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Valentine’s Colors – dozens of shades with examples with HEX and RGB codes


What Are the Best Colors for St. Valentine’s Day?

Wanna pick a perfect set of Valentine’s colors? Are there only red, white, and pink, or could we expand the palette? What to wear and how to choose appropriate Valentine’s colors for nails?

We’ll present the official Valentine’s colors with their more and less known meanings to allow you to make the best of St. Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Red

Red is the obvious choice for Valentine’s. It’s the color of passion and love, life and blood. A bouquet of red roses is a classic gift for the lady of a gentleman’s heart. But we can do much more with the color red, especially if we are willing to dive a bit deeper and play with its numerous shades and countless combinations with other colors. We will also present a few Valentine’s related products from Amazon to expand your experience beyond the theory. As Amazon’s associate’s we may earn a small comission in case you buy one of the products, but this will have no effect on your price.

If you wander about Valentine’s color code, we got you covered. Let’s start with St. Valentine’s red colors:

#E55451 (229, 84, 81) Valentine Red (Computerhope)
#D41F3A (212, 31, 58) Valentine Red Color (Color Name)
#E72650 (231, 38, 80) Valentine Color (Color Name)
#B233B (155, 35, 59) Valentine Red Color (Crispedge)
#BC3440 (188, 52, 64) Valentine Red (Colourlovers)

The set of Valentine’s reds above comes from various unofficial web sources. Different international standards used to compile this list of red colors don’t have Valentine Red on the list. Yet.

But we all know things can change, right?

The paint makers already offer several red paints named after St. Valentine.

#AE3162 (174, 49, 98) Vista Paint Valentine’s Kiss / Berger Valentine’s Kiss / Scib Paints Valentine’s Kiss
#B44F51 (180, 79, 81) Sico Valentine Card / Crown Diamond Valentine Card
#A5414D (165, 65, 77) Benjamin Moore My Valentine
#DC6B6E (220, 107, 110) CIL Funny Valentine
#DF6B6B (223, 107, 107) Devoe Paint Funny Valentine / Color Your World Funny Valentine

It’s always interesting to note how the perception of color, even if it’s associated with a specific action, event, feeling, or, in this case, holiday, varies. Different companies see Valentine’s Red paint as presented above and below.


#D86367 (216, 99, 103) ICI Paints Funny Valentine
#A53A4E (165, 58, 78) Sherwin-Williams Valentine
#984053 (152, 64, 83) MyPerfectColor Valentine Red
#DE6167 (222, 97, 103) Dulux Funny Valentine
#AA323A (170, 50, 58) Sico Valentine

We are not finished with the list of Red Valentine’s paints. If you are looking for the next color of your walls, don’t forget it’s a vibrant color, loaded with energy, and definitely not suitable for places where you need peace and focus.

Even if you are aiming for intensity and passion, you should probably think about such paint only in balance with very carefully chosen other colors (edges, furniture, ceiling, …).

#AA3132 (170, 49, 50) Crown Diamond Valentine
#A23B4E (162, 59, 78) Sherwin-Williams My Valentine
#BB3E3B (187, 62, 59) PPG Pittsburgh Paints Valentine
#972438 (151, 36, 56) Kelly-Moore Valentine Red
#DD636A (221, 99, 106) Canadian Tire Funny Valentine

Red is the first choice for St. Valentine’s Day. It works best in combination with white and we managed to find a few white (or whiteish) colors too.


White Paints for St. Valentine’s Day

White is the color of youth and innocence. It’s the color of new beginnings. If you just started a romance with somebody, white should be very appropriate for Valentine’s.

#FBF3ED (251, 243, 237) Behr Happy Valentine
#DCCBCB (220, 203, 203) Do it Best Valentine Lace
#D7CAC9 (215, 202, 201) ColorLife Valentine / Colorwheel Valentine / Kwal Paints CL Valentine
#F3D9D6 (243, 217, 214) Glidden Scented Valentine / PPG Pittsburgh Paints Scented Valentine
#F2DDE7 (242, 221, 231) Clark+Kensington My Valentine

White works great for backgrounds and even white paints in our list don’t look completely white, their pinkish, creamy, or beige hues perfectly complement most of the reds presented before. This is useful for any kind of design you are planning.

Valentine’s Pink

As a mixture of red and white pink tries to catch the best of both worlds. It’s lively as red and soft as white. This is a color of admiration and elegance. Pink is undoubtedly the most feminine color of all.

#F6ADC6 (246, 173, 198) Valentine Pink (Colorsexplained)
#BA779F (186, 119, 159) Behr Valentine Heart
#893C60 (137, 60, 96) Earthpaint Sweet Valentine
#E7D2D5 (231, 201, 213) Olympic My Valentine
#E3A4C5 (227, 164, 197) ICI Valentine Pink


While by definition pink is made of red and white, we can play with the proportions to get dozens of different shades. When we add a certain percentage of yellow and blue, things become more complicated.

#F7C5D8 (247, 197, 216) Bristol Valentine’s Day
#E2A3C4 (226, 163, 196) Ameritone Devoe Valentine Pink / Canadian Tire Valentine Pink
#F4CBE5 (244, 203, 229) Benjamin Moore Valentine’s Day
#E3A6C5 (227, 166, 197) CIL Valentine Pink
#E6A6BE (230, 166, 190) Devoe Paint Valentine Pink

Some pink paints look more purplish, some are inclined to orange, and some are so pale, they edge on bright grey. In any case, the paint producers offer so many pink colors named after Valentine, everybody can find something for himself.

#EFC1CB (239, 193, 203) Dutch Boy Valentine Pink
#EAA5C7 (234, 165, 199) Glidden Valentine Pink
#F0B1B3 (240, 177, 179) Porter Paints Pink Valentine
#F4D9D7 (244, 217, 215) Porter Paints Scented Valentine
#F2D3E0 (242, 211, 224) Behr Scented Valentine / Dulux Australia Lily Legs Half


Valentine’s Purple Colors

Purple is the color of intuition and mystery. It’s the color of magic. And what, if not love, is the ultimate magic? Again, it’s hard to find an ‘official’ name of a purple color directly related to Valentine’s Day, but paint manufacturers still offer a few pretty useful shades.

#4D206D (77, 32, 109) Valentine Purple Color (Color Name)
#C194A8 (193, 148, 168) Major Valentine
#DC6177 (220, 97, 119) Color Guild Valentine / Finnaren and Haley Paint Valentine
#9D3A53 (157, 58, 83) True Value Valentine lahko tudi pod rdeco
#B15E8A (177, 94, 138) Sears My Valentine

Some of the presented purple paints look quite red while others sympathize with blue. It’s up to you to pick the right tint for your project. Just bear in mind that purple always tends to dominate, so it’s probably best to start with small amounts and build up from there.

#E3C4D2 (227, 196, 210) Kilz Funny Valentine
#B46FA0 (180, 111, 160) Ace Valentine Heart
#D7CAC9 (215, 202, 201) General Paint Valentine
#D9C1C8 (217, 193, 200) Kilz Valentine’s Kiss
#EC9DC3 (236, 157, 195) Dunn-Edwards Be My Valentine / California Paints Be My Valentine

As we can check in our long list of purple shades, this mixture of red and blue hues soon becomes tricky. Sometimes it’s closer to pink, sometimes to violet.

Violet Valentine Colors

Yes, we decided to make separate groups for purples and violets related to St. Valentine. We could also throw them all in one, but in this case, a whole family of colors would be missing. Well, we could actually add a subfamily of lilacs, right?

#A772C1 (167, 114, 193) Valentine Violet Color
#AAADC1 (170, 173, 193) Dulux Valentine
#DFBED4 (223, 190, 212) Rona Valentine
#AA71A3 (170, 113, 163) Kelly Moore Victorian Valentine
#EEB2C6 (238, 178, 198) Dutch Boy Be My Valentine

If we summarize our exploration of Valentine’s colors so far, we are still playing with red and white in different proportions with a pinch of blue or yellow. So far blue was represented in the majority of cases, often dominating the mixture.

On the other hand, we can also have a lot of yellow and almost none of the blue, which gives us a few interesting orange tones of Valentine’s paints.

Orange Valentine Colors and Paints

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. It’s joyful and energetic. Orange is a color of adventure, suitable for new love or love with reignited flame. Playful and emotional. Optimistic and determined.

#FADFCD (250, 223, 205) Taubmans Sweet Valentine / Bristol Sweet Valentine
#F8D6C6 (248, 214, 198) Taubmans Scented Valentine
#EFD8D4 (239, 216, 212) Olympic Scented Valentine
#F8DDD8 (248, 221, 216) Benjamin Moore Valentine Memories
#EFCFCD (239, 207, 205) Duron St Valentine / Frazee St Valentine

With this set of somehow orange valentine’s colors, we conclude the article and invite you to explore our other lists among which some grew to pretty huge proportions.

Bookmark our site; so you can find it when you need more info about drawing, painting, colors, and similar stuff. A link from your blog or social profile would mean a lot to us.

And, of course, tell your friends. Because everybody loves Valentine’s colors!


Easter Colors with Examples – HEX and RGB Codes Included


What are the Easter colors?

Are you trying to figure out what shades of purple or violet are most popular among Easter colors? Maybe looking for inspiration to dye eggs, decorate a room, or wandering what to wear on Good Friday? Asking yourself what symbols are behind Easter red, yellow, or blue? Well, you’ll find many answers just by scrolling down, but we have to warn you …

With every answer, you’ll probably want to know even more. So, let’s dive into the longest list of Easter colors on the Web!

Best Easter Colors

Here are the top five: red, purple, blue, green, and yellow. If we are allowed to oversimplify, red represents blood (life), purple is for centuries reserved for royalty (think about the King of the Kings), blue is for the sky (and purity), green means rebirth (Easter announces spring) and yellow (which can be understood as gold) of course for Sun.

#C92519 (201, 37, 25) Easter Red
#C071FE (192, 113, 254) Easter Purple
#3ED1EE (62, 209, 238) Easter Blue
#A1D269 (161, 210, 105) Easter Green
#F2DA54 (242, 218, 84) Easter Yellow

But this is just the beginning. It’s very interesting to note that dozens of paint producers decided to include the word Easter in the names of their paints. Sometimes it’s combined with one of the colors, sometimes with the name of a flower, sometimes with Easter-related activity, … And, obviously, we can’t do without Easter eggs or bunnies.

Just six of the popular colors for Easter eggs

Easter Purple Colors

The first set of Easter colors of commercially available paints presents five visions of manufacturers. As you can see their presentation of the color purple varies quite a bit.

#CCACCA (204, 172, 202) Benjamin Moore Purple Easter Egg
#9B93B4 (155, 147, 180) Sico Easter Lily Purple / Crown Diamond Easter Lily Purple
#625A79 (98, 90, 121) Sico Easter Choir / Crown Diamond Easter Choir
#C2A4C2 (194, 164, 194) Dutch Boy Easter Egg Purple / Sherwin-Williams Novel Lilac
#9199CC (145, 153, 204) Pantone TPG Easter Egg Color

On the other hand, the same color of purple paint is produced by different factories. There are several reasons for that but it is beyond the point of this article. Let’s see the next set of five paints!

#9F748C (159, 116, 140) Fuller OBrien Easter Purple
#785876 (120, 88, 118) Valspar Easter Bonnet
#E4CDD5 (228, 205, 213) Ace Easter Parade
#ACA7D0 (172, 167, 208) Color Your World Easter Treat
#C6C7DC (198, 199, 220) Rona Easter Day

We could give them other names (like violet, pale purple, lilac, etc.), too, right? Don’t worry, we have those on the list as well!

Easter is the most important Christian holiday (yes, even more than Christmas – and by the way, check this article about Christmas colors). Many religious rituals are part of the celebration and special garments are mandatory. Purple hoods with their symbolic meanings are clearly seen in the next photo.

One of processions in Easter

Just like at the Easter hoods above, there is not just a single shade of purple used for paints. In fact we already presented hundreds of purple shades. It’s time to take a look at the third set of purples with Easter in the name.

#C9C9D3 (201, 201, 211) Ace Easter Bonnet
#D2C7C7 (210, 199, 199) MAB Easter Egg
#D0A7BD (208, 167, 189) Taubmans Purple Easter Egg / Bristol – Purple Easter Egg P088-W3
#7E7596 (126, 117, 150) Sico Easter / Crown Diamond Easter
#D9BFDB (217, 191, 219) CIL Easter Egg

Well, purple color is undoubtedly an important part of the Easter holidays. In the commercial names of the paints on the market, it’s often connected to eggs. Purple is a popular color for egg dyeing, as seen in the next photo.

