Hundreds of Red Shades with Names and Hex Codes
Here is the longest list of red colors of different shades, tones and tints in the world, all with their official / common / trivial names and HEX codes. They are organized by logical groups, depending on their similarities, name origins, or other common characteristics. Please note, in spite of careful checking of dozens of resources there may still be some discrepancies between this list (most complete in the WEB at the moment with 445 named red colors and still rising) and other respectful sites, dealing with colors and design.

Our basic aim is to provide a fast comparison between red colors for a wide variety of users, being artists, designers or just curious minds. If you find this list useful, please share it with your friends, readers of your blog or any other people who may find it interesting. Color red, after all, is the most intense color and actually the oldest in all known languages (right behind black and white, which are, technically speaking not real colors). The red color is so old, in some of the languages (like Latin) the word for ‘colored’ and ‘red’ is actually the same.
#FF0000 Red 1 (Safe 16 SVG Hex 3)
#EE0000 Red 2 (Hex 3)
#CD0000 Red 3
#8B0000 (Dark) Red 4 (SVG)
#FE2712 Red (RYB)
As you probably already know, there are several standards dealing with Web colors and even at so basic color as red is, we soon bump into the lack of expressions. Adding a number to the name is a simple and effective solution, but doesn’t give any additional info to the end user. From the user’s point of view, an adjective like dark gives much more sense than number 4. Here is a group of such reds:
#ED1C24 Red (Pigment)
#E72512 Pure Red
#BC243C True Red (Pantone)
#FF0033 Bright Red (Safe Hex3)
#922A31 Bright Red (Resene)
While the names are relatively explicit, we still can’t seriously work without their HEX values.
#BD4255 International Light Red
#F70000 Luminous Red
#AB4E52 Moderate Red
#E58E73 Middle Red (Crayola)
#D92121 Maximum Red (Crayola)
Darker tones of red are verging to the purple or brown very soon.
#5C0923 Very Deep Red
#FF355E Radical Red
#722F37 Dark Red aka Wine (ISCC NBS)
#3F1728 Very Dark Red
#3A181A Rustic Red
Unfortunately, these names rely too much on personal preferences and lack of absolute values, what could help to standardize a perception of a specific color in all its shades, tones, tints etc. There were several attempts to make a list of colors where everybody understands what color is associated with each specific name. These attempts were only partly successful. First of all, we are dealing with word meanings, which can be similarly subjective like the perception of colors. Then there were different interests (and powers) of groups who tried to establish the standards. And there was, of course, nonstop progress in technology. If at certain moments computers displayed only 16 different colors, today’s graphic cards show more than four million colors and they would produce even more, but the human eye can hardly recognize an even small portion of them.
#F2003C Red (Munsell)
#EE204D Red (Crayola)
#C40233 Red (NCS)
#EF3340 Red (Pantone)
#E60026 Red (G&S … Rosa Gallego & Juan Carlos Sanz)
Now it’s clear the word red simply can’t describe the color because there are so many nuances. There are few other words with essentially the same meaning, often with vague origins, sometimes coming from raw materials, sometimes mistranslated, and always leading to more variety at naming, what gives more opportunity at the description on one hand but also more confusion on the other.
Here is a family of carmine colors:
#960018 Carmine
#FF0038 Carmine Red
#801522 Carmine (Sherwin-Williams)
#D70040 Rich Carmine aka Carmine (M&P)
#A9203E Deep Carmine
Carmine color got its name after several types of insects (cochineal) which were powdered and boiled in sodium or ammonia carbonate or cooked in boiled water with the addition of different chemicals. It’s pretty clear different shades of carmine came into the market way before this color actually got any kind of official name.
#B5001A Scarlet
#EF2929 Scarlet Red 1
#CC0000 Scarlet Red 2 aka Boston University Red
#A40000 Scarlet Red 3 aka Dark Candy Apple Red
#560319 Dark Scarlet
If we can say carmine is slightly purplish, scarlet is more inclined to the orange, what means it has some yellow instead of blue in the mix. You can bet there are more than five shades of scarlet, and we are continuing with another set with names of various origins.
#8C1717 Scarlet (Netscape)
#FF3300 Scarlet (Websafe Hex 3) aka Nectarine
#FD0E35 Scarlet aka Tractor Red aka Torch Red (Crayola, since 1998)
#FC2847 Scarlet (Crayola, since 2004)
#CD392A Scarlet (AS 2700)
By the way AS stands for Australian Standard. Yes, they have slightly different perception of scarlet Down Under! It’s only fair to also mention scarlett with a double t before we continue with the family of crimson colors.
