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Easter Colors with Examples – HEX and RGB Codes Included


What are the Easter colors?

Are you trying to figure out what shades of purple or violet are most popular among Easter colors? Maybe looking for inspiration to dye eggs, decorate a room, or wandering what to wear on Good Friday? Asking yourself what symbols are behind Easter red, yellow, or blue? Well, you’ll find many answers just by scrolling down, but we have to warn you …

With every answer, you’ll probably want to know even more. So, let’s dive into the longest list of Easter colors on the Web!

Best Easter Colors

Here are the top five: red, purple, blue, green, and yellow. If we are allowed to oversimplify, red represents blood (life), purple is for centuries reserved for royalty (think about the King of the Kings), blue is for the sky (and purity), green means rebirth (Easter announces spring) and yellow (which can be understood as gold) of course for Sun.

#C92519 (201, 37, 25) Easter Red
#C071FE (192, 113, 254) Easter Purple
#3ED1EE (62, 209, 238) Easter Blue
#A1D269 (161, 210, 105) Easter Green
#F2DA54 (242, 218, 84) Easter Yellow

But this is just the beginning. It’s very interesting to note that dozens of paint producers decided to include the word Easter in the names of their paints. Sometimes it’s combined with one of the colors, sometimes with the name of a flower, sometimes with Easter-related activity, … And, obviously, we can’t do without Easter eggs or bunnies.

Just six of the popular colors for Easter eggs

Easter Purple Colors

The first set of Easter colors of commercially available paints presents five visions of manufacturers. As you can see their presentation of the color purple varies quite a bit.

#CCACCA (204, 172, 202) Benjamin Moore Purple Easter Egg
#9B93B4 (155, 147, 180) Sico Easter Lily Purple / Crown Diamond Easter Lily Purple
#625A79 (98, 90, 121) Sico Easter Choir / Crown Diamond Easter Choir
#C2A4C2 (194, 164, 194) Dutch Boy Easter Egg Purple / Sherwin-Williams Novel Lilac
#9199CC (145, 153, 204) Pantone TPG Easter Egg Color

On the other hand, the same color of purple paint is produced by different factories. There are several reasons for that but it is beyond the point of this article. Let’s see the next set of five paints!

#9F748C (159, 116, 140) Fuller OBrien Easter Purple
#785876 (120, 88, 118) Valspar Easter Bonnet
#E4CDD5 (228, 205, 213) Ace Easter Parade
#ACA7D0 (172, 167, 208) Color Your World Easter Treat
#C6C7DC (198, 199, 220) Rona Easter Day

We could give them other names (like violet, pale purple, lilac, etc.), too, right? Don’t worry, we have those on the list as well!

Easter is the most important Christian holiday (yes, even more than Christmas – and by the way, check this article about Christmas colors). Many religious rituals are part of the celebration and special garments are mandatory. Purple hoods with their symbolic meanings are clearly seen in the next photo.

One of processions in Easter

Just like at the Easter hoods above, there is not just a single shade of purple used for paints. In fact we already presented hundreds of purple shades. It’s time to take a look at the third set of purples with Easter in the name.

#C9C9D3 (201, 201, 211) Ace Easter Bonnet
#D2C7C7 (210, 199, 199) MAB Easter Egg
#D0A7BD (208, 167, 189) Taubmans Purple Easter Egg / Bristol – Purple Easter Egg P088-W3
#7E7596 (126, 117, 150) Sico Easter / Crown Diamond Easter
#D9BFDB (217, 191, 219) CIL Easter Egg

Well, purple color is undoubtedly an important part of the Easter holidays. In the commercial names of the paints on the market, it’s often connected to eggs. Purple is a popular color for egg dyeing, as seen in the next photo.

Egg hunt is a popular activity during Easter holidays

Here we go again. Easter eggs and early bloomers. At least two dominant shades of purples. Or, can we say, we are dealing with two different colors? Apart from purple, violet also bears strong associations with Easter. Try to spot a difference.

Different Shades of Easter Violet Colors

#DDD8DE (221, 216, 222) Berger Easter Party / Scib Paints Easter Party / Vista Paint Easter Party
#B8B1C9 (184, 177, 201) Sico Violet Easter Egg / Crown Diamond Violet Easter Egg
#DAD6DD (218, 214, 221) Kelly-Moore Easter Party
#9AA9C8 (154, 169, 200) Porter Paints Easter Egg
#DDDBDE (221, 219, 222) Cloverdale Paint Easter Party / Rodda Paint Easter Party

After the first set of violet paints with the word Easter in their names, we can probably say there is a larger percentage of red in purples and a larger percentage of blue in violets. But let’s stop this debate before it even begins.

