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Valentine’s Colors – dozens of shades with examples with HEX and RGB codes


What Are the Best Colors for St. Valentine’s Day?

Wanna pick a perfect set of Valentine’s colors? Are there only red, white, and pink, or could we expand the palette? What to wear and how to choose appropriate Valentine’s colors for nails?

We’ll present the official Valentine’s colors with their more and less known meanings to allow you to make the best of St. Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Red

Red is the obvious choice for Valentine’s. It’s the color of passion and love, life and blood. A bouquet of red roses is a classic gift for the lady of a gentleman’s heart. But we can do much more with the color red, especially if we are willing to dive a bit deeper and play with its numerous shades and countless combinations with other colors. We will also present a few Valentine’s related products from Amazon to expand your experience beyond the theory. As Amazon’s associate’s we may earn a small comission in case you buy one of the products, but this will have no effect on your price.

If you wander about Valentine’s color code, we got you covered. Let’s start with St. Valentine’s red colors:

#E55451 (229, 84, 81) Valentine Red (Computerhope)
#D41F3A (212, 31, 58) Valentine Red Color (Color Name)
#E72650 (231, 38, 80) Valentine Color (Color Name)
#B233B (155, 35, 59) Valentine Red Color (Crispedge)
#BC3440 (188, 52, 64) Valentine Red (Colourlovers)

The set of Valentine’s reds above comes from various unofficial web sources. Different international standards used to compile this list of red colors don’t have Valentine Red on the list. Yet.

But we all know things can change, right?

The paint makers already offer several red paints named after St. Valentine.

#AE3162 (174, 49, 98) Vista Paint Valentine’s Kiss / Berger Valentine’s Kiss / Scib Paints Valentine’s Kiss
#B44F51 (180, 79, 81) Sico Valentine Card / Crown Diamond Valentine Card
#A5414D (165, 65, 77) Benjamin Moore My Valentine
#DC6B6E (220, 107, 110) CIL Funny Valentine
#DF6B6B (223, 107, 107) Devoe Paint Funny Valentine / Color Your World Funny Valentine

It’s always interesting to note how the perception of color, even if it’s associated with a specific action, event, feeling, or, in this case, holiday, varies. Different companies see Valentine’s Red paint as presented above and below.


#D86367 (216, 99, 103) ICI Paints Funny Valentine
#A53A4E (165, 58, 78) Sherwin-Williams Valentine
#984053 (152, 64, 83) MyPerfectColor Valentine Red
#DE6167 (222, 97, 103) Dulux Funny Valentine
#AA323A (170, 50, 58) Sico Valentine

We are not finished with the list of Red Valentine’s paints. If you are looking for the next color of your walls, don’t forget it’s a vibrant color, loaded with energy, and definitely not suitable for places where you need peace and focus.

Even if you are aiming for intensity and passion, you should probably think about such paint only in balance with very carefully chosen other colors (edges, furniture, ceiling, …).

#AA3132 (170, 49, 50) Crown Diamond Valentine
#A23B4E (162, 59, 78) Sherwin-Williams My Valentine
#BB3E3B (187, 62, 59) PPG Pittsburgh Paints Valentine
#972438 (151, 36, 56) Kelly-Moore Valentine Red
#DD636A (221, 99, 106) Canadian Tire Funny Valentine

Red is the first choice for St. Valentine’s Day. It works best in combination with white and we managed to find a few white (or whiteish) colors too.


White Paints for St. Valentine’s Day

White is the color of youth and innocence. It’s the color of new beginnings. If you just started a romance with somebody, white should be very appropriate for Valentine’s.

#FBF3ED (251, 243, 237) Behr Happy Valentine
#DCCBCB (220, 203, 203) Do it Best Valentine Lace
#D7CAC9 (215, 202, 201) ColorLife Valentine / Colorwheel Valentine / Kwal Paints CL Valentine
#F3D9D6 (243, 217, 214) Glidden Scented Valentine / PPG Pittsburgh Paints Scented Valentine
#F2DDE7 (242, 221, 231) Clark+Kensington My Valentine

White works great for backgrounds and even white paints in our list don’t look completely white, their pinkish, creamy, or beige hues perfectly complement most of the reds presented before. This is useful for any kind of design you are planning.

Valentine’s Pink

As a mixture of red and white pink tries to catch the best of both worlds. It’s lively as red and soft as white. This is a color of admiration and elegance. Pink is undoubtedly the most feminine color of all.