#7E2530 Scarlett (Resene)
#DC143C Crimson
#78184A Crimson (NBS ISCC TC) aka Deep Purplish Red
#711922 Crimson Red
#582124 Burnt Crimson
The origin of word crimson is similar as the word carmine – it comes from the name of the insect Kermes vermilio (please note: there is a family of vermilion colors too and the list is coming soon!), which was originally used as the source of dye. Today it is generally accepted the word for a family of strong red colors with a pinch of blueish tone. In general, it has more of the blue than carmine.
#7E191B Vermilion
#C63927 Vermilion (RAL Color Standard)
#D9381E Medium Vermilion (Plochere)
#E34234 Vermilion (Cinnabar)
#CC474B English Vermilion (Crayola)
And there is also a shade of red called Vermillion (double l) with HEX value #F4320C listed in XKCD list of colors. XKCD is a Randall Munroe’s Web comic and one of his online projects was a color name survey with around quarter of a million participants who suggested (after some heavy filtering) 954 names for different colors, including Vermillion.
How About HEX Values for Red Pigments?
According to the origin of pigment, trade route or tradition of usage, many types of red became strongly associated with certain countries. English Vermilion above is only one of them. We have also mentioned Spanish Red (Rojo) aka Red (G&S – after Rosa Gallego and Juan Carlos Sanz) with HEX code #E60026.
#E0162B Old Glory Red
#D43D1A English Red
#AB4B52 English Red (X11)
#FF5C5C Indian Red
#B94E48 (Deep) Indian Red (Crayola) aka (Deep) Chestnut (Crayola)
Old Glory is a nickname of the American flag and now you have the HTML code for the red color in it. All English and Indian reds are a different story. They are colors of soil or dirt from India, rich with iron oxide. There are several iron oxides, varying in reddish and brownish tones and the percentage of these oxides is varying too, so there are several shades with similar or even the same name.
#CD5C5C Indian Red (SVG)
#FF6A6A Indian Red 1
#EE6363 Indian Red 2
#CD5555 Indian Red 3
#8B3A3A Indian Red 4
Let’s have a few words abut Indian Red (again – called after the color of the soil in India). Crayola produces this color from 1958, but in 1999 after a suggestion of worrying parents believing this name suggest the color of the skin of American Indians, changed the name into Maroon, so you’ll find this very same color in the boxes with color pencils with this name. It was also named Vermont maple syrup in a special limited edition.
We have already mentioned insects, by which carmine and crimson colors got their names. Several of that pigments came to Europe after Spain conquered Mexico and introduced kermes insects to the dye market. Thanks to that fact and overall importance of Spanish traders we have colors named after this country. Similar stories are explaining the name of Persian reds in the next set of red colors.
#D10047 Spanish Carmine
#E51A4C Spanish Crimson
#CC3333 Persian Red
#4F212A Persian Red (Resene)
#683332 Persian Plum
The most known color in next group is probably Chinese Red, originally made from powdered cinnabar and from 8th (!) century from a synthesis of mercury and sulfur. Considering numerous factors affecting the tone of final dye, it should be not surprising if we find several relatively different shades with the same name – Chinese Red – in our case displayed only with one example.
#9B3D3D Mexican Red
#A91101 Turkey Red
#9D2933 Japanese Carmine
#AA381E Chinese Red aka China Red
#C54F33 Trinidad Red
Just like countries, other places helped to name a wide variety of red shades as well. The first presented family is Venetian red. These tones were originally achieved by iron oxide pigment, in last decades made by synthesis. A pigment is associated with two important ports: Venice (surprise, surprise) and Sinop, Turkey, thus being called sinopia as well. Venetian red was for centuries one of the most starting points for painting skin (especially among Rennesance artists). The desired tone of the skin was achieved by mixing sinopia with lime white (approximately two parts of Venetian red and one part of Lime white).
#C80815 Venetian Red
#5B1F22 Venetian Red (Resene)
#B33B24 Dark Venetian Red (Crayola)
#CC553D Venetian Red (Crayola)
#E6735C Light Venetian Red (Crayola)
Tuscany is a region in Italy, but Tuscan Red has nothing to do with it. It’s actually kind of a signature color of Pennsylvania, USA, where it was used for coloring passenger cars at the railroad. Similarly, the closely related color came into use in Canada and Australia. The color is originally based on iron oxides (family of Indian Reds), but due instability dyes based on aniline became the standard.
#7C3030 Tuscan Red
#FAD6A5 Tuscan
#C09999 Tuscany
#AD6242 Tuscany (Resene)
#A67B5B Tuscan Tan
As you noticed, all the most popular tones of Tuscan red possess pretty high values of green, what relates the whole family with brown colors. There is also a well-known color Tuscan Brown with HEX code #6F4E37. We’ll continue with Italy and several antique / historical places, where specific types of reds got their names.