While physics clearly states that violet is a color with a specific wavelength and purple is a mixture of red and blue (with some green), the human eye is simply not equipped to differentiate between purple and violet. The same set of receptors is used for both.

#97ABC2 (151, 171, 194) Taubmans Easter Egg
#DACFFA (218, 207, 250) Valspar Paint Easter Basket
#E6E0E8 (230, 224, 232) Premier Paints Easter Bonnet / Dutch Standard Easter Bonnet
#CDD4E3 (205, 212, 227) Vista Paint Easter Bonnet
#CEC6DF (206, 198, 223) Para Paints Easter Bonnet

The set of violet paints above could be also filed under purples. One of them could also b presented as pale blue. So, as you see, the name doesn’t guarantee a lot. In the next set, we can at least find an example of paint (made by Color Your World) with violet in the name.

#DDC6E2 (221, 198, 226) Sico Easter Egg
#CABAD7 (202, 186, 215) Color Your World Easter Violet
#E9E5EA (233, 229, 234) Rodda Paint Easter Bunny / Columbia Paint Easter Bunny / Hirshfields Paints Easter Bunny
#D9BDD8 (217, 189, 216) ICI Easter Egg
#D8C0DA (216, 192, 218) Glidden Easter Egg

While eggs still dominate among the names of the presented violet paints (check their RGB values), we managed to find another violet among the next five paints.

#E6D1E4 (230, 209, 228) Crown Diamond Easter Egg
#E0CEDC (224, 206, 220) Canada Hardware Easter Bonnet / Home Hardware Easter Bonnet
#A18CB3 (161, 140, 179) Valspar Easter Parade
#DCD6E5 (220, 214, 229) Color Guild Easter Frost
#D5C2DC (213, 194, 220) Premier Paints Easter Violet / Dutch Standard Easter Violet

Easter Lilac Colors

Just Another Pale Easter Color?

Lilac is another popular Easter color with dubious status. Is it really color on its own or just a shade of purple or violet? By definition, it’s definitely a pale shade of violet, but due to the popularity of pale purples and violets, it deserves at least one set of paints in our presentation.

#D4D7E9 (212, 215, 233) MAB Easter Bonnet
#DAD7DB (218, 215, 219) MAB Easter Party
#DCD8DE (220, 216, 222) Coronado Paints Easter Party
#DBD6DB (219, 214, 219) McCormick Paints Easter Party
#D1C7C7 (209, 199, 199) Coronado Paints Easter Egg / McCormick Paints Easter Egg

Pale shades of violet (or purple) color are not a coincidence during Easter holidays. On a symbolic level it’s associated with compassion and serenity which definitely goes hand in hand with this Christian holiday. Lilacs are also among the earliest bloomers of flowers which goes well with pagan celebrations of the new life in nature coming with spring.

New, fresh life is very well associated with paleness. And what color could be paler by definition than pink?

Easter Pink

Pink is a color of new beginnings and the next paints offer five different visions as seen by paint makers.

#E6A2C1 (230, 162, 193) Bristol Easter Pink
#E8A9D0 (232, 169, 208) Benjamin Moore Easter Pink
#F5E3EF (245, 227, 239) Benjamin Moore Easter Bonnet
#ECE5EC (236, 229, 236) Colortrend Easter Bunny / ECOS Paints Easter Bunny / Diamond Vogel Easter Bunny
#EDEBEA (237, 235, 234) Focoltone Easter Bunny / Sico Easter Bunny / Crown Diamond Easter Bunny

Yes, pink is a color of love and joy. Pink is dawn at its earliest in the morning. It’s also the color of the fourth Sunday of Lent and 21 days before Easter. There are only two occasions when priests are wearing pink and this is one of them (the other, of course, is in Advent).

Easter rose as an object and one of Easter colors

Actually, they will probably tell you that this color is not pink. It’s called rose.

#DDBFD4 (221, 191, 212) Devoe Paint Easter Egg
#E8B9CB (232, 185, 203) Porter Paints Easter Bonnet / PPG Pittsburgh Paints Easter Bonnet
#F7CAD5 (247, 202, 213) Taubmans Easter Treats
#D5C6CA (213, 198, 202) Valspar Paint Easter Rose
#F0D9E1 (240, 217, 225) Valspar Paint Easter Morning

Did you spot the difference between pink and rose? Colors can be tricky, aren’t they?

