Brown Color Names – 130 Shades with HEX and RGB Values
The color brown is the least popular color of all. There are many reasons for that and being so ordinary is probably the most obvious. Formally, it’s a tertiary color which means we can make it by mixing all three primary colors: yellow, red, and blue. Or, if we stay in RGB model: red and green.
While it’s very hard to find a person who will declare brown as his or her favorite color, we still can’t do without it. After all, brown, the color of the earth, is the most natural of all colors in the world. Depending on the shade, there are numerous (more than a thousand!) brown colors that can be mixed with different degrees of red, yellow, and blue with the addition of white or black to doctor the tint.

It’s our mission to present this interesting color which is unjustly omitted from the company logos and other graphics meant to attract our intention and sympathies. At the moment there are 130 different colors of brown sorted by logical groups, depending on their names and origins. We already have more than 100 additional shades waiting to be processed by our designers and introduced to the world.
Enjoy the already-shown brown colors and stay tuned for more!
Color Brown with values by different standards
What, exactly, is perceived as color brown?

#964B00 (150, 75, 0) Brown
#993300 (153,51,0) Brown (Web Safe)
#794E3E (121, 77, 62) Brown (RAL)
#AF593E (175, 89, 62) Brown (Crayola)
#3A1F04 (58, 31, 4) Brunette
As you can see, our perception of ‘perfect’ brown differs from one standard to another. So we have many colors with a simple name: brown. Yes, brunette means brown in French. It’s up to you which of the browns above you’ll perceive as yours truly brown.
Dark Brown Colors
When we say brown, our first image is probably one of the darker tones. We’ll see many of them, her is just an example of five dark brown shades with the name directly insinuating they are dark.

#5C4033 (92, 64, 51) Dark Brown
#654321 (101, 67, 33) Dark Brown (color-meanings)
#410200 (65, 2, 0) Deep Brown
#73624A (115, 98, 74) Heavy Brown
#403330 (64, 51, 48) Night Brown
Despite the fact it’s always a strong, authoritative tone, dark brown can be very warm and comforting, which depends on the used red in the mixture. These colors are among the most used hair dyes.
Lighter Colors of Brown
The light brown color is also widespread in nature. It’s the color of several wood types, different fruits of nature, types of wheat, …

#7F5112 (127, 81, 18) Medium Brown
#876E4B (135, 110, 75) Dull Brown
#B7825F (183, 130, 95) Soft Brown
#B5651D (181, 101, 29) Light Brown
#B1907F (177, 144, 127) Pastel Brown
If you compare the codes for darker and lighter shades of brown, you’ll see the values of red and green are significantly higher, while the values for blue are also higher but not to the same extent. Most of the colors above are warm and easy on the eye which makes them a popular choice for coloring the elements of our homes, like walls, or everyday lives, like cloth.
We’ll find many more lighter tones of brown a bit later.
Brown Color Names, Combined with Other Colors
Next set of names is a bit iffy yet we’ll present them anyway.

#A52A2A (51, 24, 0) Red-Brown
#34080E (52, 8, 14) Scarlet Brown
#BC8F8F (188, 143, 143) Rosy Brown
#C27E79 (194,126,121) Pinkish Brown
#9E4638 (158, 70, 56) Coral Brown
We already know the importance of the percentage of each primary color in the mix leading to brown color. Often one of the primaries dominates what can lead to the name. Yet, it’s good to know, there are many standards for naming the colors, so you’ll very likely find two colors with the same name but different HEX codes or with the same color values but totally different names.

#B16002 (177, 96, 2) Orange Brown
#996515 (153, 101, 21) Golden Brown
#696112 (105, 97, 18) Greenish Brown
#7F7053 (127, 112, 83) Gray Brown
#7A6A4F (122, 106, 79) Grayish Brown
Due to its warmth and energy orange-brown color above is one of the most popular brown shades. It’s used especially as a hair color and as a color of smaller elements of living rooms.

#922B05 (146, 43, 5) Brown Red
#8D8468 (141, 132, 104) Brown Gray
#565044 (86, 80, 68) Brown Gray (RAL)
#AB814F (171, 129, 79) Brown Beige
#DFD0C0 (223, 208, 192) Brown Cream
This set of names is still made of combinations with other colors but with the other color as the second in the name. Gray, in all its variations, is the most frequent in this case. We can actually play with different tones of brown just adding a bit of white or black, creating dozens of interesting results suitable for our projects.

#86775F (134, 119, 95) Brownish Gray
#9E3623 (158, 54, 35) Brownish Red
#7B403B (123, 64, 59) Brownish Red (Eggradients)
#76424E (118, 66, 78) Brownish Purple
#B05F03 ((176, 95, 3) Brownish Orange
The family of brown colors named as combinations with other colors ends with a set of brownish colors with their codes. We can look at them as primary or secondary colors with an addition of brown (in practice this means an addition of some other primary or secondary), but they are still all brown colors by definition.
Brown Color Names Related to Plants
Many elements of plants are brown. Wood is probably the first association coming to one’s mind. Here is a set of five shades of wood brown color to start.