#9E3332 Milano Red
#86282E Monza
#940000 Pompeii Red
#9E1316 Spartan Crimson
#99002 Tyrian Red aka Tyrian Purple
Most of the presented names are self-explanatory, maybe we should just clarify the name Falu Red, named after Falun, Sweden, where well-known copper mine is located. You’ll also notice Kobe, Japan, for most of us best known by the most famous beef in the world. Bordeaux, on the other hand, is famous due their (red!) wine. We’ll deal with wine related reds soon. Or maybe a bit later – there are many groups to explore out there!
#D4574E Valencia
#801818 Falu Red
#CB6F4A Red Damask
#882D17 Kobe
#4C1C24 Bordeaux
Some places are so well-known by rd color, different paint makers started naming their paints after them. The problem is each one of them interpret red differently. One such problem is Sedona:
#AC614F Sedona Clay (Benjamin Moore)
#AF663F Sedona Clay (Evonik-Degussa)
#C19982 Sedona Sand (Kelly-Moore)
#DF9371 Sedona Stone (Nippon Paint)
#452927 Sedona Bronze (General Motors)
Considering the importance of red, definitely the most powerful color in the spectrum, we can expect it as an official color or part of official palette at important organizations. Let’s start with universities:
#CB333B Louisiana Tech University
#990000 USC (University of South Carolina) Cardinal Red aka Crimson Tide (University of Alabama) aka OU Crimson Red (University of Oklahoma)
#B70101 University of Wisconsin–Madison aka Badger Red
#C8102E University of Huston
#B31B1B Cornell Red aka Carnelian
It’s not surprising to find out several universities use the same tone of red like we can see at code #990000, sometimes also named Crimson Red (we have already presented different color with the same name and different HEX value) or Stizza. The word stizza is of Italian origin and it essentially means anger. We’ll deal with red shades related with emotions later.
#8C1515 Cardinal Red (Stanford University)
#BB0000 Ohio State University Red
#CC0033 Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Red
#7B1113 (University of Philippines) UP Maroon aka Tibetan Red
#D9004C UA (University of Arizona) Red
One of the reds above is called Maroon, after the marron, what is a French word for chestnut. We’ll take some time for the family of maroon colors, brownish red tones, later, where we’ll deal with red in nature, especially in the world of plants. Let’s complete the series of reds, assigned with universities.
#E8000D KU Crimson (University of Kansas)
#841617 Oklahoma Crimson
#AF002A Alabama Crimson
#D3003F Utah Crimson (University of Utah)
#C90016 Harvard Crimson
We can find the color for Harvard Crimson Red under #A51C30 value too. Some of the universities use more than one tone of red for their logotypes, team dresses, etc., what means you should check at their official sites before using any of this information. We will continue with another set of red colors, this time, assigned with authority in general.
As you know, red is associated with aggression and (mostly) masculine power. Red, scarlet, carmine and crimson were colors worn by important and influential people many centuries before these colors got their names. Let’s introduce the first set of reds with names suggesting an absolute power:
#ED2939 Imperial Red
#901E1D Insignia Red
#C13311 Regency Red
#853E3C Monarch (BS 4800)
#803A4B Camelot
In the case you don’t know BS stands for British Standard. Being among royalties and other authorities, let’s look at church dignitaries too. There is a whole family of red shades named after cardinals (we have actually already seen some of them), who were among first who wore gowns of such colors. Please be aware red color was not allowed for regular people in many cultures. You’ll soon see how is this color popular among car makers and in traffic in general.
#C41E3A Cardinal (Maerz and Paul)
#8A244E Cardinal (Resene)
#9D101C Cardinal (Sherwin-Williams)
#D41F18 Ford Cardinal Red
#B5342D General Motors Cardinal Red
The color red is strongly related to several brands in automobile industry and Ferrari is among most popular ones. Apparently, this is not enough because the manufacturers decided to associate a specific color for racing cars coming from Italy. Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari, Lancia and Maserati all used this color, which was adopted in honor of Prince Scipione Borghese who won the race from Peking to Paris in 1907 in – red colored Ferrari.
#FF2800 Ferrari Red
#D40000 Rosso Corsa
#F24816 Rail Red aka Azo Orange
#A0333A Aircraft Red aka CARC (Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission) Aircraft Red, ANA 619 aka International Red
#AF1E2D Sign Red
Ferrari Red is associated with #FF1C00 as well. Traffic is of course closely related to danger, signals, safety, prevention and exclusion.