#F6ADC6 (246, 173, 198) Valentine Pink (Colorsexplained)
#BA779F (186, 119, 159) Behr Valentine Heart
#893C60 (137, 60, 96) Earthpaint Sweet Valentine
#E7D2D5 (231, 201, 213) Olympic My Valentine
#E3A4C5 (227, 164, 197) ICI Valentine Pink


While by definition pink is made of red and white, we can play with the proportions to get dozens of different shades. When we add a certain percentage of yellow and blue, things become more complicated.

#F7C5D8 (247, 197, 216) Bristol Valentine’s Day
#E2A3C4 (226, 163, 196) Ameritone Devoe Valentine Pink / Canadian Tire Valentine Pink
#F4CBE5 (244, 203, 229) Benjamin Moore Valentine’s Day
#E3A6C5 (227, 166, 197) CIL Valentine Pink
#E6A6BE (230, 166, 190) Devoe Paint Valentine Pink

Some pink paints look more purplish, some are inclined to orange, and some are so pale, they edge on bright grey. In any case, the paint producers offer so many pink colors named after Valentine, everybody can find something for himself.

#EFC1CB (239, 193, 203) Dutch Boy Valentine Pink
#EAA5C7 (234, 165, 199) Glidden Valentine Pink
#F0B1B3 (240, 177, 179) Porter Paints Pink Valentine
#F4D9D7 (244, 217, 215) Porter Paints Scented Valentine
#F2D3E0 (242, 211, 224) Behr Scented Valentine / Dulux Australia Lily Legs Half


Valentine’s Purple Colors

Purple is the color of intuition and mystery. It’s the color of magic. And what, if not love, is the ultimate magic? Again, it’s hard to find an ‘official’ name of a purple color directly related to Valentine’s Day, but paint manufacturers still offer a few pretty useful shades.

#4D206D (77, 32, 109) Valentine Purple Color (Color Name)
#C194A8 (193, 148, 168) Major Valentine
#DC6177 (220, 97, 119) Color Guild Valentine / Finnaren and Haley Paint Valentine
#9D3A53 (157, 58, 83) True Value Valentine lahko tudi pod rdeco
#B15E8A (177, 94, 138) Sears My Valentine

Some of the presented purple paints look quite red while others sympathize with blue. It’s up to you to pick the right tint for your project. Just bear in mind that purple always tends to dominate, so it’s probably best to start with small amounts and build up from there.

#E3C4D2 (227, 196, 210) Kilz Funny Valentine
#B46FA0 (180, 111, 160) Ace Valentine Heart
#D7CAC9 (215, 202, 201) General Paint Valentine
#D9C1C8 (217, 193, 200) Kilz Valentine’s Kiss
#EC9DC3 (236, 157, 195) Dunn-Edwards Be My Valentine / California Paints Be My Valentine

As we can check in our long list of purple shades, this mixture of red and blue hues soon becomes tricky. Sometimes it’s closer to pink, sometimes to violet.

Violet Valentine Colors

Yes, we decided to make separate groups for purples and violets related to St. Valentine. We could also throw them all in one, but in this case, a whole family of colors would be missing. Well, we could actually add a subfamily of lilacs, right?

#A772C1 (167, 114, 193) Valentine Violet Color
#AAADC1 (170, 173, 193) Dulux Valentine
#DFBED4 (223, 190, 212) Rona Valentine
#AA71A3 (170, 113, 163) Kelly Moore Victorian Valentine
#EEB2C6 (238, 178, 198) Dutch Boy Be My Valentine

If we summarize our exploration of Valentine’s colors so far, we are still playing with red and white in different proportions with a pinch of blue or yellow. So far blue was represented in the majority of cases, often dominating the mixture.

On the other hand, we can also have a lot of yellow and almost none of the blue, which gives us a few interesting orange tones of Valentine’s paints.

Orange Valentine Colors and Paints

Orange is a mixture of red and yellow. It’s joyful and energetic. Orange is a color of adventure, suitable for new love or love with reignited flame. Playful and emotional. Optimistic and determined.

#FADFCD (250, 223, 205) Taubmans Sweet Valentine / Bristol Sweet Valentine
#F8D6C6 (248, 214, 198) Taubmans Scented Valentine
#EFD8D4 (239, 216, 212) Olympic Scented Valentine
#F8DDD8 (248, 221, 216) Benjamin Moore Valentine Memories
#EFCFCD (239, 207, 205) Duron St Valentine / Frazee St Valentine

With this set of somehow orange valentine’s colors, we conclude the article and invite you to explore our other lists among which some grew to pretty huge proportions.

Bookmark our site; so you can find it when you need more info about drawing, painting, colors, and similar stuff. A link from your blog or social profile would mean a lot to us.

And, of course, tell your friends. Because everybody loves Valentine’s colors!


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