Egg hunt is a popular activity during Easter holidays

Here we go again. Easter eggs and early bloomers. At least two dominant shades of purples. Or, can we say, we are dealing with two different colors? Apart from purple, violet also bears strong associations with Easter. Try to spot a difference.

Different Shades of Easter Violet Colors

#DDD8DE (221, 216, 222) Berger Easter Party / Scib Paints Easter Party / Vista Paint Easter Party
#B8B1C9 (184, 177, 201) Sico Violet Easter Egg / Crown Diamond Violet Easter Egg
#DAD6DD (218, 214, 221) Kelly-Moore Easter Party
#9AA9C8 (154, 169, 200) Porter Paints Easter Egg
#DDDBDE (221, 219, 222) Cloverdale Paint Easter Party / Rodda Paint Easter Party

After the first set of violet paints with the word Easter in their names, we can probably say there is a larger percentage of red in purples and a larger percentage of blue in violets. But let’s stop this debate before it even begins.

While physics clearly states that violet is a color with a specific wavelength and purple is a mixture of red and blue (with some green), the human eye is simply not equipped to differentiate between purple and violet. The same set of receptors is used for both.

#97ABC2 (151, 171, 194) Taubmans Easter Egg
#DACFFA (218, 207, 250) Valspar Paint Easter Basket
#E6E0E8 (230, 224, 232) Premier Paints Easter Bonnet / Dutch Standard Easter Bonnet
#CDD4E3 (205, 212, 227) Vista Paint Easter Bonnet
#CEC6DF (206, 198, 223) Para Paints Easter Bonnet

The set of violet paints above could be also filed under purples. One of them could also b presented as pale blue. So, as you see, the name doesn’t guarantee a lot. In the next set, we can at least find an example of paint (made by Color Your World) with violet in the name.

#DDC6E2 (221, 198, 226) Sico Easter Egg
#CABAD7 (202, 186, 215) Color Your World Easter Violet
#E9E5EA (233, 229, 234) Rodda Paint Easter Bunny / Columbia Paint Easter Bunny / Hirshfields Paints Easter Bunny
#D9BDD8 (217, 189, 216) ICI Easter Egg
#D8C0DA (216, 192, 218) Glidden Easter Egg

While eggs still dominate among the names of the presented violet paints (check their RGB values), we managed to find another violet among the next five paints.

#E6D1E4 (230, 209, 228) Crown Diamond Easter Egg
#E0CEDC (224, 206, 220) Canada Hardware Easter Bonnet / Home Hardware Easter Bonnet
#A18CB3 (161, 140, 179) Valspar Easter Parade
#DCD6E5 (220, 214, 229) Color Guild Easter Frost
#D5C2DC (213, 194, 220) Premier Paints Easter Violet / Dutch Standard Easter Violet

Easter Lilac Colors

Just Another Pale Easter Color?

Lilac is another popular Easter color with dubious status. Is it really color on its own or just a shade of purple or violet? By definition, it’s definitely a pale shade of violet, but due to the popularity of pale purples and violets, it deserves at least one set of paints in our presentation.

#D4D7E9 (212, 215, 233) MAB Easter Bonnet
#DAD7DB (218, 215, 219) MAB Easter Party
#DCD8DE (220, 216, 222) Coronado Paints Easter Party
#DBD6DB (219, 214, 219) McCormick Paints Easter Party
#D1C7C7 (209, 199, 199) Coronado Paints Easter Egg / McCormick Paints Easter Egg

Pale shades of violet (or purple) color are not a coincidence during Easter holidays. On a symbolic level it’s associated with compassion and serenity which definitely goes hand in hand with this Christian holiday. Lilacs are also among the earliest bloomers of flowers which goes well with pagan celebrations of the new life in nature coming with spring.

New, fresh life is very well associated with paleness. And what color could be paler by definition than pink?

Easter Pink

Pink is a color of new beginnings and the next paints offer five different visions as seen by paint makers.

#E6A2C1 (230, 162, 193) Bristol Easter Pink
#E8A9D0 (232, 169, 208) Benjamin Moore Easter Pink
#F5E3EF (245, 227, 239) Benjamin Moore Easter Bonnet
#ECE5EC (236, 229, 236) Colortrend Easter Bunny / ECOS Paints Easter Bunny / Diamond Vogel Easter Bunny
#EDEBEA (237, 235, 234) Focoltone Easter Bunny / Sico Easter Bunny / Crown Diamond Easter Bunny

Yes, pink is a color of love and joy. Pink is dawn at its earliest in the morning. It’s also the color of the fourth Sunday of Lent and 21 days before Easter. There are only two occasions when priests are wearing pink and this is one of them (the other, of course, is in Advent).

Easter rose as an object and one of Easter colors

Actually, they will probably tell you that this color is not pink. It’s called rose.

#DDBFD4 (221, 191, 212) Devoe Paint Easter Egg
#E8B9CB (232, 185, 203) Porter Paints Easter Bonnet / PPG Pittsburgh Paints Easter Bonnet
#F7CAD5 (247, 202, 213) Taubmans Easter Treats
#D5C6CA (213, 198, 202) Valspar Paint Easter Rose
#F0D9E1 (240, 217, 225) Valspar Paint Easter Morning

Did you spot the difference between pink and rose? Colors can be tricky, aren’t they?

#E9D3D6 (233, 211, 214) Coronado Paints Easterville / Cloverdale Paint Easterville / Rodda Paint Easterville / MAB Easterville
#ECE5E8 (236, 229, 232) Dal Worth Paints Easter Bonnet
#D2CAC9 (210, 202, 201) Cloverdale Paint Easter Egg / Rodda Paint Easter Egg / Clark+Kensington Abstract Gray
#F1CEC5 (241, 206, 197) Colorwheel Easter Pink
#D3C8C9 (211, 200, 201) Berger Easter Egg / Scib Paints Easter Egg / Vista Paint Easter Egg

Easter Yellow with HEX and RGB Values

Yellow (roughly the same is true for gold) is another spring color. This is the color of the Sun and Sun can be seen as a representation of the rebirth of Jesus in Christianity or the ultimate deity in numerous pagan religions. Easter can’t be represented without yellow.

No wonder there are so many yellow shades of commercial paints directly connected to Easter.

#FBC925 (251, 201, 37) Dulux Easter Morn 1
#FCCD46 (252, 205, 70) Dulux Easter Morn 2
#FFDD78 (255, 221, 120) Dulux Easter Morn 3
#FFDF96 (255, 223, 150) Dulux Easter Morn 4
#F6E2A9 (246, 226, 169) Dulux Easter Morn 5

Dulux created a whole series of paints with the name Easter Morn. Above you can find five of them and below there’s the sixth which can be compared to other yellow paints named after Easter by other producers.

#F6E6BB (246, 230, 187) Dulux Easter Morn 6 / ICI Paints Acacia
#F7F4E2 (247, 244, 226) Benjamin Moore Easter Lily
#F8EACB (248, 234, 203) Devoe Paint Easter Lily
#F5EAD3 (245, 234, 211) Glidden Easter Lily / Dulux Easter Lily
#FADF8D (250, 223, 141) Taubmans Easter Bonnet

While the Easter Lily dominates in this group of Easter yellow colors, we can find other flowers as well. Actually, there is also simply Easter Yellow paint and – what else – Easter Egg paint!

#F3ECD7 (243, 236, 215) Dutch Boy Easter Egg
#FDEB9D (253, 235, 157) Coronado Paints Easter Yellow / Kelly Moore Easter Yellow
#FFC50E (255, 197, 14) Clairtone Easter Iris
#FAF0DD (250, 240, 221) Sico Easter Lily
#FFDA8C (255, 218, 140) Montana Easter Yellow

There we have many more tints of yellow with codes, too.

If Yellow represents the Sun as the major element of spring, green represents new life with everything turning green at this time of the year.

Yellow Easter chicks on Easter green grass

Easter Green (Examples with HEX and RGB)

For your convenience, we compiled a set of green paints named after Easter. Pale Easter Green is a clear winner.

#DDF0CB (221, 240, 203) Benjamin Moore Easter Hunt
#C7CF68 (199, 207, 104) RAL Easter Green
#A0CF79 (160, 207, 121) Huls Easter Green / Ace Easter Green
#EBE094 (235, 224, 148) True Value Easter Grass
#C9E4C8 (201, 228, 200) Valspar Easter Green

As you are already used, we also offer a full article about green shades.

Believe it or not, blue is also one of the Easter colors. If we think a bit, this should not be too surprising fact. After all, it’s the color of the sky and authority, both associated with new life (and the afterlife).

Or, if we stay on strictly practical grounds, we can’t seriously think about purple, violet, or green without a hefty dose of blue.

Easter Blue

Here is a set of popular Easter blue paints by different makers. All with accompanying HEX (HTML) codes and RGB values, if you want to recreate the feel in any of your projects.

#70BFE1 (112, 191, 225) MyPerfectColor Easter Egg Blue
#5385B0 (83, 133, 176) Rona Easter Blue
#9BD0D3 (155, 208, 211) Color Guild Easter Light
#DBE4E8 (219, 228, 232) Kelly Moore Easter Egg
#99AAC8 (153, 170, 200) Glidden Easter Egg / PPG Pittsburgh Paints Easter Egg

Not enough? Check hundreds of blue shades.

If you find this article with 85 (!) examples of Easter colors useful, don’t forget to tell your friends. A link from your blog or social profile would be greatly appreciated.

Easter bunnies and Easter eggs as major symbols of fertility

Also, bookmark this page for your later reference, because we have at least two dozens Easter colors to add soon!


Christmas Colors – Most Popular Colors for Christmas with HEX and RGB Codes


Red and Green are not the only Christmas colors. Yes, we can’t do without them, yet there are several important colors without which we can’t compose a decent Christmas palette. We need them to equilibrate the strong red and green hues, add an emotional accent, or simply for contrast.

Of course, even red and green can be presented in numerous different shades. To help you find the best Christmas colors, we made a selection of main Christmas colors, produced by top paint brands (they included the word Christmas in the name of the paint or color) in the world and add several variations of less known colors, named by influential designers. To make your experience better, we included a few Christmas-related products from Amazon. If you decide to buy something through our link, we may earn a small commission without additional cost to you.

All chosen colors will be presented in squares in sets of five, so you can compare them. Each one of them will have corresponding HEX and RGB codes written in their names, so you can recreate your favorites in your projects as you need them. We’ll try to add a few interesting and useful additional info about the colors of Christmas on this page, include links to even more resources, and maybe add a few more colors later in 65 shades presented at the moment won’t be enough.

all the christmas colors book by matthew paul turner

Christmas Red Colors

Red is undoubtedly the first color coming to one’s mind when we mention Christmas. This was not the case a hundred or more years ago but the commercialization and globalization of this popular holiday led us to that situation.

#D6001C (214,0,28) Christmas Red
#C30F16 (195, 15, 22) Christmas Red Color
#B01B2E (176, 27, 46) Christmas Red
#B11E31 (177, 30, 49) Christmas Red
#B22222 (178, 34, 34) Crayola Christmas Red (Firebrick Color)

As you can see, the shades of red above are not too similar but they still share the same (or almost the same) name thanks to the different standards we are using in the naming of colors. A bit different situation we have when we check the popular paint brands with their vision of Christmas Red.

#6A1219 (106, 18, 25) DecoArt DCA20-9
#B55555 (181, 85, 85) Firebrick Crayola – Christmas Red / Matthews Paint – Hotrod Red 10224
#CB312B (203, 49, 43) FolkArt – Christmas Red 958
#C54245 (197, 66, 69) Kelly-Moore – Christmas Red AC219-R
#BA4546 (186, 69, 70) Christmas Red (AC21-R)

If this is not enough, you can of course use other red shades for your Christmas-related projects. Hundreds are available here:

Gigantic list of red colors with codes.

Christmas Green Shades

If red represents energy, green suggests life. Using evergreen plants for Christmas decor is not a coincidence. Red and green together mean eternity, which is further seen in another typical Christmas element – a wreath.