We find it in several standardized tones of red, which can be, despite different HTML / RGB / HEX codes pretty similar to each other.
#A6001A W3-Highway-Red aka DoT Highway Red
#BD1E24 W3-Safety-Red aka OSHA Safety Red
#9D3C3F 11086 DoT Highway Red (Federal standard 595)
#9E3A40 11105 OSHA Safety Red, DoT Red (Federal standard 595)
#B04243 11120 OSHA Safety Red (Federal standard 595)
According to different standards and acceptable tolerance we can find some of the mentioned colors with same names and different HTML codes. We have similar situation in the next group too. By the way: RAL (Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung – Imperial Commission for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance) is a well-known and widely used European color standard.
#BA312B Signal Red (AS 2700)
#A02128 Signal Red (RAL 3001)
#E03C31 tudi #E23D28 CG Red (Coast Guard)
#A93D43 Coast Guard Buoy Red
#E62200 Coast Guard Red #40
For Coast Guard we actually have at least two different hues of red, apart from #E03C31 they use #E23D28 too. The power of color red was always present as dominant, being able to control the people and organisations. We are not surprised finding it transformed into the world of giant corporations as well. Some of presented HTML codes are simulated hex values.
#D50F25 tudi HEX: #EA4335 Google Red
#C4302B Youtube Red
#CA0002 CNN Red
#ED1C16 Coca-Cola
#E32934 Pepsi
Google Red is known for another HEX code: #EA4335. Red color is extremely important in all areas, where we want to focus attention of the observer on something specific. While human eye yellow is most to yellow color, we use red for another reason, based on hard science. John William Strutt, more known as Lord Rayleigh found out it’s red which thanks to its highest wavelength in the visual spectra disperse least of all colors. This guarantees we’ll see red signs best of all.
#B44441 Post Office Red
#CE2029 Fire Engine Red
#69293B Siren
#FF5333 Safety Cone
#C1121C Traffic Red (RAL 3020)
We all know how we use red color to mark important facts (underlined in red, being in red numbers) and the names in the next set of reds show exactly that.
#C51F1F Find The Company Red
#883531 Totem Pole
#71333C Ribbon
#AD522E Red Stage
#962C54 Lipstick
It really doesn’t matter if we want to warn or attract somebody, red is here to give you a heads up. We often say it’s a warm color, but in sometimes it is more than warm – it’s hot!
#E25822 Flame
#AB2524 Flame Red
#F60018 Laured aka Torch
#CF1020 Lava
#A85533 Vesuvius
We have more reds (although quite brownish and purplish) with names associated with heat, flames and fire:
#8C3F30 Embers
#633528 Hairy Heath
#4F2A2C Heath
#D70000 Fire
#8F3F2A Fire (Resene)
Before we turn towards to the brown side let’s see some more!
#F9423A Warm Red (Crayola)
#FF3855 Sizzling Red (Crayola)
#FF404C Sunburnt Cyclops
#4E2728 Volcano
#B22222 Fire Brick (SVG)
The family of fire brick colors belongs to the scarlet reds and their name came from the color of bricks, which were (and still are) made in a fire.
#FF3030 Fire Brick 1
#EE2C2C Fire Brick 2
#CD2626 Fire Brick 3
#8B1A1A Fire Brick 4
#8E2323 Fire Brick 5
While we are dealing with buildings, we should also mention some red paints.
Popular red paints
One of the oldest red paints used by construction workers is definitely red. In America red paint is especially popular paint for barns. There are several reasons for that:
- It makes a nice contrast with white farm buildings.
- It was traditionally made of flex-seed oil mixed with rust (iron oxide), inexpensive and effective protection against moist and fungi.
- When first commercial paints came to the market in 19th century red was the cheapest.