#E9D3D6 (233, 211, 214) Coronado Paints Easterville / Cloverdale Paint Easterville / Rodda Paint Easterville / MAB Easterville
#ECE5E8 (236, 229, 232) Dal Worth Paints Easter Bonnet
#D2CAC9 (210, 202, 201) Cloverdale Paint Easter Egg / Rodda Paint Easter Egg / Clark+Kensington Abstract Gray
#F1CEC5 (241, 206, 197) Colorwheel Easter Pink
#D3C8C9 (211, 200, 201) Berger Easter Egg / Scib Paints Easter Egg / Vista Paint Easter Egg

Easter Yellow with HEX and RGB Values

Yellow (roughly the same is true for gold) is another spring color. This is the color of the Sun and Sun can be seen as a representation of the rebirth of Jesus in Christianity or the ultimate deity in numerous pagan religions. Easter can’t be represented without yellow.

No wonder there are so many yellow shades of commercial paints directly connected to Easter.

#FBC925 (251, 201, 37) Dulux Easter Morn 1
#FCCD46 (252, 205, 70) Dulux Easter Morn 2
#FFDD78 (255, 221, 120) Dulux Easter Morn 3
#FFDF96 (255, 223, 150) Dulux Easter Morn 4
#F6E2A9 (246, 226, 169) Dulux Easter Morn 5

Dulux created a whole series of paints with the name Easter Morn. Above you can find five of them and below there’s the sixth which can be compared to other yellow paints named after Easter by other producers.

#F6E6BB (246, 230, 187) Dulux Easter Morn 6 / ICI Paints Acacia
#F7F4E2 (247, 244, 226) Benjamin Moore Easter Lily
#F8EACB (248, 234, 203) Devoe Paint Easter Lily
#F5EAD3 (245, 234, 211) Glidden Easter Lily / Dulux Easter Lily
#FADF8D (250, 223, 141) Taubmans Easter Bonnet

While the Easter Lily dominates in this group of Easter yellow colors, we can find other flowers as well. Actually, there is also simply Easter Yellow paint and – what else – Easter Egg paint!

#F3ECD7 (243, 236, 215) Dutch Boy Easter Egg
#FDEB9D (253, 235, 157) Coronado Paints Easter Yellow / Kelly Moore Easter Yellow
#FFC50E (255, 197, 14) Clairtone Easter Iris
#FAF0DD (250, 240, 221) Sico Easter Lily
#FFDA8C (255, 218, 140) Montana Easter Yellow

There we have many more tints of yellow with codes, too.

If Yellow represents the Sun as the major element of spring, green represents new life with everything turning green at this time of the year.

Yellow Easter chicks on Easter green grass

Easter Green (Examples with HEX and RGB)

For your convenience, we compiled a set of green paints named after Easter. Pale Easter Green is a clear winner.

#DDF0CB (221, 240, 203) Benjamin Moore Easter Hunt
#C7CF68 (199, 207, 104) RAL Easter Green
#A0CF79 (160, 207, 121) Huls Easter Green / Ace Easter Green
#EBE094 (235, 224, 148) True Value Easter Grass
#C9E4C8 (201, 228, 200) Valspar Easter Green

As you are already used, we also offer a full article about green shades.

Believe it or not, blue is also one of the Easter colors. If we think a bit, this should not be too surprising fact. After all, it’s the color of the sky and authority, both associated with new life (and the afterlife).

Or, if we stay on strictly practical grounds, we can’t seriously think about purple, violet, or green without a hefty dose of blue.

Easter Blue

Here is a set of popular Easter blue paints by different makers. All with accompanying HEX (HTML) codes and RGB values, if you want to recreate the feel in any of your projects.

#70BFE1 (112, 191, 225) MyPerfectColor Easter Egg Blue
#5385B0 (83, 133, 176) Rona Easter Blue
#9BD0D3 (155, 208, 211) Color Guild Easter Light
#DBE4E8 (219, 228, 232) Kelly Moore Easter Egg
#99AAC8 (153, 170, 200) Glidden Easter Egg / PPG Pittsburgh Paints Easter Egg

Not enough? Check hundreds of blue shades.

If you find this article with 85 (!) examples of Easter colors useful, don’t forget to tell your friends. A link from your blog or social profile would be greatly appreciated.

Easter bunnies and Easter eggs as major symbols of fertility

Also, bookmark this page for your later reference, because we have at least two dozens Easter colors to add soon!