Our first set of Christmas green hues can be seen below. As you can notice four of the five share the same name, but not the same shade, which is somehow surprisingly light.

#00873E (0, 135, 62) Christmas Green
#1E792C (30, 121, 44) Christmas Green
#007502 (0, 117, 2) Christmas Green
#034F20 (3, 79, 32) Christmas Green
#007A00 (0, 122, 0) Faux-Christmas Green

How about the green paints available in stores and named after Christmas?

best christmas garland

#1BAB6C (27, 171, 108) Anita’s Acrylic Craft Paint Christmas Green
#2A8344 (42, 131, 68) Apple Barrel – Christmas Green / 20429 / 20529
#1C5240 (28, 82, 64) Behr Christmas Tree (8377)
#354938 (53,73,56) Colortrend – Christmas Wreath
#006400 (0, 100, 0) Darkgreen / Dark green (X11) / Crayola – Christmas Green / Plascon – Hollyhock Garden G3-C1-1

We have to admit paint producers have a bit more imagination naming their Christmas greens after the tree or wreath or spruce, to justify so different shades in their offer. But not nearly as often as they could. Just check the next set of five green shades of Christmas colors.

#1D411D (29, 65, 29) DecoArt DCA37-3 Christmas Green
#2C7225A (244, 55, 66) Delta – Christmas Green / 020680202W
#0B6031 (11, 96, 49) DoCraft Christmas Green (DOA763241)
#307A56 (48, 122, 86) Duron 4855N Christmas Green
#00827F (0, 130, 127) Teal green / Devoe Paint – Christmas Spruce / 90GG 15/398

You have probably already noticed there are more greens than red colors related to Christmas on the market. There are probably many reasons for that. One of them is probably the fact green is never as dominant as red, so it’s used more as a background. As such its functionality adjusts to the main color – red.

#007475 (0, 116, 117) ICI Paints – 3971 Christmas Spruce 90GG 15/398
#4B7164 (75, 113, 100) Olympic – Christmas Ivy C62-5
#447266 (68, 114, 102) Porter Paints – Christmas Ivy / 403-6
#007152 (0, 113, 82) Taubmans – Christmas Green / T12 51.H5 / Bristol – Christmas Green P144-C7
#4B7460 (75, 116, 96) Taubmans – Christmas Ivy / T10 54I-1

Of course, you can use many more green shades, which are available at this address:

Enormous list of green colors with codes.

Otherwise, this set of Christmas-related greens roughly concludes our basic possibilities for the red and green combo.

Despite the fact we already have more than a hundred different combinations on the table, we still need one more color at the minimum to complete at least a simple pattern of notorious ugly Christmas sweaters.

Christmas White Colors – Examples

White is an obvious choice for incorporation into a Christmas palette. It can be used as a background for more robust red and green, to divide or to frame them, it can add a pattern on its own or compliment the existing one, and it works great with all additional colors if there are any.

#EDE7DC (237, 231, 220) ICI Paints – 4481 Antique White 40YY 83/043 / Pratt & Lambert – Free Spirit 3-32 / Behr – Christmas Angel EBC-10
#ECEEEA (236, 238, 234) Benjamin Moore – White Christmas / 872 / Winter Snow OC-63
#F6EEDF (246, 238, 223) Dunn-Edwards – Birch White / 2519 / California Paints – DEW 326 – White Christmas / ISOMAT – IST 171-01
#EDEFEB (237, 239, 235) CHROMATIC 0032-Blanc Arcalis – Dorval-CH2
#F6F7EF (246, 247, 239) Ford – Performance White / Matthews Paint – White Christmas 7275

We should not be surprised to see five different shades of Christmas white if we take into account our perception of white which stretches from technically perfect white (HEX / HTML code: #FFFFFF and RGB code: 255, 255, 255) to much more liberal hues with a hint of red, green or blue leading to greyish, creamier, greenish, or even pinkish versions of Christmas white.

Is There a Christmas Brown Too?

Believe it or not, it is. Well, they are. Christmas brown colors are not just a specific set of reds with large amounts of green percentage in RGB, but they form an independent family of colors which can be further divided into two larger groups – darker and lighter. Darker can sometimes flirt with purple tones and lighter (typically named after cactus), with an inclination to pink and yellow.

#73604F (115, 96, 79) Diamond Vogel – Christmas Ornament 0186 / Colortrend – 0186 / ECOS Paints – Christmas Ornament (0186)
#F5AC87 (245, 172, 135) Devoe Paint – Christmas Cactus 58YR 53/342
#F7AF90 (247, 175, 144) Glidden – Christmas Cactus Coral
#F1A686 (241, 166, 134) ICI Paints – Christmas Cactus
#4A3A39 (74, 58, 57) Valspar Christmas Pudding

decorative flameless candless for christmas

Christmas Gold Colors

Gold is another popular Christmas color. It perfectly matches the Sun (Christmas has its roots in pagan celebrations of the re-birth of the Sun) rays or adds to the celebratory feel of the holidays. Gold can be connected to the oldest traditions but thanks to its shiny appearance it’s also welcome addition if we want to add some sparks of joy, youth, and energy.

#CAA906 (202, 169, 6) Christmas Gold
#C1A520 (193, 165, 32) Christmas Gold
#B2B200 (178, 178, 0) Faux-Christmas Gold
#C6A905 (198, 169, 5) Faux-Christmas Gold
#F1D900 (241, 217, 0) Christmas Yellow

Gold is a classic choice for the star on the Christmas tree and even the most conventional gifts look great wrapped in golden wrapping paper or with a golden bow.

Shades and Tints of Christmas Silver Color

Silver is a close relative to gold, a bit more restrained, less extravagant, yet in some cases more classy. Silver can work great in some specific color combinations, so here is a set of Christmas silver colors as web users define them.

#E1DFE0 (225, 223, 224) Christmas Silver
#B5B5B5 (181, 181, 181) Christmas Silver
#E3E1DF (227, 225, 223) Faux-Christmas Silver
#969594 (150, 149, 148) Christmas Grey
#CACBCE (202, 203, 206) Christmas Silver

Christmas Pink with Codes

We could add pink colors to reds, but in Christmas palettes, they have so different usage they deserve a spot on their own. Pink is much more gentle than red, still lively, very feminine, and able to energize a bit duller combos or tranquil too energetic ones.

#E34285 (227, 66, 133) Christmas Pink
#FDCCCF (253, 204, 207) Faux-Christmas Pink
#F8C7CC (248, 199, 204) Faux-Christmas Pink
#FDC9C7 (253, 201, 199) Faux-Christmas Pink
#FFDDBB (255, 221, 187) Christmas Rose

Obviously, the pinks can sometimes look more yellowish or they can border on purple.

Examples of Christmas Purple

Purple is the color of royalties and it pairs great with gold and white. In combination with red and green, we should use it sparingly and be careful especially if there is brown involved as well.

#4D084B (77,8,75) Christmas Purple
#663398 (102, 51, 152) Christmas Purple
#64378D (100, 55, 141) Faux-Christmas Purple
#5D2B2C (93, 43, 44) Christmas Brown
#5A282A (90, 40, 42) Faux-Christmas Brown

Yes, purple can transform into brown very fast.

Codes for Christmas Blue

Yes, blue is so popular, it is used in Christmas palettes too, even if it’s not our first choice. It pairs well with red, white, gold, silver, and pink, but not looks too good with green, brown, or purple. As you can see, designers use Christmas blue tones in lighter and darker versions. Darker as the night sky and lighter as baby blue?

#2A8FBD (42, 143, 189) Christmas Blue
#F2766 (31,39,102) Christmas Blue
#3685C0 (54, 133, 192) Christmas Blue
#317EB4 (49, 126, 180) Faux Christmas Blue
#1D89A8 (29, 137, 168) Faux Christmas Blue

With this huge selection of Christmas colors complete with HEX (HTML) and RGB codes, with trivial and brand names, and of course some useful examples and links to further resources, we end this article. You have the tools to create several million Christmas patterns for your projects. In near future, we’ll add even more colors. Bookmark this page so you’ll find it later. A link from your blog or social profile would be greatly appreciated. And tell your friends!

Merry Christmas:)


Green Color Names: All the Shades with HEX and RGB Codes


Who Can Name All Green Colors?

While word all always sounds a bit too optimistic, we’ll use it for the motivation – to expand already existing 110 shades of green with their names and appropriate HTML codes for every designer, blogger or just color lover who might need a certain tint or hue for green colors.

Green is very interesting if we focus on definition only. It’s one of the basic seven colors in the rainbow, part of the visible spectrum between yellow and blue, having the wavelength between 495 and 570 nm.

It’s a secondary color in the subtractive color system, being a mixture of yellow and blue, but a primary color in additive color system, used in TV technology. If you heard for RGB, you should know G in this abbreviation stands for green.

The simple fact that all colors in this system can be made of three primary colors (Red, Green, and Blue) causes pretty demanding task. Green is of course the color with max value of G (the value of FF in HEX system) and min values of R and B (values of 0), but many other mixtures with lesser amounts of G and higher of R and/or B look more or less greenish too. So several systems for naming these green colors were created.

That means we have literally hundreds, even thousands of different green shades. Some are closer to yellow, some to blue (several languages don’t distinguish between blue and green!), some to gray, etc. This post is an attempt to present as many green colors with their names, sorted in a human friendly way.

The Most Basic Green Colors

Here are two sets of colors, named simply green:


#008000 (0, 128, 0) Green (HTML) aka Office Green aka Green W3C
#00A550 (0, 165, 80) Green (CMYK) aka Pigment Green
#1CAC78 (28, 172, 120) Green (Crayola)
#00A877 (0, 168, 119) Green (Munsell)
#009F6B (0, 159, 107) Green (NCS)

You already noticed simple green is not enough. That’s why we added names of the systems, which used this basic name according to their logics.


#66B032 (102, 176, 50) Green (RYB)
#00FF00 (0, 255, 0) Green (X11)
#484A22 (72,74,34) Green (BS 4800 12 C 40)
#009D74 (35, 164, 128) Green UP (Pantone)
#00AB84 (0, 165, 80) Green C (Pantone)

If you are not familiar with the abbreviations, send me a note in comments. I should probably make a dedicated post on this theme too.

Green Shades Named After Obvious Characteristics

Before any of these classifications was created, people already used adjectives like light, dark, bright, bald, … to better describe the shade of green in question. Let’s look at several such tints:


#66FF00 (102, 255, 0) Bright Green
#ADFF2F (173, 255, 47) Green-Yellow (Chartreuse)
#006400 (0, 100, 0) Dark Green (X11) aka Electric Green aka Lime Green (X11)
#013220 (1, 50, 32) Dark Green
#03C03C (3, 192, 60) Dark Pastel Green

We are already dealing with a huge span of greens, aren’t we? I would like to warn you on the Green-Yellow color, also called Chartreuse (named after a drink, which, by the way, is just one of the many green colored drinks, just read on). Besides a fancy name it’s also a very special color positioned exactly in the middle of yellow and green in the HSV color wheel. This means it’s made of 50% green and 50% yellow.


#004953 (0, 73, 83) Midnight Green
#B4D3B2 (180, 211, 178) Pastel Green
#90EE90 (144, 238, 144) Light Green
#98FB98 (152, 251, 152) Pale Green
#39FF14 (57, 255, 20) Neon Green

Color poetically named Midnight Green is official color of the Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL. Later we’ll find several more examples of different green colors being used for uniforms or other official cases.

#0D865D (13, 134, 93) Bold Green
#5E8C31 (94, 140, 49) Maximum Green
#76FF7A (118, 255, 122) Screamin’ Green
#9ACD32 (154, 205, 50) Yellow-Green
#D9E650 (217, 230, 80) Maximum Green Yellow

Did you notice the differences between Green Yellow, Yellow-Green and Maximum Green Yellow? Such naming quickly leads to further complications. More complex naming system seems inevitable.

Green Color Shades Named After Herbs

Nature is full of green colors. It’s actually the first color we think about when we mention it. Next few sets will be related with nature, starting with herbs.


#A9BA9D (169, 186, 157) Laurel Green
#354230 (53, 66, 48) Kombu Green
#AAF0D1 (170, 240, 209) Magic Mint
#BCB88A (188, 184, 138) Sage Green
#737B6C (115, 123, 108) Thyme Green

We have already mentioned Chartreuse color with its unique position in the color wheel. Sage Green has a similar story. It’s a grey-green resembling the hue of dried sage leaves. As a quaternary color, it is an equal mix of the tertiary colors citron and slate (both confusingly also known as olive in different sources). We’ll come to the olive a bit later, but citron (on of the shades of yellow) and slate (a shade of gray) are discussed in other articles.

