky blue colors?
Water Is Blue Too – Aqua Blue Colors With HEX Codes
The other dominant element in nature in blue color is water. Aqua is Latin for water, so we can start right here, with a series of aqua blue colors.
#00FFFF Aqua (Safe 16 SVG Hex3) aka Cyan
#BCD4E6 Pale Aqua aka Beau Blue
#88D8C0 Pearl Aqua
#66CCCC Aqua (Safe Hex3)
#05B8CC Aqua Cerulean
If we need blue shades more closely related to specific types of water, or waters with geographic names, here they are:
#35586C Pacific Blue aka Neon Blue
#7D7F94 The Nile Blue
#4CB7A5 Blue Lagoon
#67E6EC Swimming Pool Blue
#2B65EC Ocean Blue
Each of North American Great Lakes has its own specific color:
#6183A6 Lake Eerie
#5D7B93 Lake Huron
#50A6C2 Lake Michigan
#4D71A3 Lake Ontario
#506987 Lake Superior
Let’s try to compare them by satellite photo:
Well, these colors apparently vary with weather conditions and we can’t expect total match for all the tones. It’s better to continue with more tints and shades of blue. We are still at different states of water:
#74BBFB Blue Ice
#71A6D2 Iceberg
#ACE5EE Blizzard Blue
#82CFFD Blue Mist
#AF96D1 Spindrift Blue
We are not over with nonliving nature. Blue can be found in several minerals and first pigments came from some of them. Lapis Azuli is probably most famous of them. Its beauty and rarity is one of the main reasons why blue was in so many places considered as a special color, reserved for nobility and members of highest social classes.
List Of Blueish Colors Named After Minerals
Here we have a list of blues named after precious or semiprecious stones. Rember? Official history of blue color started with Lapis Lazuli!
#26619C Lapis Lazuli
#73A9C2 Moonstone Blue
#082567 Sapphire
#0EBFE9 Diamond Blue
#0198E1 Topaz
Lapis Lazuli, already magnificent with its deep blue color, often occurs in nature mixed with pyrite, known by its goldish glare, as we can see in the photo above. On the right is presented made pigment, the base of most expensive color for Renaissance painters. It’s called Ultramarine. Other four stones in the series all occur in different colors, but here are represented only in blue variations.
While we already mentioned pigments, we can present several classic blue pigments with appropriate hexadecimal codes:
#60869B Aerinite
#071762 Anthraquinone
#004379 Apatite
#3A688A Azurite
#004BA8 Cavansite
#A6E0E9 Copper Blue
#138C95 Cupric Hydroxide
#0326CA Han Blue
#283F82 Kinoite
#2A3352 Kyanite
#102AD2 Manganese Oxide
#73C2FB Blue Mayan
#044F90 Blue Pentagonite
#7AC5FC Ploss Blue
#50748C Riebeckite
#4A5CA6 Sodalite
#112F64 Tungsten Blue
#365F9D Ultramarine Ash
#0B2C41 Vivianite
#4D5B8A Woad
Remember? All this started with Lapis Lazuli! Let’s continue with another semi-precious stone, this time, known in several of blueish tones.
#4E78A0 Aquamarine Blue
#7FFFD4 Aquamarine
#66CDAA Medium Aquamarine
#32CD99 Darkened Medium Aquamarine
#76EEC6 Darkened Aquamarine
We can’t continue without another important blue tone, which is always mixed with green. Sometimes green dominates, what can be seen below at color scales and corresponding names.
#00FFEF Turquoise Blue
#34DDDD Turquoise Hex Web
#40E0D0 Turquoise
#00E5EE Standard Turquoise aka Turquoise 2
#00C5CD Deep Turquoise aka Turquoise 3
Believe it or not, we managed to compile a list of 15 turquoise colors altogether!
