There are several definitions of violet color. It all started with Isaac Newton who defined certain wavelengths (from 380 to 435 nm) of visible light as violet. The name came from the flowers of violet color. This is where things might become a bit complicated because we know several kinds of different violets and each one of them can vary a bit in shades.
In the RGB model violet is made by mixing blue and red with blue as the dominant light and in the CMYK model by using magenta and cyan with magenta as the dominant pigment. On the color wheel, we can find it between blue and magenta.
This article will present many different shades of violet with examples. Here you’ll find names, HTML codes, and RGB codes. Some of the shades will inevitably overlap with other colors where blue and red are also the main ingredients. The aim of this article is to collect as many shades as possible in one place in logical order which is useful for everybody interested in color violet. If you find it interesting, share it with your friends.

#7F00FF (127, 0, 255) Violet
#EE82EE (238, 130, 238) Violet (Web)
#8B00FF (139, 0, 255) True Violet
#53357D (83, 53, 125) Prism Violet
#9400D3 (148, 0, 211) Violet Ink

Photo of violet – a beautiful example of blue-red combo
Dark Violet Color

#8000FF (128, 0, 255) Dark Violet
#330066 (51, 0, 102) Deep Violet Color
#784384 (120, 67, 132) Night Violet
#6A75AD (106, 117, 173) Midnight Violet
#4F566C (79, 86, 108) Heavy Violet
As you can see we already have a bit of a problem with naming. There are already two colors named simply violet but by different standards. There are also two colors named Dark Violet (the other has HEX code #9400D3) and with Deep Violet we only open the doors to more interpretations.
At least we can conclude that the general perception of violet is that it’s a color where we have more blue than red in the mixture. We’ll of course find some exceptions as well but these will soon lead to other names.

#9F00FF (159, 0, 255) Vivid Violet
#645394 (100, 83, 148) Ultra Violet
#8F00FF (143, 0, 255) Electric Violet
#AA00FF (170, 0, 255) Digital Violet
#661188 (102, 17, 136) Extraviolet
Violet can be a pretty energetic and intense color. According to the names above it’s very fashionable as well. So if you need ultra violet RGB code or want to know what Electric Violet Color looks like, you are in the right place.
Violet Colors Names in Combination with Other Colors

#C71585 (199, 21, 133) Red-Violet
#F75394 (247, 83, 148) Violet-Red
#BB3385 (187, 51, 133) Medium Red-Violet
#47243C (71, 36, 60) Purple Violet
#B197BE (177, 151, 190) Purple Violet (Dutch Boy)

#553592 (85, 53, 146) Magenta Violet
#9B8E8E (155, 142, 142) Grey Violet
#C71585 (199, 21, 133) Medium Violet Red
#8A2BE2 (138, 43, 226) Blue-Violet
#324AB2 (50, 74, 178) Violet-Blue
These are only a few examples. Dozens of paint makers offer their unique mixtures of violet paints where additional color is added to violet.
Light Violet Shades
Light shades of violet are especially popular as wall paints due to their soothing/relaxing effect. It is believed that light violet shades act especially stimulative on intellectual activities. Here are a few bright, pastel, pale, soft, and other light violet colors with HEX and RGB codes.

#CB99C9 (203, 153, 201) Pastel Violet
#EE82EE (238, 130, 238) Bright Violet
#8F7DA5 (143, 125, 165) Chalk Violet
#803790 (128, 55, 144) Dull Violet
#DDBEDD (221, 190, 221) Faded Violet

#DB7093 (219, 112, 147) Pale Violet Red
#DBD7E4 (219, 215, 228) Misty Violet
#D4B8BF (212, 184, 191) Melting Violet
#D1C0BF (209, 192, 191) Hushed Violet
#643A4C (100, 58, 76) Crushed Violets
Violet Color and Feelings
Like all colors, violet affects our mood. Names, related to feelings, are expected and here they are.

#8C667A (140, 102, 122) Sweet Violet
#59394C (89, 57, 76) Dulcet Violet
#B29E9E (178, 158, 158) Subtle Violet
#5F4D50 (95, 77, 80) Vicarious Violet
#8F509D (143, 80, 157) Vicious Violet

#634F62 (99, 79, 98) Vintage Violet
#B079A7 (176, 121, 167) Victorian Violet
#43354F (67, 53, 79) Velvet Violet
#B19CD9 (177, 156, 217) Violet Velvet
#C193C0 (193, 147, 192) Violet Tulle
Violet Colors Named after Countries
Colors are never not just pure physics. They are cultural products as well. Here are some examples of the perception of the violets around the globe.