- Today we have many lovely alternatives and new barns are not necessarily painted red, but many producers still offer red paints with barn in the name:
#A5554E (165,85,78) Red Barn (Web)
#7C0A02 (124,10,2) Barn Red (Web)
#733D39 (115,61,57) Barn Red (Behr)
#8A5958 (138,89,88) Barn Door (Olympic)
#905959 (144,89,89) Barn Door (Porter Paints)
Here we can compare two web safe barn red colors with eight (altogether) paints mad by commercial paint-makers. The are relatively different but always more on the brownish, burnt side of the spectrum-
#7F453C (127,69,60) Red Barn (Sherwin-Williams)
#822A36 (130,42,54) Barn Red (Ralph Lauren)
#842928 (132,41,40) Pottery Barn (Benjamin Moore)
#945B58 (148,91,88) Barn Door (Taubmans)
#AF5453 (175,84,83) Barn Red (Dulux Paint)
Don’t forget – red color was one of the most obvious signs of success and having one’s own barn was definitely something to be proud off. Similar is true for cottages – today wo don’t look at them as cheap homes, but rather as extras for different purposes. Here are several examples of paints, named after typical red or reddish cottages:
#7F565B (127, 86, 91) Cottage Charm (Behr)
#D4B1B8 (212,177,184) Victorian Cottage (Diamond Vogel)
#F3DDD8 (243,221,216) Cozy Cottage (Porter Paints)
#F7DCDD (247,220,221) Primrose Cottage (Cloverdale)
#F8DCDE (248,220,222) Primrose Cottage (Vista Paint)
As you can see, these cottage red colors tend towards pink spectrum of colors. On the other hand we also have a selection with relatively large amounts of yellow, thus being more orange or brown:
#682A27 (104,42,39) Cottage Red (Benjamin Moore)
#855B51 (133,91,81) Jekyll Club Cottage Brick (Valspar Paint)
#876D65 (135,109,101) Lincoln Cottage Brown (Valspar Paint)
#A85846 (168,88,70) Cottage Spice (Diamond Vogel)
#C5826C (197,130,108) Cottage Clay (Behr)
Being the sign of nobility and prestige, it’s only natural to expect red colors named after precious or semiprecious stones.
#E0115F Ruby
#9B111E Ruby Red
#841B2D Antique Ruby aka Deep Red
#D10056 Rubine Red
#CE4676 Ruber
Ruby ( a chemical mixture of aluminum oxide with microelements, namely chromium) is by far the most popular red color related to minerals.
#AA4069 Ruby (Crayola)
#843F5B Ruby (BS 381)
#711521 Pearl Ruby Red
#9C2542 (approx) Big Dip O’Ruby (Metallic FX Crayola)
#97463C Mojo
(Of course BS stands for British Standards.) With such popularity, we can only expect to have several ruby colors in numerous existing standards. Garnet, geranium, and other gemstones are less known and standardization is much easier, although far from being simple.
Please note, all metallic colors (like Big Dip O’Ruby) are only HEX approximations because currently there is no mechanism to display exact metallic effect on computer screens.
#943543 Garnet (Pantone)
#BC3F4A Geranium aka Sanguine aka Strong Red
#D73B3E Jasper
#933D41 Smokey Topaz
#832A0D Smokey Topaz (Crayola)
All kinds of chemical substances can be red or reddish colored, and some of the chemicals gave their names to specific red tints. In all cases, the color is dependent on the ion state in the substance. Iron, for instance, can be of reddish or greenish color, depending on the electron structures of the compounds (that’s why most of the beer and wine bottles are brownish or greenish).
#E30022 Cadmium Red
#E3170D Cadmium Red Deep
#FF030D Cadmium Red Light
#71006A Cobalt Red Violet
#98817B Cinereous
The most known, yet far from being among most popular substances is rust. When iron is exposed to oxygen and if there’s some water (vapors are enough) it changes color from shiny silverish to reddish brown. Here are some colors, related to that tones.
#B7410E Rust
#D0674F Red Dust
#DA2C43 Rusty Red
#B47360 Rust Red
#E44C9A Pantone Uncoated Rhodamine Red
The most known metal of red color is copper and we didn’t forget to include few examples of these shades of red as well. To be honest, most of us would put all of them into browns.
#CB6D51 Copper Red
#6C322E Kenyan Copper
#6E3D34 Metallic Copper
#663334 Red Oxide
#5D1F1E Red Oxide (Resine)
Most types of soil are brown and some of them can have pretty intensively reddish tones. In the majority of cases, the reason is iron oxide, which is roughly just a fancy name for rust.
#8E3928 Red Prairie
#9A150E Red Ochre
#FF5721 Flesh Ochre
#E2725B Terra Cotta
#CC4E5C Dark Terra Cotta
We could go on and on with soils, but’ it’s probably better to save colors like Prairie Sand (HEX #883C32) or Clay Pot (HEX #9A4A33) for a separate article, dedicated to color brown. While we slowly moved from inorganic to organic nature, we can now continue with plants, known by red color. Or – better – with tones of red, named after different plants.
#673F45 Beetroot (California paint)
#FE6F5E Bittersweet
#D44942 Chili
#9B2335 Chili Pepper
#7C2D37 Paprika
While everybody knows how a beetroot or paprika, two typically red plants look, we mostly associate word bittersweet with taste or feelings. We’ll meet a family of reds related with feeling later, but at this moment only say we are not dealing with anything abstract. Bittersweet is just another word for bitter nightshade, also called climbing nightshade, poisonberry, felonwood (Solanum dulcamara) with characteristic red berries. This color can qualify among orange too.