In the same palette one of numerous shades of mint is presented. Here are a few more:


#4FFFB0 (79, 255, 176) Bright Mint
#3EB489 (62, 180, 137) Mint aka Mint Leaf
#F5FFFA (245, 255, 250) Mint Cream
#98FB98 (152, 251, 152) Mint Green
#46877F (70, 135, 127) Mint Turquoise (RAL 6033)

Vegetables are green too:


#8F9779 (143, 151, 121) Artichoke
#4B6F44 (75, 111, 68) Artichoke Green (Pantone)
#87A96B (135, 169, 107) Asparagus
#BFD58E (191, 213, 142) Lettuce Green (Pantone)
#909B4C (144, 155, 76) Spinach Green (Pantone)

And so can be fruits. We’ll focus on ripe ones for now …


#8DB600 (141, 182, 0) Apple Green
#A8E4A0 (168,228,160) Granny Smith Apple
#568203 (86, 130, 3) Avocado
#D6D96A (214, 217, 106) Grape Green (Benjamin Moore)
#F0FFF0 (240, 255, 240) Honeydew

Apple Green is another quaternary color on the RYB color wheel, exactly half way between Green and Chartreuse. Honeydew Green got its name after color of the flesh of honeydew melon.


#A1A989 (161, 169, 137) Kiwi Green (Ford)
#BFFF00 (192, 255, 0) Lime
#32CD32 (50, 205, 50) Lime Green
#D1E231 (209, 226, 49) Pear
#93C572 (147, 197, 114) Pistachio

The color Pear, for instance, also belongs to the family of chartreuse, but it’s much closer to yellow than green, so we could technically include it among yellow colors.


#808000 (128, 128, 0) Olive
#556B2F (85, 107, 47) Dark Olive Green
#3B3C36 (59, 60, 54) Black olive
#A0955D (160, 149, 93) Olive Oil (Berger, Scib, Vista Paint)
#847645 (132, 118, 69) Olive Paste (Sico, Crown Diamond)

A subfamily of olive green colors is so popular several paint makers create their own visions of this color. They are mentioned in the brackets right after the commercial names. To be honest we all probably know olives can vary a lot by color.

We are still not finished with the world of green plants.


#4F7942 (79, 121, 66) Fern Green
#4D6F39 (77, 111, 57) Grass Green (RAL 6010)
#6C7C59 (108, 124, 89) Reseda Green
#325928 (50, 89, 40) Leaf Green (RAL 6002)
#2F7532 (47, 117, 50) Japanese Laurel

Bud Spring Green Colors

#A7FC00 (167, 252, 0) Spring Bud
#00FF7F (0, 255, 127) Spring Green
#A3C1AD (163, 193, 173) Cambridge Blue
#ECEBBD (236, 235, 189) Spring Green (Crayola)
#177245 (23, 114, 69) Dark Spring Green

Don’t be fooled by the name Cambridge Blue – it’s a medium tone of spring green, official color brand of Cambridge University.


#00FA9A (0, 250, 154) Medium Spring Green
#C9DC87 (201, 220, 137) Spring Bud (ISCC-NBS)
#BDDA57 (189, 218, 87) June Bud
#7BB661 (123, 182, 97) Bud Green
#4C9141 (76, 145, 65) May Green

Spring is closely associated with color green, even more than winter with color white (many areas of the world hardly know about snow). With all the springs and buds in greenish shades we can definitely expect at least one sub-family of spring-greens:

Viridian Green Colors


#40826D (64, 130, 109) Viridian
#009B7D (0, 155, 125) Paolo Veronese Green
#009698 (0, 150, 152) Viridian Green
#007F66 (0, 127, 102) Generic Viridian
#007F5C (0, 127, 92) Spanish Viridian

Viridian is a dark shade of spring green and a quaternary color on the RYB color wheel. Viridian, of course, has a Latin origin, coming from viridis and meaning  – green.

Last set of vegetation-related greens is related to larger areas dominated by green plants:


#228B22 (34, 139, 34) Forest Green
#29AB87 (41, 171, 135) Jungle Green
#7CFC00 (124, 252, 0) Lawn Green
#30BA8F (48, 186, 143) Mountain Meadow
#495D4E (73, 93, 78) Park Green (Behr)

Animals Can Be Green Too!


#C6D080 (198, 208, 128) Frog Green (Colortrend, Diamond Vogel, ECOS)
#697A64 (105, 122, 100) Grasshopper Green (AMC)
#A7F432 (167, 244, 50) Green Lizard
#74C365 (116, 195, 101) Mantis
#008080 (0, 128, 128) Teal

Now you know frogs are not the only green animals. As a matter of fact, even frogs have so many different hues of green, we should add a family of colors, named after frogs. In the meantime, you can practice by drawing a frog!

Shades Of Green Color Names Related To Specific Places

#1B4D3E (27, 77, 62) Brunswick Green
#72BE6D (114, 190, 109) Dublin (Behr)
#00573F (0, 87, 63) Gotham Green
#195905 Lincoln Green
#50C878 (80, 200, 120) Paris Green

Brunswick Green is named after Braunschweig, Germany. It’s the color of famous pool tables. gotham, of course is one of the nicknames for New York. This particular tint is official color of NY Jets. You probably also noticed Dublin Green. Dublin, the capital of Ireland, has its own color, but this is not he only shade associated with Ireland.

Irish Green Color Shades


#004225 (1, 66, 37) BRG aka British Racing Green
#00FF40 (0, 255, 64) Erin
#4CBB17 (76, 187, 23) Kelly Green
#009B69 (0, 155, 105) St. Patrick (Dutch Boy)
#009E60 (0, 158, 96) Shamrock Green aka Irish Green

You may ask why color BRG (British Racing Green) belongs to Irish colors. The reason is simple. When the racing teams were established, racing was still illegal in Great Britain. so they moved to Ireland and took their color for the color of the team.

And if you didn’t know – Erin is a poetic name for Ireland.


#006A4E (0, 106, 78) Bangladesh Green aka Bottle Green
#138808 (19, 136, 8) India Green
#306030 (48, 96, 48) Mughal Green
#01411C (1, 65, 28) Pakistan Green
#00A693 (0, 166, 147) Persian Green

We have more places associated with green.


#00CC99 (0, 204, 153) Caribbean Green
#5F996B (95, 153, 107) Jamaica Green (Ralph Lauren)
#679267 (103, 146, 103) Russian Green
#043927 (0, 78, 56) Sacramento State Green
#009150 (0, 145, 80) Spanish Green

How About A Green Drink?

We promised to include a few colors named after green drinks and here they are.


#76B583 (118, 181, 131) Absinthe Green (Pantone)
#C9D77E (201, 215, 126) Daiquiri Green (Pantone)
#87F134 (135, 241, 52) Verde Manzana Green
#2A603B (42, 96, 59) Midori Green
#D0F0C0 (208, 240, 192) Tea Green

With this we conclude a list of 120 different shades of green colors. To be continued!


Shades of Yellow: A List With Color Names and HEX Codes


How Many Hues (Tones, Tints, …) of Yellow can You Name?

We’ll start with one hundred shades of yellow, all presented visually (images may vary according to each screen settings), with corresponding HEX and RGB codes. Yet this is only a beginning. We’ll add more until we reach several hundred known and named yellow hues, still with all HTML values, just like we did with colors blue and red.


Yellow by Definition / Standard:

01 yellow shades hex / yellow color names html

As you can already see, sometimes it’s hard to see a difference but sometimes yellow is not always as yellow as it could be. By physical definition, it’s a color of light in the visible spectrum lying between orange and green. Its wavelength is approximately 570 to 585 nanometers. CMYK values of yellow is defined by (0, 0, 100, 0) and HSV (60%, 100%, 100%), depending on the used color model. If it’s a primary color, it can’t be made of other colors, if it’s a secondary color, it’s a mixture of cyan, magenta and – yellow what makes it the only color present in both basic (and most popular) models.

You can imagine everybody and his grandmother tried to define such important color by his or her standards. Here are a few examples:

Yellow by Definition / Standard:


#FFF00 (255,255,0) Yellow (aka Electric Yellow aka X 11 Yellow aka Color Wheel Yellow)

#F6C700 (246, 199, 0) Safety Yellow (USA)

#EEED09 (238, 237, 9) Xanthic

#FFEF00 (255, 239, 0) CMYK Yellow aka Canary Yellow aka Process Yellow

#FFD300 (255, 211, 0) NCS Yellow aka (Psychological Primary Yellow)

As you can already see, sometimes it’s hard to see a difference but sometimes yellow is not always as yellow as it could be.

By physical definition, it’s a color of light in the visible spectrum lying between orange and green. Its wavelength is approximately 570 to 585 nanometers.

CMYK values of yellow is defined by (0, 0, 100, 0) and HSV (60%, 100%, 100%), depending on the used color model. If it’s a primary color, it can’t be made of other colors, if it’s a secondary color, it’s a mixture of cyan, magenta and – yellow what makes it the only color present in both basic (and most popular) models.

You can imagine everybody and his grandmother tried to define such important color by his or her standards. Here are a few examples:


#EFCC00 (239, 204, 0) Munsell Yellow

#FEDF00 (254, 223, 0) Pantone Yellow

#FCE883 (252, 232, 131) Crayola Yellow

#EDC001 (237,192,1) British Standard BS 4800 10 E 51 Yellow

#FFFF14 (255, 255, 20) XKCD Yellow

We won’t use the fourth value (for black or white) because it’s easy to make many different tints of yellow from red green and blue only. Here are two sets, one for light and one for dark hues:

Codes for Light and Dark Yellow Colors


#FFFFE0 (255,255,224) Light Yellow

#FFFFCC (255,255,204) Light Yellow 1

#FFFF99 (255,255,153) Light Yellow 2

#FFFF66 (255,255,102) Light Yellow 3

#FFFF33 (255,255,51) Light Yellow 4

While light yellow shades all look, well, yellowish, we can hardly recognize the same color in its darker tones. The next five colors are all formally yellow, but they definitely look very greenish and brownish to most observers.


#9B870C (155, 135, 12) Dark Yellow

#CCCC00 (204,204,0) Dark Yellow 1

#999900 (153,153,0) Dark Yellow 2

#666600 (102,102,0) Dark Yellow 3

#333300 (51,51,0) Dark yellow 4

Yet this is only a beginning at naming. So lively color can’t be described only by simple pronouns as light or dark or with some standardized numbers. For this reason, we’ll continue to present more and more poetic names, each one of them with corresponding color and hexadecimal code used in computer design.

Names of Yellow Colors by Characteristics


#FCBE11 (252, 190, 17) Bold Yellow

#FFEA17 (255, 234, 23) Bright Yellow

#F5B700 (245, 183, 0) Clear Yellow

#F4B800 (244, 184, 0) Classic Yellow

#FFE302 (255, 227, 2) Vivid Yellow

Nature proved to be a huge inspiration for the yellow color, very likely the most optimistic of all colors in the rainbow. We can find many yellow flowers and other plants, yellow is popular in the animal kingdom, there are yellow minerals, it found its way in the world of branding and technology.

For each group, we’ll present at least one set of five shades of yellow, sometimes closely related by their names, sometimes by their manufacturer, and sometimes without any obvious reason, but always trying to stay true to some logic in naming and grouping this popular color.



#FFB95A (255, 185, 90) Cape Jasmine or Gardenia (Kuchinashi)

#FFE078 (255, 224, 120) Summer Daffodil

#F8D86E (248, 216, 110) Forsythia Blossom

#FDC537 (253, 197, 55) Golden Marguerite

#FCC200 (252, 194, 0) Golden Poppy

As you may expect, this is just a beginning.