Christmas Colors – Most Popular Colors for Christmas with HEX and RGB Codes


Red and Green are not the only Christmas colors. Yes, we can’t do without them, yet there are several important colors without which we can’t compose a decent Christmas palette. We need them to equilibrate the strong red and green hues, add an emotional accent, or simply for contrast.

Of course, even red and green can be presented in numerous different shades. To help you find the best Christmas colors, we made a selection of main Christmas colors, produced by top paint brands (they included the word Christmas in the name of the paint or color) in the world and add several variations of less known colors, named by influential designers. To make your experience better, we included a few Christmas-related products from Amazon. If you decide to buy something through our link, we may earn a small commission without additional cost to you.

All chosen colors will be presented in squares in sets of five, so you can compare them. Each one of them will have corresponding HEX and RGB codes written in their names, so you can recreate your favorites in your projects as you need them. We’ll try to add a few interesting and useful additional info about the colors of Christmas on this page, include links to even more resources, and maybe add a few more colors later in 65 shades presented at the moment won’t be enough.

all the christmas colors book by matthew paul turner

Christmas Red Colors

Red is undoubtedly the first color coming to one’s mind when we mention Christmas. This was not the case a hundred or more years ago but the commercialization and globalization of this popular holiday led us to that situation.

#D6001C (214,0,28) Christmas Red
#C30F16 (195, 15, 22) Christmas Red Color
#B01B2E (176, 27, 46) Christmas Red
#B11E31 (177, 30, 49) Christmas Red
#B22222 (178, 34, 34) Crayola Christmas Red (Firebrick Color)

As you can see, the shades of red above are not too similar but they still share the same (or almost the same) name thanks to the different standards we are using in the naming of colors. A bit different situation we have when we check the popular paint brands with their vision of Christmas Red.

#6A1219 (106, 18, 25) DecoArt DCA20-9
#B55555 (181, 85, 85) Firebrick Crayola – Christmas Red / Matthews Paint – Hotrod Red 10224
#CB312B (203, 49, 43) FolkArt – Christmas Red 958
#C54245 (197, 66, 69) Kelly-Moore – Christmas Red AC219-R
#BA4546 (186, 69, 70) Christmas Red (AC21-R)

If this is not enough, you can of course use other red shades for your Christmas-related projects. Hundreds are available here:

Gigantic list of red colors with codes.

Christmas Green Shades

If red represents energy, green suggests life. Using evergreen plants for Christmas decor is not a coincidence. Red and green together mean eternity, which is further seen in another typical Christmas element – a wreath.

Our first set of Christmas green hues can be seen below. As you can notice four of the five share the same name, but not the same shade, which is somehow surprisingly light.

#00873E (0, 135, 62) Christmas Green
#1E792C (30, 121, 44) Christmas Green
#007502 (0, 117, 2) Christmas Green
#034F20 (3, 79, 32) Christmas Green
#007A00 (0, 122, 0) Faux-Christmas Green

How about the green paints available in stores and named after Christmas?

best christmas garland

#1BAB6C (27, 171, 108) Anita’s Acrylic Craft Paint Christmas Green
#2A8344 (42, 131, 68) Apple Barrel – Christmas Green / 20429 / 20529
#1C5240 (28, 82, 64) Behr Christmas Tree (8377)
#354938 (53,73,56) Colortrend – Christmas Wreath
#006400 (0, 100, 0) Darkgreen / Dark green (X11) / Crayola – Christmas Green / Plascon – Hollyhock Garden G3-C1-1

We have to admit paint producers have a bit more imagination naming their Christmas greens after the tree or wreath or spruce, to justify so different shades in their offer. But not nearly as often as they could. Just check the next set of five green shades of Christmas colors.

#1D411D (29, 65, 29) DecoArt DCA37-3 Christmas Green
#2C7225A (244, 55, 66) Delta – Christmas Green / 020680202W
#0B6031 (11, 96, 49) DoCraft Christmas Green (DOA763241)
#307A56 (48, 122, 86) Duron 4855N Christmas Green
#00827F (0, 130, 127) Teal green / Devoe Paint – Christmas Spruce / 90GG 15/398

You have probably already noticed there are more greens than red colors related to Christmas on the market. There are probably many reasons for that. One of them is probably the fact green is never as dominant as red, so it’s used more as a background. As such its functionality adjusts to the main color – red.