How about another set of plants, associated with color red?
#AF4035 Cola
#87382F Crabapple
#B33654 Hibiscus
#672F30 Japanese Maple
#6B342A Meranti
Plants above have red blossoms, berries, leaves, wood or some combination of above. To make a comparison, we present a photo of crabapple from Pixabay.
We are not finished yet.
#BE0032 Pimento aka Vivid Red (Resene) aka Crimson Glory
#651C26 Pohutukawa
#A45A52 Redwood
#5B342E Redwood (Resene)
#9D442D Rockspray
Did you know pimento is a kind of paprika? Can you see the similarities of Pohutukawa red color with pohutukawa tree’s blossoms?
Ande there is more!
#8A2A52 Rosebud Cherry
#65000B Rosewood
#752B2F Tamarillo
#3E2F2E Tamarind
#AA2429 Waratah
We could go on and on with red colors related with plants, especially if we include all orange, pink, purple or brown shades, but instead of that let’s focus only on ones that are the most known by signature red color. Tomato, a so-called fruit-vegetable and close relative of before mentioned nightshade is definitely one of them.
#FF6347 Tomato 1 (SVG)
#EE5C42 Tomato 2
#CD4F39 Tomato 3
#8B3626 Tomato 4
#9C322E Tomato Red
We should not forget a rhubarb, which is in many areas very popular in the kitchen too.
#AD071D Rhubarb Red
#7E3949 Dulux Australia Ripe Rhubarb
#AB555F Rhubarb (Behr 130D-5)
#BF4F4F Benjamin Moore Rhubarb
#77202F Rhubarb (Pantone)
Maroon is kind of chestnut, a tasty and edible seed with characteristic reddish brown or brownish red color. This family of colors, popular at all kinds of paints, including hair colors, is so abundant, we can present two full sets of five colors with an addition of another family of closely related colors called after chestnut.
#B03060 Maroon (X11) aka Rich Maroon
#FF34B3 Maroon 1
#EE30A7 Maroon 2
#CD2990 Maroon 3
#8B1C62 Maroon 4
#800000 Maroon (16 SVG)
#421814 Maroon (W3-ANA-510)
#5A3839 Royal Maroon
#AD4379 Mystic Maroon
#915F6D Aztec Maroon
#C32148 Bright Maroon aka Maroon (Crayola)
#412327 Maroon (Resene)
#7E354D Velvet Maroon
#402327 Maroon (Resene)
#691F01 Maroon 5
In the next set, you’ll find a strange word catawba. This is not a maroon or chestnut, but sort of grape, used for jams, jelly, juice, and of course wines, which deserve another section of colors just for themselves. We included it to present a related color from the same group.
#954535 Chestnut (Maerz and Paul)
#C34A2C Chestnut Red
#633A34 Chestnut Brown (RAL 8015)
#986960 Dark Chestnut
#703642 Catawba
Before we make a move to fruits, let’s take a moment for another very special group of reddish brown tones called after the mahogany, name for the wood of different species of trees (Swietenia family), including hybrids, being different quality, and, as far this article is concerned, of different colors. Here are some of them, and we’ll meet some more in the post about shades of brown.
#C04000 Mahogany
#CD4A4C Mahogany Red
#483230 Mahogany (Resene)
#79443B Mahogany (NBS/ISCC TC)
#CA3435 Mahogany (Crayola)
The red color is an attractive one, although most of the insects can’t see it. On the other hand, birds and mammals love it and plants developed many gorgeous fruits that attract animals, including people, who spread the seeds in exchange of beautiful (and often very tasteful) fruits. As you’ll see, some fruits are so popular they created special categories of red colors named after for them. Here are several groups of red colors named after various fruits:
#FBCEB1 Apricot
#FF9966 Atomic Tangerine
#43182F Blackberry
#873260 Boysenberry
#C14F3B Clementine
Just like before, there are a lot of tones inclining to pink, purple, orange or brown color palettes, depending on the percentage of yellow and blue in the mixture.
Maybe we can clarify a bit about French raspberry. There are numerous raspberries all belonging to the genus Rubus. Some are named after colors, like blue, black, yellow and even golden, but we’ll not go into details. We’d rather add there are no species named French raspberry! The name of the color, in fact, came from French raspberry syrup of distinctive vivid pinkish red color.
#5E2A40 Mulberry (Resene)
#C54B8C Mulberry (Crayola)
#55141C Passion Fruit
#B93B8F Plum
#8D1D30 Pomegranate
At this point, we can ask what’s the difference between plums and prunes? Well, the latin name for plums is Prunus (the same family as cherries, which will soon come in the spotlight), so it’s logic to expect we are dealing with the same kind of fruit. A prune is actually a dried plum and this can be seen as their colors above and below.