#F4CA16 (244, 202, 22) Jonquil

#FCB810 (252, 184, 16) Marygold

#FFB61B (255, 182, 27) Meadow Daisy

#FFF4BC (255, 244, 188) Mimosa

#D9B611 (217, 182, 17) Patrinia Flowers

Some flowers are of course more popular than others, so you can expect to find several variations of the same name for different yellow colors what is especially useful when we are dealing with paints for our cars, walls, fences, …

Commercial Paints Named after Yellow Flowers


#FFE8CC (255, 232, 204) Gerbera Daisy (Benjamin Moore)

#FDB702 (253, 183, 2) Blooming Marigold (Dutch Boy) aka Goldfinch (Sherwin-Williams)

#F2ECCA (242, 236, 202) Narcissus (Sherwin-Williams)

#FFE89C (255, 232, 156) Pale Cowslip 3 (Laura Ashley)

#D8AD39 (216, 173, 57) Yarrow (Glidden, PPG Pitsburgh Paints)

Just a quick note: Laura Ashley made a whole series of yellow paints (six of each) named Cowslip or Pale Cowslip, followed by a number. At the moment only one of them (Pale Cowslip 3) found its way on our list because most of others better fit to orange, brown or white families. Maybe we’ll add them later.

Paints Inspired by Daisies


#E4C457 (228, 196, 87) Daisy (AMC)

#F8DC75 (248, 220, 117) Daisy Yellow (AMC)

#FAEAB7 (250, 234, 183) Daisy Yellow (Devoe Paint)

#F6EABD (246, 234, 189) Daisy Yellow (CIL)

#FFC500 (255, 197, 0) Yellow Daisy (Bristol, Taubman)

Five Hues of Goldenrod Color

#B8860B RGB (184, 134, 11) Dark Golderod #DAA520 RGB (218, 165, 32) Goldenrod #FCD667 RGB (252, 214, 103) Goldenrod (Crayola) #FAFAD2 RGB (250, 250, 210) Light Goldenrod #EEE8AA RGB (238, 232, 170) Pale Goldenrod

Paints on the Market Inspired by Tulips

yellow tulips shades hex

Hexadecimal Codes of Colors Named after Yellow Fruit


#FFE135 (255, 225, 53) Banana Yellow

#BFFF00 (191, 255, 0) Bitter Lime

#FCFFA4 (252, 255, 164) Calamansi

#FED754 (254, 215, 84) Cantaloupe Smile (Valspar Paint)

#E1BD27 (225, 189, 39) Durian Yellow

You can almost see the fruit, right? As you noticed orange and green subtones are present in this family of yellow colors and paints as well.


#F5E79F (245, 231, 159) Grapefruit (Earthpaint)

#D8C75F (216, 199, 95) Lanzones

#FFCC00 (255, 204, 0) Tangerine Yellow

#FDBE02 (253, 190, 2) Mango

#FFF0C5 (255, 240, 197) Pale Peach

Pale Peach is another popular color with literally dozens of variations which are mainly light shades of yellowish pink. On this list, we present only one of them. But we’ll check a whole set of colors named after lemon.

Set of Lemon Yellow Collors


#CAE00D RGB 202, 224, 13) Bitter Lemon

#F1BF42 Dark Lemon

#F5C71A (245, 199, 26) Deep Lemon

#F2B425 Lemon (BS)

#E8B524 Lemon Yellow

Five Shades of Pineapple Yellow Paints


#EFCC44 (239, 204, 68) Crushed Pinepple (Glidden, PPG Pittsburgh Paints)

#F3D64F (243, 214, 79) Fresh Pineapple (Dunn-Edwards)

#E6AE25 (230, 174, 37) Geely Pineapple Yellow Solid

#F9DE91 (249, 222, 145) Pineapple Delight (Taubmans)

#FFE07B (255, 224, 123) Ripe Pinepple (Dunn-Edwards)

The color of pineapple is pretty popular among commercial paint-makers, so there are even more shades on the market. There are also paints with the same name but a different look. Pineapple Delight, for instance, by Porter Paints looks almost beige with HEX (F0E7A9) and by Earthpaint is slightly greenish with HEX (F2EBCA).


These colors are available on the market as commercial paints. So if you need a yellow paint for your kitchen, check them!


#FFDF38 (255, 223, 56) Acorn Squash (Glidden, PPG Pitsburgh Paints)

#F3DB64 (243, 219, 100) Lemon Pepper (Bristol, Taubmans)

#F4BD2A (244, 189, 42) Yellow Pepper (Kelly-Moore)

#FFFDD8 (255, 253, 216) Pumpkin Seed (California Paints, Dunn-Edwards)

#FCD030 (252, 208, 48) Spring Squash (Valspar Paint)

Ten Hues of Corn Yellow

Corn is another popular yellow cereal plant. We present a set of five colors and five paints named after one of the world’s most important crops.


#FBEC5D (251, 236, 93) Corn

#FFC946 (255, 201, 70) Corn Harvest

#FFF2C2 (255, 242, 194) Creamy Corn

#FFF8DC (255, 248, 220) Cornsilk

#FFDF53 (255, 223, 83) Glazed Corn



Yes, yellow is a well-known appetite stimulant. Numerous spices belong to this family of happy colors, often verging on orange, red or brown families. Some of them, on the other side, can look more greenish.


#F4E3B5 (244, 227, 181) Anise Flower (Pantone)

#EFEBBB (239, 235, 187) Anise Liquor (Crown Diamond, Sico)

#958D34 (149, 141, 52) Cardamom (Clark+Kensington)

#F6C800 (246, 200, 0) Curry Spice (CIL)

#E9DA89 (233, 218, 137) Curry Yellow (Sanderson)

As you can see, factories found inspiration in several different yellow or yellowish spices.


#F7F4CD (247, 244, 205) Fresh Lemongrass

#FFDB58 (255, 219, 88) Mustard

#FEB200 (254, 178, 0) Turmeric (Asian Paints)

#D8C75F (216, 199, 95) Fennel (Designers Guild)

#FEFAA1 254 (250, 161) Saffron Yellow

By the way, turmeric is the root of the plant with a scientific name Curcuma and the active substance called curcumin. Caparol made a whole family of paints named after Curcuma. Each one of them has an addition of a number. Here is an example of five additional tints:

Family of Curcuma Yellow Colors


#A48C28 (164, 140, 40) Curcuma 35 (Caparol)

#B4A04C (180, 160, 76) Curcuma 40 (Caparol)

#D0C48C (208, 196, 140) Curcuma 50 (Caparol)

#FCE474 (252, 228, 116) Curcuma 75 (Caparol)

#FCE894 (252, 232, 148) Curcuma 80 (Caparol)

The very same paintmaker have other numbers too, of course, but these are the most yellow. Some are actually tints of brown, green or even gray.

Attention: there are also groups of yellow or yellowish colors and paints, named after plants, animals, minerals, etc. Some groupsa will also be expanded (like mustard). We’ll cover them later. But we need to make several more articles (about green, for instance) before. Everything will be fine. Promise.

If you like the list and find it useful, please share it with your friends!

To be continued!


How to Draw a Frog


Drawing Frogs is Easy!

If you want to draw a frog, you have to decide if you want a simple, cartoon-like frog or more realistic amphibian. Any way you choose, we got your back covered. You’ll find several ways to draw a frog, simplified or advanced, step by step and with advanced tips to add another little extra to your frog and make it more believable, likable or whatever  your goal is.
If you want to draw a frog, you have to decide if you want a simple, cartoon-like frog or more realistic amphibian. Any way you choose, we got your back covered. You’ll find several ways to draw a frog, simplified or advanced, step by step and with advanced tips to add another little extra to your frog and make it more believable, likable or whatever  your goal is.

Let’s start with a simple cartoon frog.

How to draw a cute cartoon frog?

In most cases, we start with a frog’s head. Essentially we just construct it from three circles or ovals.

Here is an example with a few additional lines and some color:


Or make it even cuter:


Just a quick pro tip – symmetric eyes are not the cutest possibility. If they are not looking straight to the observant, they make a more adorable impression.

Here is an example with asymmetric shapes, what gives an interesting effect of perspective:


And here is how a cartoon frog looks when it’s completed with a body and legs:


With some coloring (while green and earth tones prevail, frogs can be found in virtually every imaginable color), it’s made in less than five minutes:


Just a few ideas from Brockhaus’ Konversations Lexikon v.7, 1892 (Leipzig,Berlin,Wien)


Picture of different species of frogs:

  1. Peron’s tree frog (Litoria peronii)
  2. European fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina)
  3. Fantastic poison frog (Ranitomeya fantastica)
  4. Yellow-spotted tree frog (Leptopelis flavomaculatus)
  5. Brilliant-thighed poison frog (Allobates femoralis)
  6. Japanese toad (Bufo japonicus)
  7. Orange-legged leaf frog (Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis)
  8. Balearic green toad (Bufo balearicus)
  9. Pool frog (Pelophylax lessonae)

If you prefer a video, watch the next example of drawing frogs for kids:

We can vary the shapes a bit to achieve this:

A bit more complicated procedure (and with a very plastic result) is explained here (in Method 2, 7steps):

You probably noticed there are also two variations of drawings of morerealistic frogs, seen from the side (Method 1 and Method 3). They arevery easy and appropriate for total beginners as well. You can draw frogs like the one below or more complicated, depending on your ambitions:

A pretty good result can be achieved by a few basic shapes and black ink only:


Or make a silhouette frog-like one of next examples:




Which is actually a shadow of this frog (seen from bird’s eye view):


Now let’s focus on drawing a frog from the side:

It’sa bit more sophisticated system, but there are still only basic lines used and you will get a pretty good frog even without coloring and shadowing in the last step (but you should try to apply that too,because, your frog will be even better after that).
At the end of this tutorial, they will offer you a tutorial in PDF format in exchange for your e-mail address. The decision is yours.

Two more tutorials are available on the next address:

I love the second one with a frog in the tree. It makes the picture so full of life! If you are looking how to draw a red-eyed tree frog,that’s the right address.

There is also a video version of drawing a frog from the side:

One more trick for the road … Would you like to draw a 3D frog? A frog literally jumping out of the paper? Here is how to make it:

Some additional tips for aspiring illustrators can be found on the next poster, made from How to Draw Manga, Vol. 36 animals, Collection opensource:


I hope you learned to draw a frog. Tell your friends about this page and feel free to share your observations in the comment section!


Best colors that match blue


What are the colors that go well with blue?

The blue color looks clean, soothing, solid. It works great in most cases on its own, yet it can always make an even better impact if combined with a proper pair. In general blue looks great with just about everything.

It is well complemented with soothing colors like grey or green or earth tones what works great in rooms or clothes when you want to achieve a calm effect. It also makes great combinations with warmer contrasting hues of pink, orange, yellow or red in situations where you want something bolder.


We need to note there are hundreds of blue shades out there, so don’t expect the same perfect match for navy or royal blues like for baby or sky blue. All in all, the single most important decision when you are looking what color goes good with blue, is your purpose. So ask yourself what is your goal and in the meantime enjoy some of the best combinations already tested in various situations. What color makes the best match with blue?

What goes with dark blue?

By far the most known tones of dark blue colors are navy and royal. Let’s see some combination with dark blues!

Navy blue as a classic choice for the dress but also in room interiors, for instance, works perfectly with white. This classic choice is a classic and so versatile it’ almost impossible to imagine all the uses. Dark blue can be used as a base or as an accent and the same is true for white. All kinds of patterns will look nice when navy and white are combined. One such typical example is polka dot design.


Knowing the power of dark blue and white combination we can build up to more advanced combos.

All close relatives of white can do well with dark blue, yet in general, they will perform better with navy than royal, which, by most standards looks a bit more purplish.

Colors, which may compose great pairs with dark blue shade are pales like cream, grey (lighter hues), ivory, beige, peach, khaki, sand, tan, …


Here we can see several pastel colors on the navy blue background. Each one of them looks great, doesn’t it?
We can continue with the beige hues but this time with darker brown tones including mocha:


If you want to achieve a bolder effect, create an impact, make a statement – don’t hesitate to pair dark blue colors with other dark tones, including black. How about the saying you can’t wear black and navy blue together? Well, it’s just one of those urban myths without any scientific background. Similar colors (in this case dark tones) go well together. Always were, always will.

Colors That Match Light Blue

Light blue comes in numerous shades too. We may name them as baby, sky, dusty, azure, ice, angle, … blues and each one of them posses its specific character. Just think about the color of jeans, which can be manifested in dozens of shades supported by other shades of blue and complimented with black, grey or white threads. This is only a beginning because the jeans become a real thing only when is at least partially worn out and colors are a few tints moved from the original appearance.

what color-compliments-light-blue

We all know you can’t miss when wearing the blue or black t-shirt with a pair of trousers or a skirt made of jeans, no matter what shade of blue is colored by. Least known is a fact of usage of bolder, livelier colors with blue, like a yellow or an orange decorative threat which is still one of the signature signs of the legendary Levi’s.