#C19A6B (193, 154, 107) Wood Brown
#402F1D (64, 47, 29) Wood Brown (Louisem)
#855E42 (133, 94, 66) Dark Wood
#DEB887 (222, 184, 135) Burlywood
#CEBAA8 (206, 186, 168) Firewood
As we see, something seemingly as simple as a wood color code can already provide a challenge to the designer. There are so many shades available, we definitely need more data, than just the name. And this is just the beginning.
Tan Color Codes
Tan is a very light shade of brown. The name comes from the Latin tannum, which means oak bark. Oak bark was traditionally used for tanning leather. As you’ll see even this specific shade of brown can be derived in more ‘sub-shades’.

#D2B48C (210, 180, 140) Tan
#988558 (152, 133, 88) Dark Tan
#A75502 (167, 85, 2) Windsor Tan
#C4915E (196,145,94) Mid Tan
#ECDEC9 (236, 222, 201) Light Tan
Tan has several synonyms: tawny, fulvous, tenne. As expected, we can find even more shades of tan in this family. Compare them and try to spot a difference between both Pantone Tawny Brown colors. They also share their names with only one letter being different. Looking at their RGB codes, it’s obvious the shares of red and green are very close in both cases with the percentage of blue being only slightly more different.

#CD5700 (205, 87, 0) Tawny
#A9836F (171, 133, 111) Tawny Brown Pantone / PMS 17-1226 TPG
#A9836A (169, 131, 106) Tawny Brown Pantone / PMS 17-1226 TPX
#E48400 (228,132,0) Fulvous
#97572B (151,87,43) Leather Brown
For good measure, we also added the color Leather Brown, which is directly related to tan and tanning.
Let’s continue with more tones of brown, related to wood.

#C04000 (192, 64, 0) Mahogany
#806517 (128, 101, 23) Oak Brown
#4B3A26 (75, 58, 38) Cedar
#351E10 (53, 30, 16) Hickory
#645452 (100, 84, 82) Wenge
Above you can compare different shades of brown, associated with specific types of trees. Wenge is probably the most exotic among them. Yet, if you got seriously involved in buying furniture, this dark brown shade will probably pop up very soon. Originally, it’s the name of a very dark brown, almost black wood of a sort of tree (Millettia laurentii) growing in West Africa. Yet we can also compare this color with Cedar and Hickory which are even daker.

#996633 (153, 102, 51) Bark
#79443B (121, 68, 59) Bole
#AC9464 (172, 148, 100) Teak
#C8B560 (200,181,96) Fall Leaf Brown
#E2C28E (226, 194, 142) Birdseed
Different Shades of Brown Names Related to Fruits
A huge family of chestnuts brings some of the most popular shades of warm dark brown colors, especially in demand for hair dying. While it’s interesting to compare colors of chestnut and maroon (very close in a botanical sense, but not the same), it’s probably intriguing to compare both with other fruits.
If you want to find even more colors named after chestnut and maroon, check the article about red shades.

#954535 (149, 69, 53) Chestnut
#986960 (152, 105, 96) Dark Chestnut
#800000 (128, 0, 0) Maroon
#713930 (113, 57, 48) Raisin Brown
#965A3E (150, 90, 62) Coconut
In contrast, we have also choose two extremes: very small fruit such as a raisin (dry grape) and huge coconut. But this is not all. Many more brown fruits can be found in nature and some of them are presented below together with HTML (HEX) codes and RGB values.

#D7A98C (215, 169, 140) Acorn
#5C5248 (92, 82, 72) Walnut Brown
#EFDECD (239, 222, 205) Almond
#FFEBCD (255, 235, 205) Blanched Almond
#B0724A (176, 114, 74) Burnt Almond
Almond is another great example of how the naming of brown shades very fast becomes complex and in many cases too demanding even for color experts. Even if we find a consensus on the sort of almond in a specific phase of maturity, we will very likely sooner or later make some kind of impact on it. In the case of almonds, we treat them with heat, of course.

#5B3A29 (91, 58, 41) Hazelnut Brown
#D2691E (210, 105, 30) Cocoa Brown
#48260D (72, 38, 13) Pecan
#795C32 (121, 92, 50) Peanut
#AF642B (175, 100, 43) Date Fruit Brown
Family of Brown Food-Related Shades
Nature is loaded with edible products and already-presented fruits (many of them being brown or at least brownish!) are a great start to dive into samples of colors, closely associated with foods.
We have already mentioned cocoa. So why don’t we start with chocolate?
Or shall we say chocolates?

#7B3F00 (123, 63, 0) Chocolate
#9E5B40 (158, 91, 64) Bitter Chocolate
#352620 (53, 38, 32) Dark Chocolate
#A86E53(168, 110, 83) Milk Chocolate
#EDE6D6 (237, 230, 214) White Chocolate Color
After cocoa, we definitely couldn’t skip the family of chocolate brown colors. We could probably find at least a few dozen of more brown shades with chocolate-related names but for this article, it’s probably better to continue with other edibles.
Bread and its’ cousins, tortilla included, is one of them.