#B284BE (178, 132, 190) African Violet
#551B8C (85, 27, 140) American Violet
#8B818C (139, 129, 140) Asian Violet
#856088 (133, 96, 136) Chinese Violet
#563C5C (86, 60, 92) English Violet
To be honest, the African Violet color got its name after the flower, not after the continent. Anyway, the flower is named after Africa, and you’ll have a chance to find many more kinds of violet colors named after flowers and other plants. A bit later, of course.

#8806CE (136, 6, 206) French Violet
#5B3256 (91, 50, 86) Japanese Violet (JTC Violet)
#32174D (50, 23, 77) Russian Violet
#81007f (129, 0, 127) Philippine Violet
#4C2882 (76, 40, 130) Spanish Violet (G&S)

#4D517F (77, 81, 127) Roman Violet
#777CB0 (119, 124, 176) Ontario Violet
#32127A (50, 18, 122) Persian Indigo
#8C8EB2 (140, 142, 178) Persian Violet aka Viola Odarata aka Ogleia
#702963 (112, 41, 99) Byzantium

#66023C (102, 2, 60) Tyrian Purple
#55455A (85, 69, 90) Parma Violet
#DABAD1 (2018, 186, 209) Venitian Violet
#CDA4DE (205, 164, 222) Tropical Violet
#AA55FF (170, 85, 255) Vega Violet
As you probably noticed our world is not enough for naming all the violet shades. We had to name one after Vega!
Violet Shades Named after Flowers
We have already stated that color got its name after the flower named violet. Even more, the color named African Violet is named after the flower with the same name. And so on. To avoid complications, we’ll just continue with the violet shades named after flowers.

#B57EDC (181, 126, 220) Lavender
#EE82EE (238, 130, 238) Lavender Violet
#D8BFD8 (216, 191, 216) Thistle
#8D4687 (141, 70, 135) Hyacinth Violet
#C9A0DC (201, 160, 220) Wisteria
Lavender is known in so many different shades that the creation of a whole family of lavender colors is necessary. Don’t worry, it’s already on my to-do-list.

#DF73FF (223, 115, 255) Heliotrope
#78184A (120, 24, 74) Pansy Purple
#DA70D6 (218, 112, 214) Orchid
#A020F0 (160, 32, 240) Veronica
#DF00FF (223, 0, 255) Phlox
Orchid is another popular color with numerous variations, so expect a dedicated article about orchid colors as well.

#9867C5 (152, 103, 197) Iris
#BE93E4 (190, 147, 228) Periwinkle Purple
#60536B (96, 83, 107) Heather
#653780 (101, 55, 128) Kingfisher Daisy
#B7AED6 (183, 174, 214) Allium Flower

Iris is just one of many violet colored flowers.

#A797BE (167, 151, 190) Viola Campanula
#764F82 (118, 79, 130) Meadow Violet
#904FEF (144, 79, 239) Pericallis Hybrida
#9E91C3 (158, 145, 195) Violet Tulip
#75406A (117, 64, 106) Wood Violet

#4B0082 (75, 0, 130) Indigo
#6600FF (102, 0, 255) Electric Indigo
#E0B0FF (224, 176, 255) Mauve (Mallow)
#D473D4 (212, 115, 212) French Mauve
#8D029B (141, 2, 155) Mauveine
While Mauveine sounds related to Mauve it’s actually the first synthetic dye, created by William Henry Perkin in 1865 while attempting to create a chemical with properties of quinine. This accidentally made dye is also called Aniline Purple, Purple Aniline, Perkin’s Mauve, or Perkin’s Mallow.
Violet Fruits
Violet fruits are relatively rare. We (and other fruit eaters) tend to associate blueish hues with decay. But we still got a few to show.