#AFEEEE Light Turquoise aka Pale Blue aka Pale Turquoise
#BBFFFF Paled Turquoise aka Light Turquoise
#668B8B Deepest Pale Turquoise
#48D1CC Medium Turquoise
#00CED1 Dark Turquoise
Did you know turquoise color got its name after Turkey (French term ‘pierre tuquoise’ translates as ‘Turkish stone’)? While the origin of ancient turquoise was probably area of today’s Iran, European traders got it on Turkish bazaars, what means we know at least two famous items from Turkey (turkey, the bird, originating in South America, and turquoise, precious stone, originating in Persia), not being from Turkey at all!
#00868B Darkest Turquoise
#32C6A6 Pearl Mystic Turquoise
#00F5FF Shocking Turquoise
#5E7D7E Grayish Turquoise
#A0D6B4 Green Turquoise
To round up the set we also included Green Turquoise, which already belongs to the family of green colors, but the situation with turquoise was always on the fence – blueish green or greenish blue. Some of these HTML codes are also known under different names.
Blue is one of so called cool colors. It should be no surprise to find it in various connections with different metals and other inorganic substances.
#3D59AB Cobalt Blue
#6666FF Cobalt Light
#003399 Smalt aka Dark Powder Blue
#2E37FE Stained Glass Blue
#236B8E Blue Steel
Steel obviously inspired whole family of blue colors. Please, beware – Blue Steel is not the same as Steel Blue!
#63B8FF Steel Blue
#5CACEE Steel Blue 2
#4F94CD Steel Blue 3
#36648B Steel Blue 4
#4682B4 Livid Steel Blue
Here are five variations of Light Steel Blue color.
#B0C4DE Light Steel Blue
#CAE1FF Light Steel Blue 1
#BCD2EE Light Steel Blue 2
#A2B5CD Light Steel Blue 3
#6E7B8B Light Steel Blue 4
We are still in the inorganic area, slowly moving from metals to more amorphous structures.
#ADB2BD Aluminium Blue
#73B1B7 Old Copper
#000F89 Phthalo Blue
#50729F Blue Stone
#B0E0E6 Powder Blue
Let’s digress from the materials for a moment or two: one of the colors above (Phthalo Blue) is actually commercially known by many different names: Helio Blue, Monastral Blue, Thalo Blue, Winsor Blue and also British Rail Blue. It’s known by it’s chemistry names and abbreviations Copper Tetrabenzoporphyrazine, C.I. Copper Phthalocyanine Blue, Cu-Phthalo Blue, Phthalocyanine Blue or simply CuPc. Thanks to its light fastness, opacity, spreading capacity, stability (resistance to acids and alkalies) and brilliant hue it is widely used in dyes and paints.
Now back to the main story … Slate has its own family of blues as well.
#6A5ACD Slate Blue
#836FFF Light Slate Blue
#7A67EE Slate Blue 2
#6959CD Slate Blue 3
#473C8B Slate Blue 4
There are even more Slate colors, some of them looking very blueish too, but they officially belong to the group of grey colors. Shall we move to living nature instead?
List Of Blue Colors, Named After Flowers
First blue pigments were made out of minerals, but real mass production started only after herb extraction was perfected. Many different flowers were used and this for instance resulted in whole family of cornflower blues:
#3300FF Cornflower
#6495ED Cornflower Blue
#93CCEA Light Cornflower Blue (Crayola)
#ABCDEF Pale Cornflower Blue
#344152 Blue Corn
The most famous (and stable) vegetable dye is of course Indigo, with one of variations already mentioned above at navy blue colors. Here we have five more:
#00416A Indigo
#2E0854 Dark Indigo
#6F00FF Electric Indigo
#4B0082 Indigo (SVG)
#72587F Indigo Tile
Next set is occupied by two flowers: periwinkle and lavender.
#CCCCFF Periwinkle
#AAAAFF Cute Periwinkle (Hex 3)
#B57EDC Lavender Blue (Floral)
#E6E6FA Lavender Mist Lavender (Web)
#9457EB Lavender Indigo
Both colors are known in many variations, often verging on purple or violet, sometimes on grey.