#701C1C Prune
#F5785A Pummelo Pulp
#B42041 Raspberry Red
#701F28 Redberry
#842833 Shiraz
The least known fruit above is probably Shiraz. It’s a sort of a grape, from which red wine is made. It originates in France but is grown in many areas of the world, varying in taste, depending on the climate and soil. There are several hard to prove myths about the relation of grape called Shiraz with Shiraz, the capital of Persian empire (today’s Iran) or Syracuse (Syrah is another name for that grape).
Is it finally time to present a strawberry?
#BE2625 Strawberry
#D14152 Strawberry Red
#FC5A8D Strawberry (Crayola)
#CD5D34 Tangerine (Resene)
#FF9980 Vivid Tangerine (Crayola)
While everybody knows strawberry, many people don’t distinguish between tangerine and mandarin. Tangerine has a bit smaller and prolongated shape of fruits, it has thicker skin, yet both taste pretty similar. As you can see colors named by different standards don’t always look the same. Even more – those standards are not fixed either. Knowing the HEX (HTML) code is probably the best option.
#F2473F Watermelon Pulp
#FF43A4 Wild Strawberry
#FC6C85 Wild Watermelon
#FD5B78 Wild Watermelon (Crayola)
#522C35 Wineberry
We can find a color named wineberry with HEX code #533039 too. One of the most popular fruits of the world is an apple and we can find it in several tones of red, yellow or green color. Let’s see the red part of the family for now.
#9D1309 Red Delicious Apple
#FF0800 Candy Apple Red aka Apple-Candy Red
#A9373D Candy Apple Red (Behr 8371)
#E2062C Medium Candy Apple Red
#D66F62 Fuji Apple
Cherry has even more types of red colors. We have found enough for two whole sets of cherry red colors.
#C40000 Cherry
#B3446C Cherry (NBS/ISCC TC) aka Irresistible
#C41C22 Cherry aka Post Office Red (BS 381) BS … British Standard
#DA2647 Cherry (Crayola)
#8B4131 Dark Cherry aka Russet aka Monarch (BS 381)
#FF0047 Cherry Red
#6C132B Dark Cherry Red
#330000 Dark Cherry Red (Safe Hex3)
#A02422 Bing Cherry
#790604 Krylon Cherry Red
Cerise if French for cherry and we have two whole sets of cerise colors too. But for the moment we conclude at 300 shades of red!
#DE3163 Cerise
#DA3287 (Deep) Cerise (Crayola)
#E23D80 Cerise Red
#EC3B83 Cerise Pink
#DA3163 Cerise Magenta (Crayola)
It is not our intention to present all the subtle difference between cherries and cerise. For our main purpose, it’s probably enough to say that cerise colors have a larger percent of blue, what means they are in general slightly inclined to purple / violet spectra.
#9F1F4C Medium Cerise
#DA1D81 Vivid Cerise
#E8A2CE Very Pale Cerise
#F400A1 Hollywood Cerise aka Fashion Fuchsia
#BB3385 Strong Cerise
Cerise colors are often similar with Fuchsia colors, so it’s only fair to proceed with flowers, which gave their name to several reds as well.
We have already mentioned several red flowers, which are a special story for themselves, because they can’t be seen by the majority of insects, otherwise the best pollinators of all. This means red flowers should rely on their smell or other pollinators, like tropical birds or wind.
#A95249 Apple Blossom (Resene)
#E52B50 Amaranth
#FFB7C5 Cherry Blossom Pink
#A84F51 Gerbera Daisy (Laura Ashley 44-23)
#D77A02 Wild Orchid
#FF3800 Coquelicot
#BE5C48 Flamepea
#F20500 Poppy
#87141F Poppy Flower
#853534 Tall Poppy
A family of roses, where we can also find white and yellow sorts, are so abundant, we constructed two groups just for this undoubtedly the most popular flower in the world.
#FF033E American Rose
#480607 Bulgarian Rose
#D3545F Rose (RAL)
#FF5050 Rose (Crayola)
#D3A194 Rose (Resene)
Considering the fact breeders create new sorts of roses all the time, this family could expand anytime soon.
#905D5D Bois De Rose
#C48379 Grecian Rose
#AC512D Rose of Sharon (Resene)
#ED0A3F Smell the Roses (Red)
#532934 Black Rose
How about animals? Red is a color of aggression, attention, and attraction. It is well distributed through birds, especially males, who try to show themselves in best light in front of females, it is pretty popular at fish, color of warning in the world of insects (who are trying to warn especially birds) but relatively rare among terrestrial animals, where it’s much easier to find more earth tones, like reddish brown or brownish red.