#007475 (0, 116, 117) ICI Paints – 3971 Christmas Spruce 90GG 15/398
#4B7164 (75, 113, 100) Olympic – Christmas Ivy C62-5
#447266 (68, 114, 102) Porter Paints – Christmas Ivy / 403-6
#007152 (0, 113, 82) Taubmans – Christmas Green / T12 51.H5 / Bristol – Christmas Green P144-C7
#4B7460 (75, 116, 96) Taubmans – Christmas Ivy / T10 54I-1

Of course, you can use many more green shades, which are available at this address:

Enormous list of green colors with codes.

Otherwise, this set of Christmas-related greens roughly concludes our basic possibilities for the red and green combo.

Despite the fact we already have more than a hundred different combinations on the table, we still need one more color at the minimum to complete at least a simple pattern of notorious ugly Christmas sweaters.

Christmas White Colors – Examples

White is an obvious choice for incorporation into a Christmas palette. It can be used as a background for more robust red and green, to divide or to frame them, it can add a pattern on its own or compliment the existing one, and it works great with all additional colors if there are any.

#EDE7DC (237, 231, 220) ICI Paints – 4481 Antique White 40YY 83/043 / Pratt & Lambert – Free Spirit 3-32 / Behr – Christmas Angel EBC-10
#ECEEEA (236, 238, 234) Benjamin Moore – White Christmas / 872 / Winter Snow OC-63
#F6EEDF (246, 238, 223) Dunn-Edwards – Birch White / 2519 / California Paints – DEW 326 – White Christmas / ISOMAT – IST 171-01
#EDEFEB (237, 239, 235) CHROMATIC 0032-Blanc Arcalis – Dorval-CH2
#F6F7EF (246, 247, 239) Ford – Performance White / Matthews Paint – White Christmas 7275

We should not be surprised to see five different shades of Christmas white if we take into account our perception of white which stretches from technically perfect white (HEX / HTML code: #FFFFFF and RGB code: 255, 255, 255) to much more liberal hues with a hint of red, green or blue leading to greyish, creamier, greenish, or even pinkish versions of Christmas white.

Is There a Christmas Brown Too?

Believe it or not, it is. Well, they are. Christmas brown colors are not just a specific set of reds with large amounts of green percentage in RGB, but they form an independent family of colors which can be further divided into two larger groups – darker and lighter. Darker can sometimes flirt with purple tones and lighter (typically named after cactus), with an inclination to pink and yellow.

#73604F (115, 96, 79) Diamond Vogel – Christmas Ornament 0186 / Colortrend – 0186 / ECOS Paints – Christmas Ornament (0186)
#F5AC87 (245, 172, 135) Devoe Paint – Christmas Cactus 58YR 53/342
#F7AF90 (247, 175, 144) Glidden – Christmas Cactus Coral
#F1A686 (241, 166, 134) ICI Paints – Christmas Cactus
#4A3A39 (74, 58, 57) Valspar Christmas Pudding

decorative flameless candless for christmas

Christmas Gold Colors

Gold is another popular Christmas color. It perfectly matches the Sun (Christmas has its roots in pagan celebrations of the re-birth of the Sun) rays or adds to the celebratory feel of the holidays. Gold can be connected to the oldest traditions but thanks to its shiny appearance it’s also welcome addition if we want to add some sparks of joy, youth, and energy.

#CAA906 (202, 169, 6) Christmas Gold
#C1A520 (193, 165, 32) Christmas Gold
#B2B200 (178, 178, 0) Faux-Christmas Gold
#C6A905 (198, 169, 5) Faux-Christmas Gold
#F1D900 (241, 217, 0) Christmas Yellow

Gold is a classic choice for the star on the Christmas tree and even the most conventional gifts look great wrapped in golden wrapping paper or with a golden bow.

Shades and Tints of Christmas Silver Color

Silver is a close relative to gold, a bit more restrained, less extravagant, yet in some cases more classy. Silver can work great in some specific color combinations, so here is a set of Christmas silver colors as web users define them.

#E1DFE0 (225, 223, 224) Christmas Silver
#B5B5B5 (181, 181, 181) Christmas Silver
#E3E1DF (227, 225, 223) Faux-Christmas Silver
#969594 (150, 149, 148) Christmas Grey
#CACBCE (202, 203, 206) Christmas Silver

Christmas Pink with Codes

We could add pink colors to reds, but in Christmas palettes, they have so different usage they deserve a spot on their own. Pink is much more gentle than red, still lively, very feminine, and able to energize a bit duller combos or tranquil too energetic ones.