For instance, you can check this article with periwinkle color chart. Here we have five more blue flowers:
#B7C3D0 Heather Blue
#5A4FCF Iris
#7EB6FF Forget Me Nots
#A2A2D0 Blue Bell
#838EDE Nikko Blue
While blue is by no means among most prevalent colors in animal world, we can still find numerous examples of blue colors named after animals. Shall we start in water?
#6996AD Blue Shark
#42647F Whale Blue
#687C97 Tuna Blue
#6F7285 Dolphin Blue
#46C7C7 Jellyfish Blue
In animal world the color often serves as camouflage and colors of fish (and sea mammals) are not particularly attractive. Jellyfish, on the other hand uses its color as kind of warning. We also already know blue is popular in the air and animal world is no exception:
#4973AB Blue Bird
#33A1C9 Peacock Blue
#1D7CF2 Peafowl Blue
#96DED1 Pale Robin Egg Blue
#C3E4ED Robin’s Egg Blue
Some animals live in water and in the air almost equivalently. A small freshwater duck with typical blueish greenish stripe on the wings is fine example. Yes, teal is another name for that kind of duck, and yes again, we have full set of teal colors!
#367588 Teal Blue
#00FFCC Light Teal
#388E8E SGI Teal
#008080 Teal
#05EDFF Teal LED
To round up the number, we compiled five more blue colors of animals!
#003EFF Cichild Blue
#3579DC Parrot Blue
#5D92B1 Blue Sponge
#1464F4 Ulysses Butterfly Blue
#88ACE0 Blue Cow aka Moo Blue
How about people? Blue is the most popular color in the world among men and women. A few artists were so much in love with it that certain shades got the name after them. Let’s see, what we got:
#6050DC Majorelle Blue
#0047AB Parrish Blue aka Cobalt Blue
#4D6FAC Pollock Blue
#0276FD Picasso Blue
#739AC5 Seurat Blue
Here are full names of painters who inspired the aforementioned names:
Jacques Majorelle (7 March 1886 – 14 October 1962)
Maxfield Parrish (25 July 1870 – 30 March 1966)
Paul Jackson Pollock (28 January 1912 – 11 August 1956)
Pablo Ruiz y Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973)
Georges-Pierre Seurat (2 December 1859 – 29 March 1891)
And there is another special hue of blue, named after a person:
What Color is Alice Blue?
#F0F8FF (240, 248, 255) Alice Blue
#9DD3DF ICI Paints Alice Blue (157, 211, 223)
#A3A9D1 Peintures MF Bleu Alice (163, 169, 209)
#A3D7E5 CIL Alice Blue (163, 215, 229)
#A6D7DD Devoe Paint Alice Blue (166, 215, 221)
The color Alice Blue is named after Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980), the eldest daughter of Theodore Roosevelt. She was a writer and became instant fashion icon when shown at her first social event in now her signature blue hued dress. Her influence on trends in women’s dress codes was tremendous and didn’t stop at dressing in colorful clothes only. She openly ‘competed’ with men in then traditional male areas, like smoking, betting, night clubbing or car driving. This shade of blue is still very popular for gowns and it will definitely stay in demand for many years to come.
How about one even more popular shade of blue? The Baby Blue?
Baby Blue Color
The Baby Blue color is closely associated with newborns and other small male kids. This gentle hue became especially popular after the World War 2 and is always in contrast with Baby Pink, reserved for baby girls. Shall we explore the family?
#89CFF0 (137, 207, 240) Baby Blue
#C9DBE5 (201, 219, 229) Baby Blue (CIL)
#A2C6D3 (162, 198, 211) Baby Blue (Earthpaint)
#C3D7E1 (195, 215, 225) Baby Blue (ICI Paints)
#CDDBDE (205, 219, 222) Baby Blue (Devoe Paint)
You won’t find these hues of pastel blues in baby clothes only. As you can see, several brands of Baby Blue paints are on the market and we presented only a friction of them.