If we want to answer what color compliments light blue, we can make at least three good answers:

1. Neutral, earthy tones

Brown may not be the first thought when thinking about the possible combos yet next picture shows they can make almost a perfect pair:


Blue jeans will undoubtedly always go with the brown belt and brown boots:


2. Most bright and muted colors

You can try to pair blue, including all lighter shades with most of the pastels. While it won’t look very good with pink, it can go very well with very bright shades of pink or purple shades:

3. Bold lively energetic tones or strong dark ones

Check these yellow and brown colors with light blue jeans!

colors that match light blue

We have a perfect match with light blue in yellow and light brown colors (the color of the skin can actually be one of these, as you probably already noticed). But beware:


Light blue (actually we can see all kinds of blues on the photo above) won’t work best with red because they are not opposites, but it can make a statement with yellow or orange which are. We have already seen that and here is another example:


As we can see below a pairing with a darker shade of blue can go long way as well.


All dark colors can work with sky blue or ice blue shades, which, in these cases become recessive. Apart from traditional light blue colors, we can play with numerous related shades with a significant amount of yellow or grey, like teal, turquoise or slate colors. If you need a bit of theory behind the colors, don’t forget checking this post where you’ll find what colors make blue.

We can find light blue in countless traditional designs, working as a softener in classic bathrooms where white and grey are dominating.


Almost the same effect is seen in this study room, where soft blue colored window frames instantly make the place more lively and playful.

what colors-look-good-with-light-blue

Combinations of light blue can work very well with brown, yellow and gold tones, as presented in next spacious yet comfortable and intimate bedroom:


In next example, we can find the power of light blue in the role of an accent in a minimalistic bedroom with dominant beige and grey colors on pure white base. Believe it or not, blue can look spectacular as a wall paint. There is a full post just about blue wall paints with  a whole world of opportunities for a designer in you.


Beige, creme, gold and of course white are signature colors of beach decorative theme when they are paired with lighter shades of blue. Next beach themed cake is a fine example of such combo.


We’ll throw more examples of different shades of blue colors in time. Think about this post as the work in progress, so don’t forget to bookmark it and get back after a while!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

List of the Best Blue Paint Colors for Your Room Walls!


(26 Popular Brands of Makers, 105 Shades of Wall Paints in Blue Color and Counting!)

Blue paints can be used in all rooms in the house, sometimes as the base, sometimes as an accent. There are thousands of different shades of blue colors on the market, from grayish pale blues to rich almost purple blue tints. Here you’ll find an overview of the most popular paint brands with examples. Apart from commercial names, there are also HTML (HEX) and RGB codes and an SVG file which can be used as a coloring sheet to give you a hint of the look of your room before you even start visiting the stores and asking for samples.

All available paints were carefully selected and grouped according to the market needs. There will still be some overlapping, like light and sky blue color or teal and green-blue shades. Like it or not, colors can’t be classified in a unique universal system, but on the other hand, this is actually part of their charm, isn’t it? We have 12 major brands and seven basic groups of blue shades od paints with 105 examples at the moment but will expand the numbers at least up to 140 in the near future. Be patient and enjoy!

Light Blue Wall Paint

Light blue paint colors are mostly used for bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms. This family of colors has a cool soothing feel what is great as a base in rooms with running water. It makes a great combination of white and beige tones, even better with some accents like orange or gold or similarly lively colors of equipment or decor.


Here are several examples of pastel blue wall paint (first number is HEX code, in brackets is a RGB code):


#A1CAF1 (161, 202, 241) Sherwin-Williams Baby Blue Eyes
#98C9E2 (152, 201, 226) Dutch Boy Baby Cornflower
#C5D6E9 (197, 214, 233) Vista Paint Fluid Blue
#B6C8D1 (182, 200, 209) Dulux Quintessential Blue
#C9DBE2 (201, 219, 226) Olympic Goddess

Shades of light blue paint work great in a living room and a bedroom as well, especially if you see them as places of rest and contemplation. Even if you like a lot of visits and would like to put some soft blue color in a living room, it may work great as a complementary color to a dominant yellow or earth tones. Not to cool down the overall feel, but to make the warmth of the chosen base more interesting making a gentle contrast.


#54A4C2 (84, 164, 194) Dunn-Edwards Frozen Wave
#E2E7E8 (226, 231, 232) Ralph Lauren Whisper
#90CDDA (144, 205, 218) Sico Scintillating Blue
#1FA9C3 (31, 169, 195) Pratt & Lambert Supreme
#4798C2 (71, 152, 194) Kelly-Moore Galleon Blue


And there is another set of pastel blue paints for walls:


#CFECF4 (207, 236, 244) Benjamin Moore Tear Drop
#468FA2 (70, 143, 162) Ralph Lauren Aegean Blue
#BDD7E6 (189, 215, 230) Nippon Paint Lite Up
#84C8DB (132,200,219) Dunn-Edwards Bayshore
#7996A3 (121, 150, 163) Designers Guild Swedish Blue

As you can see the idea of light blue paint overlaps with sky blue, grey blue and green blue colored paints.

Sky Blue Paint

Paint in sky blue tones is also soft, light and best for the same rooms as the tints above. Blue is not the first choice for a living room or a bedroom but can work just fine if it’s matching other used colors and the characters of people in those places. Remember – you are not obligated to use it just for walls. It can make a spectacular expression for ceilings or, if you are bit extravagant (but just a bit) can be used on one wall only.


#C9D2C6 (201, 210 198) Farrow & Ball Silvery Blue
#D4E9F2 (212, 233, 242) Benjamin Moore Cumulus Cotton
#ADC5DD (173, 197, 221) Nippon Paint Blue Aura
#BBDDDF (187, 221, 223) Pratt & Lambert Debonair
#CAD6E8 (202, 214, 232) Asian Paints Blue Dawn


Sky can be more greenish, purplish or greyish, but it’s still cerulean.


#78A7B7 (120, 167, 183) Behr Porcelain Blue
#A2C9E6 (162, 201, 230) Rodda Paint Marzena Dream
#9DB0D2 (157, 176, 210) Sherwin-Williams Celestial
#9BBBE2 (155, 187, 226) Vista Paint Innuendo
#6AB0B9 (106, 176, 185) Taubmans Montana

As the sky in nature looks very differently depending on the weather conditions and time of the day, we find many different shades of sky blue among the manufacturers of wall paints.


#C2CFDE (194, 207, 222) Vista Paint Atmospheric Pressure
#7EC0E3 (126, 192, 227) PPG Pittsburgh Paints Horizon Haze
#9DC8E3 (157, 200, 227) Glidden Wild Blue Yonder
#B3D9E2 (179, 217, 226) Olympic Flemish Sky
#BCD7EA (188, 215, 234) Valspar Paint Gentle Wind

Some shades posses more of white, others of green and yet others of purple tones. It’s up to you to choose the best for your room.

Blue Grey Paint Colors

Blue grey paint is still in the same family as already presented light and sky shades. It’s actually a really vague area of differences, where the same name fits in more than one group. To make things even more interesting some manufacturers make the same color but give them different names and there are also paints sharing the same name, but looking significantly different.

It’s very important to do your research right and think twice before you make a final decision. We hope next set of examples with brand names and RGB codes will help:


#C6DBE6 (198, 219, 230) Dulux Mineral Mist
#C7D5E2 (199, 213, 226) Nippon Paint Windsurf
#909A9A (144, 154, 154) Benjamin Moore Gibraltar Cliffs
#E0ECEF (224, 236, 239) Dutch Boy Blue Sparkle
#ACBEBF (172, 190, 191) Taubmans Mohawk Blue

All blue grey colors look pretty conservative and are often called soft, pale or powder. Still, there are numerous options to choose from.



#CFDEE1 (207, 222, 225) Pratt & Lambert Astrachan
#7F909E (127, 144, 158) Valspar Paint Royal Gray
#99ACB2 (153, 172, 178) Behr Blue Fox
#CCD7E1 (204, 215, 225) Ralph Lauren Blue Mesa
#BDC9CD (189, 201, 205) Vista Paint Water Droplet


#D8E1E6 (216,225,230) Dunn-Edwards Pearl City
#548090 (84, 128, 144) Plascon Gray Saturday
#B0B6C6 (176, 182, 198) Martha Stewart Faded Ink
#C8CFD5 (200, 207, 213) Kelly-Moore Wind Weaver
#6D888A (109, 136, 138) Farrow & Ball Stone Blue

Not an easy decision, right?

Royal Blue Paint Colors

Royal blue is a completely different story than pastels above. It’s much darker (although not really dark) and stronger, tending to impress at first sight. Of all rooms in the house, it works best in bedrooms. It brings a specific energy and elegance which can be used in other rooms as well, but maybe not as the base color.

Here are examples of probably the most classy paint colors of all:


#334688 (51, 70, 136) Vista Paint Blue Highlight
#32356C (50, 53, 108) Rodda Paint Frozen Blue
#375995 (55, 89, 149) Glidden Deep Sapphire Blue
#1A3C5D (26, 60, 93) Dulux Oxford Blue
#7085A1 (112, 133, 161) Behr Magic Spell

It’s interesting to note there is still not a clear difference between royal and navy blue, what is caused by numerous changes in uniforms due to different circumstances like materials, weather conditions and political decisions. One more reason to check as many samples as possible before you order your favorite color for the interior.



#464962 (70, 73, 98) Dunn-Edwards Intergalactic
#4A4C63 (74, 76, 99) Kelly-Moore Grand Grape
#546988 (84, 105, 136) Valspar Paint Waterloo
#48596D (72, 89, 109) Ralph Lauren Rue Royale
#0080B2 (0, 128, 178) Behr Royal Peacock


#483D4C (72, 61, 76) Berger Midnight Affair
#3D4D64 (61, 77, 100) Kelly-Moore Blue Moon Bay
#000068 (0, 0, 104) Plascon Nights Cloak
#494D8B (73, 77, 139) California Paints Beaded Blue
#004476 (0, 68, 118) Pratt & Lambert Sailor Suit

The paint makers don’t necessary match the word royal with a royal blue as designers define it. So it’s probably best to choose it by look, not by name.

Dark Blue Paint

Dark blue paint is more serious than all colors before, even more than gray-blue tones, which are probably the most conservative of all possible blues. Dark blue is often very close to black, but we decided to present only paints from medium dark family because almost black truly belongs to another article.

It is used for bedrooms, bathrooms, living rooms, but looks very good on doors and furniture too. Check this set:


#213F49 (33, 63, 73) Sherwin-Williams Moscow Midnight
#2F425B (47, 66, 91) Dulux Sapphire Salute
#343457 (52, 52, 87) Benjamin Moore Midnight Navy
#2E4353 (46, 67, 83) Dutch Boy Blue Navy
#283D3E (40, 61, 62) Rodda Paint Atlantic Waves


Most dark shades of blue paint have names related to the night or (deep) waters, navy and other authoritative uniforms included.


#000050 Plascon Neptunes Castle rgb(0, 0, 80)
#484B62 California Paints Blue Suede Shoes rgb(72, 75, 98)
#214269 (33, 66, 105) Designers Guild Moonlight Blue
#404950 Kelly-Moore Baffin Island Night rgb(64, 73, 80)
#2B3040 Farrow & Ball Drawing Room Blue rgb(43, 48, 64)


#00656F (0, 101, 111) Sico Underwater Cave
#3F455A (63, 69, 90) Glidden Federal Blue
#445055 (68, 80, 85) PPG PPG Pittsburgh Paints Obsidian
#43546E (67, 84, 110) Martha Stewart Lost Mitten Blue
#305174 (48, 81, 116) Taubmans Virginia Blue


Even the dark blue colors can vary a lot. Some of them verge on dark green, others on black and others are classified as only ‘medium dark’ paints.

Teal Blue Paint Color

The family of teal colors has much higher percentage of yellow in the mix and always look slightly greenish. This gives the paint more live and freshness, which can be used in every room in the house. If blue is not the first choice for dining rooms because it suppresses appetite, teal can actually be the right choice. You can put it on walls, ceilings, doors, wood, plastic or metal – teal can find a way to look great almost in every situation.