#E34285 (227, 66, 133) Christmas Pink
#FDCCCF (253, 204, 207) Faux-Christmas Pink
#F8C7CC (248, 199, 204) Faux-Christmas Pink
#FDC9C7 (253, 201, 199) Faux-Christmas Pink
#FFDDBB (255, 221, 187) Christmas Rose

Obviously, the pinks can sometimes look more yellowish or they can border on purple.

Examples of Christmas Purple

Purple is the color of royalties and it pairs great with gold and white. In combination with red and green, we should use it sparingly and be careful especially if there is brown involved as well.

#4D084B (77,8,75) Christmas Purple
#663398 (102, 51, 152) Christmas Purple
#64378D (100, 55, 141) Faux-Christmas Purple
#5D2B2C (93, 43, 44) Christmas Brown
#5A282A (90, 40, 42) Faux-Christmas Brown

Yes, purple can transform into brown very fast.

Codes for Christmas Blue

Yes, blue is so popular, it is used in Christmas palettes too, even if it’s not our first choice. It pairs well with red, white, gold, silver, and pink, but not looks too good with green, brown, or purple. As you can see, designers use Christmas blue tones in lighter and darker versions. Darker as the night sky and lighter as baby blue?

#2A8FBD (42, 143, 189) Christmas Blue
#F2766 (31,39,102) Christmas Blue
#3685C0 (54, 133, 192) Christmas Blue
#317EB4 (49, 126, 180) Faux Christmas Blue
#1D89A8 (29, 137, 168) Faux Christmas Blue

With this huge selection of Christmas colors complete with HEX (HTML) and RGB codes, with trivial and brand names, and of course some useful examples and links to further resources, we end this article. You have the tools to create several million Christmas patterns for your projects. In near future, we’ll add even more colors. Bookmark this page so you’ll find it later. A link from your blog or social profile would be greatly appreciated. And tell your friends!

Merry Christmas:)


Green Color Names: All the Shades with HEX and RGB Codes


Who Can Name All Green Colors?

While word all always sounds a bit too optimistic, we’ll use it for the motivation – to expand already existing 110 shades of green with their names and appropriate HTML codes for every designer, blogger or just color lover who might need a certain tint or hue for green colors.

Green is very interesting if we focus on definition only. It’s one of the basic seven colors in the rainbow, part of the visible spectrum between yellow and blue, having the wavelength between 495 and 570 nm.

It’s a secondary color in the subtractive color system, being a mixture of yellow and blue, but a primary color in additive color system, used in TV technology. If you heard for RGB, you should know G in this abbreviation stands for green.

The simple fact that all colors in this system can be made of three primary colors (Red, Green, and Blue) causes pretty demanding task. Green is of course the color with max value of G (the value of FF in HEX system) and min values of R and B (values of 0), but many other mixtures with lesser amounts of G and higher of R and/or B look more or less greenish too. So several systems for naming these green colors were created.

That means we have literally hundreds, even thousands of different green shades. Some are closer to yellow, some to blue (several languages don’t distinguish between blue and green!), some to gray, etc. This post is an attempt to present as many green colors with their names, sorted in a human friendly way.

The Most Basic Green Colors

Here are two sets of colors, named simply green:


#008000 (0, 128, 0) Green (HTML) aka Office Green aka Green W3C
#00A550 (0, 165, 80) Green (CMYK) aka Pigment Green
#1CAC78 (28, 172, 120) Green (Crayola)
#00A877 (0, 168, 119) Green (Munsell)
#009F6B (0, 159, 107) Green (NCS)

You already noticed simple green is not enough. That’s why we added names of the systems, which used this basic name according to their logics.


#66B032 (102, 176, 50) Green (RYB)
#00FF00 (0, 255, 0) Green (X11)
#484A22 (72,74,34) Green (BS 4800 12 C 40)
#009D74 (35, 164, 128) Green UP (Pantone)
#00AB84 (0, 165, 80) Green C (Pantone)

If you are not familiar with the abbreviations, send me a note in comments. I should probably make a dedicated post on this theme too.

Green Shades Named After Obvious Characteristics

Before any of these classifications was created, people already used adjectives like light, dark, bright, bald, … to better describe the shade of green in question. Let’s look at several such tints:


#66FF00 (102, 255, 0) Bright Green
#ADFF2F (173, 255, 47) Green-Yellow (Chartreuse)
#006400 (0, 100, 0) Dark Green (X11) aka Electric Green aka Lime Green (X11)
#013220 (1, 50, 32) Dark Green
#03C03C (3, 192, 60) Dark Pastel Green

We are already dealing with a huge span of greens, aren’t we? I would like to warn you on the Green-Yellow color, also called Chartreuse (named after a drink, which, by the way, is just one of the many green colored drinks, just read on). Besides a fancy name it’s also a very special color positioned exactly in the middle of yellow and green in the HSV color wheel. This means it’s made of 50% green and 50% yellow.