#DACBA9 (218, 203, 169) Baked Bread
#D2AD84 (210, 173, 132) Butter Toast
#8D7D77 (141, 125, 119) Cinnamon Toast
#997950 (153, 121, 80) Tortilla
#FFF8DC (255, 248, 220) Corn Silk
While we are at basic foods, we can’t skip the meat and meat-related products. You got it right. Brown color in several different hues, tints, and shades, is influential in this sector too!

#9F724B (159, 114, 75) Roast Brown
#E3DAC9 (227, 218, 201) Bone zelo siva
#534B4F (83, 75, 79) Liver
#E5B73B (229, 183, 59) Meat Brown
#BB8866 (187, 136, 102) Carnal Brown
Caramel Brown, Anybody?
If you are in the mood for something sweet, sugar can be brown as well. We have already mentioned how shades of brown change when we apply some heat and sugar is no exception. Even if we start with perfectly white chrystals we soon got lovely brownish tones as a result of the dehydration of carbon hydrate.
This led us to caramel and related edibles.

#492000 (73, 32, 0) Syrup
#AF6F09 (175, 111, 9) Caramel
#FFD59A (255, 213, 154) Caramel Color
#B87A59 (184, 122, 89) Caramel Apple
#A17249 (161, 114, 73) Brown Sugar
Sweet liquids don’t end here. Apart from caramel, we need to address at least maple syrup and honey, right? And, of course, both pair perfectly with butter leading to more interesting brownish shades.

#C9A38D (201, 163, 141) Maple Sugar
#BB9351 (187, 147, 81) Maple Syrup
#BA9238 (186, 146, 56) Honey Brown
#EFE0CD (239, 224, 205) Buttercream
#F1EBDA (241, 235, 218) Buttery Brown
We have more than a dozen brown food-related colors with codes in our depository, waiting to be sorted in groups, but at the moment, it’s time to end the journey through brownish colors of food.
How about a drink?
Brown Color Names Named After Drinks
There are many brown drinks out there and coffee is probably at the top of the list. Coffee, in its countless versions which are getting even more numerous each and every day. Even if we call it black coffee, we always deal with more or less dark shades of brown.
Here is a set of the first five coffee brown shades.

#6F4E37 (111, 78, 55) Coffee
#704241 (112, 66, 65) Deep Coffee
#4B3621 (75, 54, 33) Cafe Noir
#4A2C2A (74, 44, 42) Brown Coffee
#38250E (56, 37, 14) Espresso Brown
There are as many versions of coffee as there are coffee drinkers. some prefer a quick shot of energy, while others enjoy sipping it. some want it black (meaning without anything in the cup except the coffee), and others add sugar, milk, cream, and even alcoholic drinks.
Some sorts of coffee became so popular they expanded from local curiosities to true ambassadors of their inventors. Here we go with a second set of coffee colors with HEX and RGB codes.

#5C3925 (92, 57, 37) Irish Coffee
#7D6757 (125, 103, 87) Roman Coffee
#483F39 (72, 63, 57) Turkish Coffee
#A88B70 (168, 139, 112) Affogato
#967969 (150, 121, 105) Mocha
Milk and dairy products such as cream or ice cream are an especially popular addition to coffee drinks which already vary by brown shades depending on the sort of coffee beans and type of preparation. We can add just a few drops of milk or we can go to the other extreme, finishing with just a hint of coffee in milk.

#7A706C (122, 112, 108) Americano
#BCADA3 (188, 173, 163) Cappuccino
#C0A386 (192, 163, 134) Cortado
#928168 (146, 129, 104) Macchiato
#3F3230 (63, 50, 48) Ristretto
The last set of coffee brown colors for designers, coffee lovers, and all curious people who want to learn something new has an addition of Frappe Color, which expands a whole new set of possibilities in the area of browns. We also included Chicory which is widely used as a coffee substitute.

#C5A582 (197, 165, 130) Latte
#A67B5B (166, 123, 91) Cafe Au Lait
#B18F6A (177, 143, 106) Iced Coffee
#D1B7A0 (209, 183, 160) Frappe
#A78658 (167, 134, 88) Chicory
To be fair, we have to add at least one set of tea-related colors. They are brown drinks too, aren’t they?
#DAC395 (218, 195, 149) Chamomile
#999B85(153, 155, 133) Tea Color
#B1832F (177, 131, 47) Chai
#A23C26 (162,60,38) Rooibos Tea
#923C01 (146, 60, 1) Iced Tea
We are done with beverages for now and ready to conclude our journey in the land of brown-colored drinks. Champagne, whiskey, and brandy should also be included in the list. Recently especially the family of Champagne colors is in high demand, as we can see, among other examples in this list of light pink paint colors.

#C9A86A (201, 168, 106) Ginger Ale
#D2975D (210, 151, 93) Whiskey
#FAD6A5 (250, 214, 165) Champagne
#DCB68A (220, 182, 138) Brandy
#9A463D (154, 70, 61) Cognac
This is the end of the article for time being. Expect some more browns to be added in the future. The world of animals, minerals, or just everyday objects offers many many more!
If you learned something interesting and useful, share it with others. Bye!