Did we mention it goes well with numerous other colors?


#2D9CA2 (45, 156, 162) Benjamin Moore San Jose Blue
#89D9D1 (137, 217, 209) Sherwin-Williams Tantalizing Teal
#007D83 (0, 125, 131) Behr Tuscon Teal
#458083 (69, 128, 131) Olympic Teal Zeal
#1F9995 (31, 153, 149) Rodda Paint Pleasant Stream

Teal colors can be really tricky, because while there are clear borders between teal, aqua and turquoise according to the percanteges of blue and green components in RGB systems, there can still be huge deviations if we add a bit of red, or a lot of red or decrease blue and green at the same time or …


#499CA0 (73, 156, 160) Dunn-Edwards Montego Bay
#7DA79F (125, 167, 159) Ralph Lauren Sunwashed Blue
#00909B (0, 144, 155) Sico Limpid Lagoon
#48B3B1 (72, 179, 177) Designers Guild Marine
#D0E6DE (208, 230, 222) Martha Stewart Blue Topaz



#77CDC5 (119, 205, 197) Valspar Paint Nautical
#007177 (0, 113, 119) Laura Ashley Deep Turquoise
#21929D (33, 146, 157) Olympic Safe Harbor
#78D4D0 (120, 212, 208) Kelly-Moore Aqua Zing
#739499 (115, 148, 153) Asian Paints Rustic Twist

Teal blue paints for walls are one of new trends where cool pastel tones are combined with more lively ones. They work great in many different combinations as well.

Blue-Green Wall Paint

If teal looks greenish, some of next paints look almost green. They are right in the middle of blue and green, what means they possess a substantial amount of lively yellow. This energy gives can be used in all rooms, including halls.

Why not see for yourself?

#009086 (0, 144, 134) Sico Capri Grotto
#4A8B88 (74, 139, 136) Glidden Niagara Reef Jade
#E2ECEA (226, 236, 234) Olympic Bashful
#5ACDBE (90, 205, 190) Nippon Paint Poolside
#C7EBE2 (199, 235, 226) Dutch Boy Minted Ice

Green blue is often very close to or is even overlapping with teal, what is understandable if we know how are both made – from blue and green pigments.

blue and green wall paint

#548E89 (84, 142, 137) Taubmans Spruce Blue
#5B9E9B (91, 158, 155) Asian Paints Still Blue
#85E0D3 (133, 224, 211) Rodda Paint Glorious Garden
#DEE5DE (222, 229, 222) Laura Ashley Powder Blue 1
#3A7676 (58, 118, 118) Valspar Paint Ocean Slumber


#005B62 (0, 91, 98) Dutch Boy Marina
#9FB1A7 (159, 177, 167) Behr Smokey Slate
#B7CECB (183, 206, 203) Designers Guild Celadon
#DBE5E3 (219, 229, 227) Benjamin Moore Winter Ice
#01888B (1, 136, 139) Nippon Paint High Trek

Try one of the presented blue colors on the wall of this virtual room!

Next image is made in the SVG format, readable by Inkscape or Adobe Acrobat.

We used two of presented blue wall paints (Behr Magic Spell for left and Sherwin-Williams Baby Blue Eyes for right wall by default), but you can change them with each of presented wall paints if you use one of accompanying codes.


1. Download it and save to a folder where you’ll have access to one of the programs able manipulating SVG formats.
2. Open it with a chosen program.
3. By clicking select one of the two walls in the picture and enter a code (HTML or RGB) to see the look of each of the presented blue paints which might be interesting for you.
4. (optional) You can change the color of the equipment too!

If you are thinking about a combination of blue with other colors, we have made a post about this as well. You are more than welcome to read Colors That Match Blue.

Remember – with all possible tools and examples you’ll still get only an approximation. For the real thing, you’ll eventually need to paint a part of the wall in question and see how the paint looks at different times of the day. We still hope our collection of different tones of blue wall paints helps a bit!Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Acrylic Painting for Beginners: How to Start


Enjoy the Acrylics from the Very Beginning!

Acrylic paints are popular among beginners in the art world for their ease of use, attractive appearance, and almost countless available hues. Work with acrylics is fast, results don’t change with time (at least in roughly last six or seven decades while they are on the market), their level of toxicity is relatively low and cleaning rarely demands more than some soap and water. All these characteristics made acrylic paints a favorite choice for students of painting.

But some of these pros can also fire back (for instance if you need more time for working with color, they can dry too fast) or demand some additional knowledge to use them to their full advantage. Of course, this knowledge is not available to rookies, so it’s only fair to provide as much tips and tricks for working with acrylics.

Here is a growing list coming from all publicly available sources on- and off-line, mixed with advice of seasoned artists with many years of experience in this area:

Quality and Price

* Generally you can get acrylics in two basic qualities: for students and for artists (professionals). Beginners should obviously start with less expensive students’ acrylics, which have a lesser percentage and lower quality of pigments and slowly build up their assortment of colors to better and more expensive products which can be (due to their density) also slightly more demanding to work with.

* While the price and quality correlate in the world of acrylics pretty logically, you can still save significant amounts of money by:

– buying so-called painting sets varying from 5 to 100 US dollars for 4 to 36 colors in smaller or bigger tubes;
– carefully watching for coupons and discounts for the colors you want;
– ordering your most used hues in bigger packages (some are available even in 35 oz jars);
– combining students’ and artists’ paints (the same color can vary in price by the factor five or more, yet both can do the job equally well for some specific tasks)

* All major brands offer dozens of quality paint and related products in wide range of quality and prices, including more liquid or more buttery versions of acrylics. It’s up to each individual artist to experiment with available items to meet the best results.


A Starter Pack

* Quickness of drying and simplicity of manipulation should be first concerns for beginners. This means only the necessary colors, canvases or boards, and brushes, zero additives like solvents, gessos or primers, palette knives, spatulas, sponge applicators, etc. You’ll also need a palette, some paper towels and a few jars for water.

* Being a beginner is not always bad. For instance, you start from scratch, what means you need all basic colors, so you can reduce the price per color with buying a full set of jars at once. You can get for instance Liquitex set of 48 tubes for less than 25 dollars. Of course, some of the colors will be empty very soon, but you can buy these ones (and only these colors) in bigger containers.

* As a beginner you can skip many items, but you can’t go without a decent brush. Or maybe two: rectangular (flat) and pointed (round). Both come in different sizes, basically grouped in large, medium and small families. In general, beginners find bristles made of a synthetic material more practical than the ones made of natural hair. Most manufacturers offer special brushes made for acrylic paints, which are more durable than ones made for watercolor.

Being On The Budget

* Size of the paint jar is another way to stay within the budget. If you need one or two colors all the time, buy them in bulk and save your bucks thanks to quantity.

* Some of the colors will inevitably disappoint your expectations and others will simply tempt you to buy them just to try how they look in action. In both cases, you can save a lot of money just by buying all untested paints in smallest possible jars or tubes.

* Never forget another important fact about the acrylics. They mix with each other independent of quality, quantity or brand. All residues can be used for creating interesting hues or maybe even for special undercoats to create special effects.

* Typical starter pack of brushes for acrylics consists of 12 pieces with nylon bristles and costs around 15 dollars. In the same package, you’ll probably get a palette too. Another good news: the same pack is useful for aquarels and oils as well.

* For large areas you can use the cheapest household brushes (or apply color with other more or less improvised tools) and save some additional money.

* A palette is not a must. Every surface useful for mixing paints can work well, depending on your wishes.

* Apart from Artists’ and Students’ grade acrylics, you can use for some projects even cheaper Craft acrylic paints. Their quality is significantly inferior to both mentioned before, but they can be used for creating special effects or for underlayers.

* The quality (and price) of your working surface should reflect the quality of used paints. You’ll probably paint walls in an apartment with Craft, paper with Student and canvas with Artist quality paints.



Initial Set of Colors

While you can do a lot of interesting projects even with one single color, most of the users start with ten basic colors, from which most of the desired tones can be created. According to several contemporary artists, these are:

Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red
Alizarin Crimson

Phthalo Green
Phthalo Blue
Dioxazine Purple
Burnt Sienna
Mars Black

But you can be even skimpier. We all know the basics of mixing colors what means, in general, we can make the whole rainbow from just three basic colors.

Apart from explaining the color relations we can use the color wheel for mixing and otherwise combining them

Well, the actual process of mixing is a bit more complicated, what in practice means you need two different basic colors for all possible secondary and tertiary colors:

Ultramarine Blue for making blueish purple tones
Quinacridone Red for making reddish purple tones
Cadmium Yellow for making yellowish orange tones
Cadmium Red for making reddish orange tones
Hansa Yellow for making yellowish green tones
Cerulean Blue for making blueish green tones

Where to Buy Acrylic Paints

  • You can obviously get them in specialized craft & hobby stores, where you can get a lot of very useful info about the paints you need for your projects. Michaels is the most well-known among them. Some other names are A. C. Moore, Artist and Craftsman Supply, Hobby Lobby, Jo-Ann, Pat Catan and Old Time Pottery.
  • Large supermarkets like Home Depot, Target and Wal-Mart offer almost all major brands of acrylics suitable for students and sometimes for artists too. They also offer many good bargains for some paints, but don’t expect highest quality stuff.
  • Buying acrylics on-line is another popular alternative, especially useful for people who don’t leave near stores with acrylics. It pays to follow most interesting pages to find when you can get nice discounts with coupons, free shipping etc. Apart from biggest companies like AliExpress, Amazon and eBay, there are also Ambience Design, Blick, Create for Less, Etsy, Factor Direct Craft, Oriental Trading, Scrapbook and Save-On-Crafts. Don’t hesitate examining their offers!
  • Additional Supplies

These are not a must but you’ll find you need them very soon, so it’s better to be prepared:

  • an apron (yes, painting can be a messy job)
  • several clean containers for water (you’ll need to clean brushes, put them off for a moment, etc.)
  • spray bottle (occasional mist of water on the unfinished painting can help you prolongate your working time for hours)
  • paper towels (for cleaning the excess paint)

 Few Pro Tips for the End

  • Always wash your brushes right after you are done. Some soap and water should do.
  • Better (and more expensive) paint in most cases leads to better results.
  • Before you start working with canvas, always prepare it with gesso, even if it is already ‘gessoed’.


Best Acrylic Paints: from Beginner to Artist


What are the Best Brands of Acrylics for Students and Professionals?

Acrylic paints are very likely the best kind of medium for an inspiring artist who is still learning the basic tricks of the trade. While everybody at some point stops feeling like an absolute beginner, acrylics still remain popular among more experienced painters. Many professionals specialize in acrylic colors due to their ease of use and numerous possibilities they offer.


What is Acrylic Paint Made of?

We can answer this question with a little digging in the history. First acrylics were made in 1934 by German chemical giant BASF and came into commercial after the second world war. They were made from polymers (hence the name – after acrylic polymer emulsion) and intended for painting walls of the houses.

Their versatility, quick drying time (compared to oil-paint) and durability brought the attention of the artists right after they hit the commercial market (around 1950). Being able to look sharp as oil paints or soft as watercolors, acrylics soon became the first choice for beginners and a welcome addition to the skilled artists’ repertoire.

In next years producers of acrylic paints offered more and more new colors, with different synthetic pigments entering the market, being mixed with various solvents and a whole spectrum of proportions between them. While each paint offers the best possible solution for a particular problem, some basic rules for defining why some acrylics are better than others.

It is also not surprising to find out some brands actually specialized for very specific artistic niches and we’ll try to explore as many of them as possible. In general, we can say more pigment means richer (and thicker) paint, what is closely connected with a higher price. But the price should never be the main concern when buying acrylics.

The main advantages


They come in huge variety of forms:

  • buckets
  • cans
  • ink-bottles
  • jars
  • paint markers
  • spray-bottles
  • squeeze-bottles
  • tubes


With an addition of a growing collection of specific mediums, we can also manipulate many visual and mechanical properties of acrylics what makes them popular in a wide range of creative and technical areas.


Tools for working with acrylics, like palettes or brushes, are really easy to clean. In most cases, some warm water and soap can do the trick.

Drying time

It is much shorter than at oil paints, where a layer needs several days up to several weeks to dry off, so we can apply the next layer of acrylics within a day or two. The working session for an artist is shorter, his focus easier to maintain, results achieved faster and his efficiency higher.