#004953 (0, 73, 83) Midnight Green
#B4D3B2 (180, 211, 178) Pastel Green
#90EE90 (144, 238, 144) Light Green
#98FB98 (152, 251, 152) Pale Green
#39FF14 (57, 255, 20) Neon Green

Color poetically named Midnight Green is official color of the Philadelphia Eagles of the NFL. Later we’ll find several more examples of different green colors being used for uniforms or other official cases.

#0D865D (13, 134, 93) Bold Green
#5E8C31 (94, 140, 49) Maximum Green
#76FF7A (118, 255, 122) Screamin’ Green
#9ACD32 (154, 205, 50) Yellow-Green
#D9E650 (217, 230, 80) Maximum Green Yellow

Did you notice the differences between Green Yellow, Yellow-Green and Maximum Green Yellow? Such naming quickly leads to further complications. More complex naming system seems inevitable.

Green Color Shades Named After Herbs

Nature is full of green colors. It’s actually the first color we think about when we mention it. Next few sets will be related with nature, starting with herbs.


#A9BA9D (169, 186, 157) Laurel Green
#354230 (53, 66, 48) Kombu Green
#AAF0D1 (170, 240, 209) Magic Mint
#BCB88A (188, 184, 138) Sage Green
#737B6C (115, 123, 108) Thyme Green

We have already mentioned Chartreuse color with its unique position in the color wheel. Sage Green has a similar story. It’s a grey-green resembling the hue of dried sage leaves. As a quaternary color, it is an equal mix of the tertiary colors citron and slate (both confusingly also known as olive in different sources). We’ll come to the olive a bit later, but citron (on of the shades of yellow) and slate (a shade of gray) are discussed in other articles.

In the same palette one of numerous shades of mint is presented. Here are a few more:


#4FFFB0 (79, 255, 176) Bright Mint
#3EB489 (62, 180, 137) Mint aka Mint Leaf
#F5FFFA (245, 255, 250) Mint Cream
#98FB98 (152, 251, 152) Mint Green
#46877F (70, 135, 127) Mint Turquoise (RAL 6033)

Vegetables are green too:


#8F9779 (143, 151, 121) Artichoke
#4B6F44 (75, 111, 68) Artichoke Green (Pantone)
#87A96B (135, 169, 107) Asparagus
#BFD58E (191, 213, 142) Lettuce Green (Pantone)
#909B4C (144, 155, 76) Spinach Green (Pantone)

And so can be fruits. We’ll focus on ripe ones for now …


#8DB600 (141, 182, 0) Apple Green
#A8E4A0 (168,228,160) Granny Smith Apple
#568203 (86, 130, 3) Avocado
#D6D96A (214, 217, 106) Grape Green (Benjamin Moore)
#F0FFF0 (240, 255, 240) Honeydew

Apple Green is another quaternary color on the RYB color wheel, exactly half way between Green and Chartreuse. Honeydew Green got its name after color of the flesh of honeydew melon.


#A1A989 (161, 169, 137) Kiwi Green (Ford)
#BFFF00 (192, 255, 0) Lime
#32CD32 (50, 205, 50) Lime Green
#D1E231 (209, 226, 49) Pear
#93C572 (147, 197, 114) Pistachio

The color Pear, for instance, also belongs to the family of chartreuse, but it’s much closer to yellow than green, so we could technically include it among yellow colors.


#808000 (128, 128, 0) Olive
#556B2F (85, 107, 47) Dark Olive Green
#3B3C36 (59, 60, 54) Black olive
#A0955D (160, 149, 93) Olive Oil (Berger, Scib, Vista Paint)
#847645 (132, 118, 69) Olive Paste (Sico, Crown Diamond)

A subfamily of olive green colors is so popular several paint makers create their own visions of this color. They are mentioned in the brackets right after the commercial names. To be honest we all probably know olives can vary a lot by color.

We are still not finished with the world of green plants.