#F58F84 Ibis Wing Color
#B13F44 Ladybud Red (Benjamin Moore)
#913228 Red Kite
#7D4138 Red Robin
#98010D Redwing
Color puce red has an interesting story as well. It’s a color of stains remaining on the sheets of the person, who was a victim of flea bites. Even washing couldn’t remove them. In many areas of the world fleas are actually very much still a present threat, so we should not be surprised to find so many types of puce color.
#CC8899 Puce (NBS/ISCC TC)
#A95C68 Puce (M&P)
#4E1609 Puce (Pourpre color list)
#4F3A3C Puce (Pantone)
#ECC3BF Piglet Snout
There is a widely spread misconception about corals belonging to the world of plants. They are actually animals (invertebrates) and their skeletons are the essential component of famous coral reefs, where so many plants and animal species live. Characteristic color of corals is somewhere between red, pink and orange, thus being seen as girlish for many years.
#FF7F50 Coral (SVG)
#FF7256 Coral 1
#EE6A50 Coral 2
#CD5B45 Coral 3 aka Dark Coral
#8B3E2F Coral 4
We have designated coral as a girlish color. Salmon, although of pretty similar tones, is completely different story. If a certain piece of cloth is colored with one of the colors from the next family, it will be very likely described as pink if it’s for women or salmon, if it’s for men.
#FA8072 Salmon (SVG)
#FF8C69 Salmon 1
#EE8262 Salmon 2
#CD7054 Salmon 3
#8B4C39 Salmon 4
#FF91A4 Salmon (Crayola)
#FF3333 Nova Scotia Salmon (Safe Hex3)
#FF6666 Seattle Salmon (Safe Hex3)
#F1444A Salmon Pearl (Crayola)
#F77D64 Salmon Red (BS4800) aka Lobster aka Azalea
#FFA07A Light Salmon (SVG)
#EE9572 Light Salmon 2
#CD8162 Light Salmon 3
#8B5742 Light Salmon 4
#E9967A Dark Salmon
Red is an appetite stimulant and red food color is a mandatory part of many meals. It is also very popular in packaging, in a tablecloth and even in restaurant logotypes. We listed several families of reds named after different kinds of food or spice.
#C65D57 Bacon
#FFC1CC Bubble Gum
#8D4338 Red Gum
#C73F17 Chili Powder
#7B3F00 Cinnamon
#FC1501 Gummi Red
#B13E0F Kidney Bean
#CC5058 Lollipop
#DA614E Jelly Bean
#7D0541 Plum Pie
We are not over yet. Apart from the food, we find red appealing at drinks too. Sauces, cocktails, and beverages are another interesting groups to know.
#FD3A4A Red Salsa (Crayola)
#8E3A36 Tabasco
#A83239 Punch
#582F2B Moccaccino
#822A32 Sangria
Moccaccino is misspelled for Mochaccino and sangria is a mixed drink with red wine base, where different fruits, and maybe some additional sweetener and other drinks are present. By the way, you can find color named Sangria with hex code #92000A too. In Spanish sangria means blood. We’ll devote a whole group to blood red colors later. Let’s use the drink made from wine to wine red colors.
Yes, we finally came to one of the largest groups of red tones – with names coming from wines.
#5E2028 Wine Red (RAL 3005)
#990012 (Garnet) Red Wine
#955264 Vin Rouge
#AC1E44 French Wine (Lie de Vin)
#881824 Plascon Red Red Wine
There are also codes #7F1A1A, #85274E, #580B1C for color called Wine Red. Vin Rouge, of course, means red wine in French (yet French Wine has its own color).
#800020 Burgundy aka Ox Blood
#652525 Burgundy (Resene)
#9F1D35 Vivid Burgundy
#43302E Old Burgundy
#73343A Merlot (Resene)
#7F1734 Claret (XONA)
#8B3F3F Claret H8 (Rodda)
#6E2233 Claret (Resene)
#562627 AMC Claret
#673147 Claret (NBS ISCC/TC) aka Wine Dregs
*Colortrend Pinot #7D5E67
*Pinot Noir (Sico 6039-41) #BDA3A5
*Cabernet (Benjamin Moore) #6C5B65
*Cabernet (Alcro) #230411
*Raspberry Wine (Pantone) #B63157
Here we have exactly 445 codes for different red shades, organised in groups by their name. If you think we are over, you are wrong – we will continue adding them and the number 500 is not too far away … See ya!