If we need to delay the drying time, we can slow the process with a spray bottle of water. Several new acrylics with so-called retarders offer prolonged time for further manipulation.



We definitely can’t compare acrylic paints with oils or watercolors, but in a little more than half of century they proved as very durable, resistant to mechanic pressure (they don’t crack, like oil paint), are thermoplastic, what gives them way better temperature resistance and are often displayed on canvass without glass screen protection, which is almost a must for oil paintings. They also offer great UV resistance and are even used as protection for other materials.

All these characteristics should be no surprise if we remember they were initially made for house paintings. One of the best characteristics of acrylics is undoubtedly their flexibility and ability to be painted over without being affected when dried. Another characteristic, usually obtained first of all is a simple fact of apperance of acrylics not changing a lot after they dry, they often look exactly the same as at the momemnt they were squeezed out of the tube, what is definitely not the case at oils.


Before we start, we rarely think about the ’side effects’ of painting. Already mentioned cleaning is just tone of them. Another important characteristic of paints is their smell. In this area, acrylics have a significant advantage before the oils because their odour is in general much lower and often even hardly noticeable.


After a full-time working day in the artistic studio, the smell in your clothes, hair, and skin could stick for hours, what can be of great importance for everybody.


One very important advantage is similarity of the look of freshly applied acrylic color to already dried and mature finish. This is definitely not the case with watercolors, where dried paint always looks several tones differently than the initial mix on the palette. Predictable results make painting much easier, especially for beginners.


Acrylics are less toxic than oil paints because they produce less toxic fumes during work and cleaning. While pigments can still be toxic (and some fillers and retarders too), the main solvent (water) is not problematic at all. Same is true for cleaning, which is not only safer but much faster as well.


Depending on the level of dilution, or, if we may be more precise, the concentration of pigment in water, we can achieve effects of watercolors or oil paints, using the best of the both ’classic’ worlds of painting. Acrylics are very useful in numerous combinations with other types of colors too.

We can use them on canvas, ceramic, fabric, paper, terracotta and wood, where they can mimic other types of colors, but in most cases offer their signature realistic look, which possesses a very special magic to so many artists they simply can’t resist using them as a standalone media or an addition to others.

Top Brands:

Artist’s Loft

This store (Michaels) brand is quite popular due affordability of their acrylic paints. Apart from beginners who are still experimenting and have often limited budget some seasoned artists use Artist’s Loft acrylics as well. The price is low for simple reason – they have pretty low percentage of pigment, what means you may need several layers of paint squeezed right out of the tube before you adequately cover the canvas. n the other hand that might be just the effect you are looking for if you are aiming at translucent effect when using multiple layers of different colors.

Painters who want to cover large amounts of their working surface fast will find Artist’s Loft brand just right for the job because they have very good viscosity and flow, but when you want to work on details, you’ll have to use something else. Another thought about the price – it’s really great for beginners and for experimenting, what means huge pool of potential users (everybody started as a bwginner and everybody should experiment at least from time to time), but cheap paint which need two, three or even more layers to cover the base, will very likely stop being inexpensive if we compare it with a superior color which does the same job in a single stroke.

Blick Art Materials

Blick Art Materials were established by Dick Blick (with his wife Grace) and are the oldest supplier of art materials in the USA. Their products cover whole spectrum of painters, from total beginners to seasoned professionals, who are looking for the best only. Blick acrylic paints can be ordered 24 hour a day, 7 days a week and are in most cases shipped within 24 hours. They are also very proud of their competitive prices. It’s near to impossible to list all their acrylics, with artist grade, fluid, student, classroom, decorative and all other groups of paints you can possibly imagine.

Yes, they offer interference, iridescent, and pearl colors too.


Australian manufacturer Chroma has two sets of acrylic paints on the market: Educational and Fine Art. Both of them has several subgroups trying to satisfy just about every artistic need. Among Chroma Educational Acrylics we can find Chroma Kidz, made for preschoolers, which is washable, and Chromacryl with a wide range of uses from early childhood to tertiary school. For Senior Schools, they sell Atelier A2 Acrylic suiting art students and devoted hobbyists. These paints are high quality, yet without the pricey tag and very likely one of the best buys for artists who still learn, but good enough to add into Fine Art group too, where we can find heavy body Atelier Interactive Artists’ Acrylic, flowy Chroma’s Jo Sonja Artists’ Colours, and fluid Atelier Free Flow Artists’ Acrylics.

The main difference between Atelier series and majority of other acrylics is in their drying – instead of forming a hard skin, they just thicken what gives an artist ability to extend the drying time with simple spraying of pure water. Reviewers report they offer a truly ‘wet on wet’ experience, which is typically not available in this medium. It’s even possible to make already dried paint wet and workable again! There are about 80 different hues available, all coming in 80 (2.5 oz) ml tubes and 250 (8.5 oz) ml jars with several popular colors in 1 l (35 oz) bottles as well.


This company is based in England, but have warehouses and offices in the USA too. Their beginnings date almost 250 years ago when Richard and Thomas Rowney started with a production of colors for artists. Constant improvement and expansion of the company led to the creation of first acrylic paints in Europe in 1963. Rowney’s Cryla colors became one of the signatures of Pop Art in the 1960s and are still on the market, standing the test of time and being one of the best brands for acrylic paints in the world.

After the merge of George Rowney’s Company with Daler Board Company in the 1980s, one of the most important manufacturers of art supplies was formed, continually growing in all three key areas for painters: paints, brushes, and surfaces. The current line of Daler-Rowney’s acrylics (CRYLA professional acrylic line) offers 87 different colors, known by their very heavy body buttery feel and lightfastnesses, ideal for artists who want to create so-called impasto effects.

Deco Art

Best known brand of acrylic colors by Deco Art is definitely Americana, relatively high quality student paint for affordable price (we are talking about a dollar for an ounce), popular for its ease of use, but with much lower levels of pigment than competitors with Artist grade paints. Americana comes in handy bottles, is fluid, can occasionally need more than one layer for covering the surface, but is widely used not only for artistic projects on canvasses, but for decorative and craft purposes in all possible areas (miniatures, furniture decor, walls, …). Especially popular are Deco Art Americana Acrylic paint sets with more than 30 different colors in small bottles, which are available in several specialized stores and on-line as well.

In general Americana offers matte finish, which is not a typical acrylic look, where we mostly expect gloss, but several users reported they prefer using it exactly for that reason – with a background or majority of painting in matte an addition of glossy acrylic paint helps the to pop out a desired detail or emphasize a part of the picture or something else. This should probably answer the always on-going debate about the quality. Of course there are better (and much pricier paints on the market), but this doesn’t necessary mean the ‘better’ paint will proved better results for your specific project.


FolkArt is known by their artist-quality acrylics with a creamy consistency and superior hide qualities, what makes the great for base coating, blending and highlighting. They can be used on canvas, metal, plaster, textile and wood. There are also trendy metallics among their paints. All of them are certified as acid neutral and non-toxic.

There are 243 different colors in the FolkArt Premium family and 31 FolkArt Metallics altogether, both available in 60 ml (2 oz ) bottles. 18 most popular colors can be bought in 235 ml (8 oz) bottles too. Their color palette is undoubtedly one of the largest in the market.


You can’t buy an acrylic paint without at least considering one from the Golden’s offer. In general, they have four main groups of different viscosity. High Flow Acrylic paints have 49 different colors of ink-like consistency and durability of dry paint, including Fluorescent and Iridescent paints. Open Acrylics are slow drying paints offering increased time for working in most of the traditional techniques with currently 73 colors available.


Golden Fluid Acrylics are characterized by flowing ability, which makes them useful for pouring, spraying and drawing details, and intensity comparable to the most known heavy body acrylics. Their consistency is achieved without fillers or extenders and is available in 66 different colors. And there is, of course, a Heavy Body group, probably the most popular among Goldens with the most colorful offer of 100 % acrylic emulsion available for professional artists – 108 colors altogether.


Grunbacher is on the market from 1905 and it definitely had its ups and downs. Today it’s a part of Chartpak Inc., but still, continues the tradition of the American brand. Their line called Academic Acrylic offers 48 brilliant colors including metallics and iridescent. All of them are labeled with 1 – Excellent according to ASTM lightfast rating (resistance to change at exposure to light).

These acrylic colors are available in tubes in four different volumes: 75 ml (2.5 oz), 90 ml (3 oz), 150 ml (5 oz) and 200 ml (6.75 oz). For many painters, Grumbacher means some kind of best value because they offer high quality for affordable (student) price. The company is well-known by their artistic forum and other kinds of support.


Liquitech acrylic paints are the first choice for art students. Their Basics offer 36 different colors in matte and 48 in a satin finish, which is favorite among skilled painters as well. Liquitex Soft Body is a family of 89 fluid colors suitable for painting wide range of materials from classic canvas or ceramics to different fabrics and murals.

Painting by Yuri Yudaev (Public Domain)

Liquitex also offers heavy body and super heavy body colors in 100 and 27 different hues respectively. These highly pigmented paints are thick and rich, of buttery smooth consistency, what makes them perfect for traditional painting on panel or canvas or experimental techniques. Liquitex is hardly missed in any professional’s repertoire.

Ranger Ink

Ranger Ink is American manufacturer of quality inks, paints and accompanying craft products with several signature lines of artistic items created after specifications of real artists. In the field of acrylics, we should mention at least Dina Wakley Media (Dina Wakley), Distress (Tim Holtz) and Dylusions (Dyan Reaveley). Distress contains 63 very fluid colors, Dina Wakley Media 9 heavy body acrylics 6 metallics, and Dylusions 24 colors with viscosity somewhere in between. All can be bought on-line, but are not among the cheapest, so it’s best to check a few reviews before ordering.

Here is an example of a video where all Dylusions Acrylics are presented by the artist herself:


Reeves acrylics are especially popular among students because they offer strong vibrant colors for an economical price. There are 20 colors available, all in 200 ml tubes, all available for individual purchase. We should also mention their packs of 5, 10, 12 or 18 tubes, some of them designated with school usage in mind.

Of course, you can get all of their paints in smaller packages and there are also trend color packs containing four colors for mixing multitude shades without spending too much for larger sets. One of the most popular sets is acrylic metallics for painters who love to experiment with special effects.

Royal Talens

While this Dutch based company exists since 1899, their acrylics are offered ‘only’ from 1970 on. There are several brands of acrylic paints in the Royal Talens family of artistic supplies:

  • Rembrandt has 75 high quality artists’ grade colors, defined by stability and consistency. They have uniformed gloss and drying time and belong among the best in the market.
  • Van Gogh has 40 different quality colors known by high drying time, offering faster work, but suitable for skilled artists. They are available in four gradations of opacity, being extremely versatile.
  • Talens Art creation is a brand with 38 colors, available in 75 ml and 200 ml tubes and 750 ml pots. You can buy them in different sets (8, 12 and 24) with 12 ml tubes, best performing on paper and canvas, but being good on everything without dust or grease. You can use them as they re or dilute them with water, what makes them even more versatile.

Wallace Seymour

Formerly called Pip Seymour Extra Fine Acrylics is British manufacturer of Acrylic paints with a simple goal – to produce finest possible products. They managed to create 42 different colors based on finest pigments tested by numerous artists. They are known by intensity of hues, superb coverage and well-tested resistance. Some hues are truly special, like Oxford Bluestone or Verdaccio, all being available in 60 ml tubes or bigger jars ranging from 125 to 2500 ml) with pretty attractive prices (they offer four series with 1 being the least pricey and 4 being the most expensive) for wholesale orders and education institutions. They also offer gesso and primers acrylics.

If you wander what you get in the extra Series 4, you must think abut unique colors not available by any other brand, being available in only small batches and made with very special care from finest possible materials. Their crafty approach to the market is extremely well-excepted and we can expect more and more producers will go along the similar path creating more and more high quality acrylic paints for affordable price.

Winsor & Newton

This company offers two groups of acrylics in general: Professional for skilled craftsmen and Galeria with a good quality for affordable price. Professional Acrylic has 80 colors which offer a bit longer working time and don’t change their shades after drying. Galeria Acrylic has 60 colors, characterized by the lovely satin finish.

There are different sets available in both areas of Winsor & Newton Acrylic Paints with prices roughly ranging from 20 to 100 US dollars. In practical and attractive packages they make popular gifts for inspiring and experienced artists working with acrylics.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

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