#6F2DA8 (111, 45, 168) Grape
#764663 (118, 70, 99) Crushed Grape
#58427C (88, 66, 124) Cyber Grape Purple
#410056 (65, 0, 86) Ripe Plum
#DDA0DD (221, 160, 221) Plum

#C54B8C (197, 75, 140) Mulberry
#D05FAD (208, 95, 173) Hopbush
#705160 (112, 81, 96) Kalamata
#311432 (49, 20, 50) Eggplant
#540E32 (84, 14, 50) Black Currant
Food and Drink of Different Violet Shades

#290916 (41, 9, 22) Raisin
#2C041C (44, 4, 28) Wine
#4D0F28 (77, 15, 40) Sangria
#9A2CA0 (154, 44, 160) Pizza Edge
#8601BF (134, 1, 191) Violet Poison
Yes, you got it right, there is a color named after poison. And no, nothing is wrong with your computer. some violet shades are just so dark they look almost black.
How About Violet Animals?
Believe it or not, we managed to find five shades of violet named after animals to create a group for this area too.

#898D9B (137, 141, 155) Amethyst Starling
#D89FA8 (216, 159, 168) Hummingbird
#D4CEDE (212, 206, 222) Butterfly Kiss
#926EAE (146, 110, 174) Violet Frog
#AE5883 (174, 88, 131) Guppy Violet

By the way, the fish above is called guppy.
Violet Colored Minerals
There are several minerals and metals of different violet shades. We actually used all suitable materials.

Photo of amethyst crystal (violet color is a result of iron particles)

#9966CC (153, 102, 204) Amethyst
#8B4963 (139, 73, 99) Violet Quartz
#B768A2 (183, 104, 162) Pearly Purple
#AD0AFD (173, 10, 253) Cadmium Violet
#9782AB (151, 130, 171) Manganese Violet
Did you know that amethyst, a violet variety of quartz, is the birthstone for the month of February?

#8C7EAF (140, 126, 175) Purple Agate
#4E4562 (78, 69, 98) Fluorite Violet
#5B0A91 (91, 10, 145) Metallic Violet
#C2ACB1 (194, 172, 177) Violet Ice
#674876 (103, 72, 118) Neon Violet
Royalty and Violet
Violet, as the close relative of purple, has been associated with royalty and authority for many centuries.

#602F6B (96, 47, 107) Imperial
#604E7A (96, 78, 122) Imperial Palace
#21303E (33, 48, 62) Imperial Primer
#A298A2 (162, 152, 162) Regal Violet
#522D80 (82, 45, 128) Regalia Purple

#493F5E (73, 63, 94) Prince Charming
#720058 (114, 0, 88) Pompadour
#4E4260 (78, 66, 96) Royal Indigo
#9A4961 (154, 73, 97) King’s Cloak
#644982 (100, 73, 130) Violet Majesty

#6C3082 (108, 48, 130) Eminence
#723E64 (114, 62, 100) Violet Episcopal
#6F3096 (111, 48, 150) Tacao
#86608E (134, 96, 142) Pomp and Power
#A09EC6 (160, 158, 198) Opulent Violet
Weather and Nature Cycles Related Violet Colors

#4D4860 (77, 72, 96) Violet Shadow
#5C619D (92, 97, 157) Violet Storm
#7C6D80 (124, 109, 128) Thunder
#CCD0CF (204, 208, 207) Violet Cloud
#A387AC (163, 135, 172) Violet Eclipse
We could go on and on but it’s time to finish the article for the present. We just need to check a few violet shades with surprising names.
Violet Colors with Unusual Names

#6F4685 (111, 70, 133) Affair
#B0306A (176, 48, 106) Boss’s Jokes
#6F456E (111, 69, 110) Long Distance
#8E4785 (142, 71, 133) Lipstick Stain
#C9A0FF (201, 160, 255) Good Tax

#592720 (89, 39, 32) Caput Mortuum
#8D4E85 (141, 78, 133) Razzmic Berry Purple
#CEA2FD (206, 162, 253) Early Bird
#5D06E9 (93, 6, 233) Gonzo Violet
#7058A3 (112, 88, 163) Sumire Violet
Don’t ask how each of these colors got their name. We can tell you only that Sumire means lovely or graceful in Japanese. It’s a pretty common girl’s name.
So here we are – with 150 shades of violet. Maybe we’ll add more if there’s interest among our audience. This means it’s up to you, actually. Share this article with your friends and good things will happen. Bye.