#4F7942 (79, 121, 66) Fern Green
#4D6F39 (77, 111, 57) Grass Green (RAL 6010)
#6C7C59 (108, 124, 89) Reseda Green
#325928 (50, 89, 40) Leaf Green (RAL 6002)
#2F7532 (47, 117, 50) Japanese Laurel

Bud Spring Green Colors

#A7FC00 (167, 252, 0) Spring Bud
#00FF7F (0, 255, 127) Spring Green
#A3C1AD (163, 193, 173) Cambridge Blue
#ECEBBD (236, 235, 189) Spring Green (Crayola)
#177245 (23, 114, 69) Dark Spring Green

Don’t be fooled by the name Cambridge Blue – it’s a medium tone of spring green, official color brand of Cambridge University.


#00FA9A (0, 250, 154) Medium Spring Green
#C9DC87 (201, 220, 137) Spring Bud (ISCC-NBS)
#BDDA57 (189, 218, 87) June Bud
#7BB661 (123, 182, 97) Bud Green
#4C9141 (76, 145, 65) May Green

Spring is closely associated with color green, even more than winter with color white (many areas of the world hardly know about snow). With all the springs and buds in greenish shades we can definitely expect at least one sub-family of spring-greens:

Viridian Green Colors


#40826D (64, 130, 109) Viridian
#009B7D (0, 155, 125) Paolo Veronese Green
#009698 (0, 150, 152) Viridian Green
#007F66 (0, 127, 102) Generic Viridian
#007F5C (0, 127, 92) Spanish Viridian

Viridian is a dark shade of spring green and a quaternary color on the RYB color wheel. Viridian, of course, has a Latin origin, coming from viridis and meaning  – green.

Last set of vegetation-related greens is related to larger areas dominated by green plants:


#228B22 (34, 139, 34) Forest Green
#29AB87 (41, 171, 135) Jungle Green
#7CFC00 (124, 252, 0) Lawn Green
#30BA8F (48, 186, 143) Mountain Meadow
#495D4E (73, 93, 78) Park Green (Behr)

Animals Can Be Green Too!


#C6D080 (198, 208, 128) Frog Green (Colortrend, Diamond Vogel, ECOS)
#697A64 (105, 122, 100) Grasshopper Green (AMC)
#A7F432 (167, 244, 50) Green Lizard
#74C365 (116, 195, 101) Mantis
#008080 (0, 128, 128) Teal

Now you know frogs are not the only green animals. As a matter of fact, even frogs have so many different hues of green, we should add a family of colors, named after frogs. In the meantime, you can practice by drawing a frog!

Shades Of Green Color Names Related To Specific Places

#1B4D3E (27, 77, 62) Brunswick Green
#72BE6D (114, 190, 109) Dublin (Behr)
#00573F (0, 87, 63) Gotham Green
#195905 Lincoln Green
#50C878 (80, 200, 120) Paris Green

Brunswick Green is named after Braunschweig, Germany. It’s the color of famous pool tables. gotham, of course is one of the nicknames for New York. This particular tint is official color of NY Jets. You probably also noticed Dublin Green. Dublin, the capital of Ireland, has its own color, but this is not he only shade associated with Ireland.

Irish Green Color Shades


#004225 (1, 66, 37) BRG aka British Racing Green
#00FF40 (0, 255, 64) Erin
#4CBB17 (76, 187, 23) Kelly Green
#009B69 (0, 155, 105) St. Patrick (Dutch Boy)
#009E60 (0, 158, 96) Shamrock Green aka Irish Green

You may ask why color BRG (British Racing Green) belongs to Irish colors. The reason is simple. When the racing teams were established, racing was still illegal in Great Britain. so they moved to Ireland and took their color for the color of the team.

And if you didn’t know – Erin is a poetic name for Ireland.


#006A4E (0, 106, 78) Bangladesh Green aka Bottle Green
#138808 (19, 136, 8) India Green
#306030 (48, 96, 48) Mughal Green
#01411C (1, 65, 28) Pakistan Green
#00A693 (0, 166, 147) Persian Green

We have more places associated with green.


#00CC99 (0, 204, 153) Caribbean Green
#5F996B (95, 153, 107) Jamaica Green (Ralph Lauren)
#679267 (103, 146, 103) Russian Green
#043927 (0, 78, 56) Sacramento State Green
#009150 (0, 145, 80) Spanish Green

How About A Green Drink?

We promised to include a few colors named after green drinks and here they are.


#76B583 (118, 181, 131) Absinthe Green (Pantone)
#C9D77E (201, 215, 126) Daiquiri Green (Pantone)
#87F134 (135, 241, 52) Verde Manzana Green
#2A603B (42, 96, 59) Midori Green
#D0F0C0 (208, 240, 192) Tea Green

With this we conclude a list of 120 different shades of green colors. To be continued!


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