#A1CAF1 (161, 202, 241) Baby Blue Eyes
#7A808C (122, 128, 140) Nippon Paint Baby Blue Towel
#AAC9EA PPG Pittsburgh Baby Bunting (170, 201, 234)
#E7FEFF (231, 254, 255) Bubbles
#6CA0DC (108, 160, 220) Little Boy Blue
Let’s stay at pastels, but this time for older costumers:
David’s Bridal Dress Colors
In recent years several companies started to invent their own names for colors of their products and the wedding industry is a fine example of such practice. David’s Bridal, for instance, is an American clothier, specialized in formal wear, especially for weddings. Their colorful wedding dresses for brides and bridesmaids are extremely popular and so are their colors. These don’t have publicly known HTML codes, but thanks to our tools we can recreate pretty good approximations, so you can try few combinations on your own without actually going to the store or order samples.
Here is the first series, sometimes called Ocean:
#81CDC9 Spa
#74C6D4 Pool
#00B2D0 Malibu
#1C83B1 Pacific
#00829A Oasis
The second series of blue colors at David’s Bridal is called (how appropriately – Out of the Blue)
#A6D4EB Capri
#0289CB Cornflower
#044B9B Horizon
#384EA3 Blue Violet
#1B485D Peacock
I have to admit, these two series are not complete, because I tried to stay within five colors per series, so a few colors failed to qualify. Here they are, together with two more blueish hues from David’s Bridal coloring scheme for brides and bridesmaids:
#03807C Jade
#005162 Gem (from Ocean)
#E0F2F2 Sea Glass (from Out of the Blue)
#0D3662 Marine (from Out of the Blue)
#01A7A8 Mermaid
We are not over yet. One more shade is still there (Ice Blue) and I decided to add four more from Alfred Angelo’s own scheme, this time from their blue ties for grooms and groomsmen:
#92B1D7 Ice Blue (still from David’s Bridal)
#86C2B6 Aqua (by Alfred Angelo)
#117597 Bermuda Blue (by Alfred Angelo)
#115965 Dark Pacific (by Alfred Angelo)
#1D2F5F Ink (by Alfred Angelo)
What do you say? Time to switch to more artistic waters?
#2762EA RGB (39,98,234) Cobalt Blue Cerulean by Lascaux
#34287C RGB (52,40,124) Ultramarine Blue by Golden (Heavy Body)
#1B1E47 RGB (27,30,71) Old Delft Blue by Old Holland
#18599B RGB (24,89,155) Phthalo Blue by Daler-Rowney
#002FA7 RGB (0,47,167) Yves Klein Blue aka International Klein Blue aka IKB
This is only a start – four popular acrylic colors in comparison with one of the most interesting blue shades in the history. It is said it posses a glow like none other blue color. Yves Klein (1928-1968) was French artist who composed this very special shade from ultramarine pigment (it was made by paint supplier Edoard Adam) and synthetic resin named Medium Adam 25. It was the resin, used as a binder, which supposed to give uniqueness to the color. Klein used this color to bath the models, who, under his guidance, rolled, danced and brushed against papers and canvasses to make spectacular art works.
It’s said IKB can’t be reproduced, but the truth is rather in the lack of commercial interest by manufacturers. Well, it’s up to you to find the magic in this (or any other shade of blue), but if you started to like acrylic paints, here is also a growing post about acrylics for beginners …
My basic goal – to compile 50 shades of blue soon changed into one hundred and now this article offers more than two hundred (exactly 270 hues at the moment) variations of blue color, what officially results in the largest list of blue variations with corresponding HTML (HEX) codes on the web. My intention is to make it even longer – to achieve at least 300 different blues by the end of 2017. If you find this list, which took me hundreds of hours to collect, check and re-check, interesting, please, share it with your friends. It will inspire me to expand it as far as I could, maybe up to three hundred!

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